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jQuery Performance Tips & Tricks

jQuery Performance Tips & Tricks

A talk outlining several jQuery performance tips, tricks and best practices that are useful to keep in mind when developing using the library.

Addy Osmani

October 29, 2011

More Decks by Addy Osmani

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  1. About Me Senior Web Developer (currently a PM) jQuery Bug

    Triage, API Docs and Blogging teams Write for .NET magazine, my site and a few other places.
  2. Why Performance? Best practices are very important Don’t follow them

    and browsers end up having to do more work More work = more memory usage = slower apps..and you don’t want that.
  3. Tip 1: Stay up to date! ALWAYS use the latest

    version of jQuery core Performance improvements and bug fixes are usually made between each version Older versions (eg. 1.4.2) won’t offer these instant benefits
  4. Tip 2: Know Your Selectors All selectors are NOT created

    equally Fastest to slowest selectors are: ◦ The  ID  Selectors  (“#AnElementWithID”) ◦ Element  selectors  (“form”,  “input”,  etc.) ◦ Class  selectors  (“.someClass”) ◦ Pseudo  &  Attribute  selectors  (“:visible,  :hidden,   [attribute=value]  etc.”) ID and element are fastest as backed by native DOM operations.
  5. Pseudo-selectors: powerful but slow :hidden (above) is powerful but must

    be run against all the elements in your search space Pseudo/Attrib selectors have no browser-based call to take advantage of if  (  jQuery.expr  &&  jQuery.expr.filters  )  {   jQuery.expr.filters.hidden  =  function(  elem  )  {     var  width  =  elem.offsetWidth,       height  =  elem.offsetHeight;     return  (width  ===  0  &&  height  ===  0)  ||  (! jQuery.support.reliableHiddenOffsets  &&  (elem.style.display  ||  jQuery.css (  elem,  "display"  ))  ===  "none");   };   jQuery.expr.filters.visible  =  function(  elem  )  {     return  !jQuery.expr.filters.hidden(  elem  );   }; }
  6. //Selectors 1)  $(".child",  $parent).show();  (Scope) 2)  $parent.find(".child").show();  (using  find()) 3)

     $parent.children(".child").show();  (immediate  children) 4)  $("#parent  >  .child").show();  (via  CSS  selector) 5)  $("#parent  .child").show();  (same  as  2) A Look At Parents & Children
  7. Tip 3: Caching = Win. Each $(‘.whatever’) will re-run your

    search of the DOM and return a new collection Bad! - use caching! (ie. parents. find(‘.child’)) You can then do whatever.show()/hide/stuff to your heart’s content. var  parents  =    $(‘.parents’); var  children  =  $(‘.parents’).find(‘.child’)  //bad
  8. Tip 4: Chaining Almost all jQuery methods return a jQuery

    Object and support chaining After you’ve run a method on your selection, you can continue running more! Less code, easier to write and it runs faster! var  parents  =    $(‘.parents’).doSomething().doSomethingElse();
  9. No-chaining vs. chaining //Without  chaining $(‘#notification’).fadeIn(‘slow’); $(‘#notification’).addClass(‘.activeNotification’); $(‘#notification’).css(‘marginLeft’,  ‘50px’); //With

     chaining $(‘#notification’).fadeIn(‘slow’)                                    .addClass(‘.activeNotification’)                                          .css(‘marginLeft’,  ‘50px’);
  10. Tip 5: Event Delegation Understand .bind(), .live() and .delegate() -

    do you REALLY know the differences? Delegates let you attach an event handler to a common parent of your elements rather than a discrete one to each of them Also fires for NEW DOM nodes too Use when binding same handler to multiple elements
  11. Tip 6: The DOM isn’t a Database! jQuery lets you

    treat it like one, but that doesn’t make it so Every DOM insertion is costly Minimize by building HTML strings and using single a single append() as late as possible Use detach() if doing heavy interaction with a node then re-insert it when done
  12. Quick Tip: Attaching Data A common way of attaching data

    is But this is significantly faster... $(‘#item’).data(key,value); $.data(‘#item’,  key,value);                                    
  13. Tip 7: Avoid Loops. Nested DOM Selectors can perform better

    If not necessary, avoid loops. They’re slow in every programming language If possible, use the selector engine instead to address the elements that are needed There *are* places where loops can’t be substituted but try your best to optimize
  14. Loops //Slow! $('#menu  a.submenu').each(     function(index){      

    $(this).doSomething()                        .doSomethingElse(); }); //Better! $('#menu a.submenu').doSomething() .doSomethingElse();
  15. Tip 8: Keep your code DRY /*Non-Dry*/ /*Let's  store  some

     default  values  in  an  array*/ var  defaultSettings  =  {}; defaultSettings['carModel']      =  'Mercedes'; defaultSettings['carYear’]          =  2010; defaultSettings['carMiles']      =  5000; defaultSettings['carTint']        =  'Metallic  Blue';   /*Let's  do  something  with  this  data  if  a  checkbox  is  clicked*/ $('.someCheckbox').click(function(){                      if  (this.checked){                                                $('#input_carModel').val(activeSettings.carModel);                $('#input_carYear').val(activeSettings.carYear);                $('#input_carMiles').val(activeSettings.carMiles);                $('#input_carTint').val(activeSettings.carTint);    }  else  {                                                  $('#input_carModel').val('');                          $('#input_carYear').val('');                  $('#input_carMiles').val('');                $('#input_carTint).val('');  } });
  16. DRY-er code /*Dry*/ $('.someCheckbox').click(function(){            

               var  checked  =  this.checked;        /*                What  are  we  repeating?                1.  input_  precedes  each  field  name                2.  accessing  the  same  array  for  settings                3.  repeating  value  resets                    What  can  we  do?                1.  programmatically  generate  the  field  names                2.  access  array  by  key                  3.  merge  this  call  using  terse  coding  (ie.  if  checked,                          set  a  value,  otherwise  don't)        */                  $.each(['carModel',  'carYear',  'carMiles',  'carTint'],  function(i,key){                              $('#input_'  +  v).val(checked  ?  defaultSettings[key]  :  '');              }); });
  17. When in doubt - Perf test! jsPerf.com - easy way

    to create tests comparing the perf of different JS snippets Uses Benchmark.js - a neat benchmarking utility that works cross-platform Easy to share your code or modify other tests
  18. Thats it! Thanks to Matt Baker over at WealthFront for

    his very useful reference material Twitter: @addyosmani / @addy_osmani For my blog: http://addyosmani.com GitHub: http://github.com/addyosmani