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Building Digital Trust Through Stakeholder Enga...

Building Digital Trust Through Stakeholder Engagement and Sustainability

As the digital landscape evolves, the intersection of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and sustainability is becoming increasingly significant.

Agencies, brands and all stakeholders must ensure they incorporate sustainability practices in their business, web or marketing operations.

This talk was delivered live on the 4th October, 2024 at the brightonSEO.

Oluwatobi Fola Balogun

October 07, 2024

Other Decks in Marketing & SEO


  1. The world is quickly moving towards sustainability, and digital digital

    marketers need to to adapt to this shift. brightonSEO October 2024
  2. More than ever, customers, partners, and and even investors expect

    transparency, transparency, ethical practices, and meaningful engagement. linkedin.com/in/tobybalogun #brightonSEO
  3. 2000 30% There are now over 2000 B Corps in

    the UK. Is your company? of people would rather spend their money with companies that deliver on their social responsibilities. Some Susty Stats
  4. 79% of consumers are more likely to trust a brand

    that is environmentally and socially responsible. The Capgemini Research Institute #brightonSEO
  5. Consumer Expectations Are Changing SEO is more than rankings; it's

    about trust and authenticity. Consumers value brands aligned with ethics & sustainability. Digital trust builds long-term relationships. 01 02 03 #brightonSEO
  6. This data emphasizes the growing importance of sustainability in shaping

    consumer behaviour. Source: PwC’s Voice of the Consumer Survey 2024 #brightonSEO
  7. Sustainability and Long-term Value STAKEHOLDERS ARE DRIVEN BY? Ethical Business

    Practices Engagement and Communication Innovation and Forward- Thinking Solutions Transparency and Accountability Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Alignment 01 02 03 04 05 06 #brightonSEO
  8. Higher engagement: Search engines like Google prioritize websites that offer

    valuable, transparent content. The most important SEO factor is Quality Content. Google wants to show users high-quality, informative, and relevant content (sustainability reports). Source: Google Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines and Backlinto #brightonSEO
  9. An effective SEO strategy can highlight your website's signals of

    Expertise, Authority, and Trust (EAT), particularly in demonstrating your company's commitment to sustainability. #brightonSEO linkedin.com/in/tobybalogun
  10. Optimise your website website for speed and and performance to

    align with your sustainability mission. mission. 1 Optimised websites consume less energy, energy, improve SEO, SEO, and earn better Google rankings through enhanced user user experiences. WHY ? Create a sustainability landing page to showcase showcase your brand's environmental commitment, boosting consumer trust and signaling values to search search engines. 2 Integrate SEO and Sustainability Sustainability linkedin.com/in/tobybalogun #brightonSEO
  11. Websites running on sustainable energy (e.g., renewable-powered hosting) have significantly

    lower carbon footprints, often 95% lower than those hosted on traditional energy sources (Source: EcoPing) #brightonSEO linkedin.com/in/tobybalogun
  12. Sustainable SEO Goals Enhance online presence through authentic engagement and

    transparent communication strategies. #brightonSEO linkedin.com/in/tobybalogun
  13. Sustainable SEO Goals Enhance user experience with energy-efficient website designs

    – gives assurance of sustainability commitment. #brightonSEO linkedin.com/in/tobybalogun
  14. Collaboration Partnering with environmental organisations, certifications from trusted bodies ,

    and adhering to global standards lend credibility to sustainability efforts. #brightonSEO linkedin.com/in/tobybalogun
  15. The shift toward sustainability is a journey, not a quick

    marketing fix, and brands that prioritize ethical practices will build lasting relationships. Remember #brightonSEO
  16. Storytelling With Impact Ethical marketing focuses on telling the true

    stories behind a brand's efforts. #brightonSEO linkedin.com/in/tobybalogun
  17. Sustainability and SEO can coexist for a for a better

    tomorrow and healthier planet. — FACTS!!
  18. Invest in Community Engagement Create groups to deliver sustainability goals

    and promote it widely. Engage stakeholders through meaningful sustainability initiatives. Drive sustainable initiatives for mutual benefit and community impact. Optimizing for Eco- conscious Consumers Target environmentally aware audiences effectively online. Measuring Sustainability Impact Online Using analytics to track eco-impact performance. Exploring SEO and Sustainability Concepts
  19. Building Digital Trust: • Transparency: Open about challenges and progress

    in sustainability. • Action-Oriented: Aligns business decisions with environmental commitments, like protecting public lands. Engagement Metrics: • Increased Shares: Sustainability content widely shared across social media. • High-Quality Backlinks: Credible backlinks from sources like National Geographic boost SEO. • Improved Brand Perception: Consistently ranked among top sustainable brands, enhancing trust. • Higher Engagement: Longer time spent on product pages tied to sustainability. Patagonia’s Impact on Digital Trust and Engagement Metrics linkedin.com/in/tobybalogun #brightonSEO
  20. Both brands are very different, one is a corporate website

    and the other is an e- commerce site! Case Study - #brightonSEO
  21. Unilever: More technical SEO that emphasizes carbon reduction, energy efficiency,

    and corporate credibility. Patagonia: More content-driven SEO focusing on consumer engagement and product sustainability. - #brightonSEO @tobydonut
  22. Patagonia, focuses more on sustainability content creation and user engagement

    through initiatives like the Worn Wear program and their environmental activism. This boosts SEO through backlinks and content sharing. #brightonSEO @tobydonut
  23. www.websitecarbon.com Metrics provided for Unilever indicate a strong emphasis on

    reducing carbon emissions from web operations, which may indicate a deeper integration of eco-friendly web performance practices.
  24. SEO Implications: Unilever's approach— optimizing for low energy consumption and

    sustainable hosting—can be considered a more technical SEO strategy tied directly to energy efficiency and sustainability. Patagonia leans more toward content-driven SEO, tied to its sustainability message and activism. #brightonSEO
  25. Success beyond Rankings SEO success should include trust trust metrics,

    not just keyword keyword rankings. Are visitors engaging with and sharing your sustainability content? How are people responding to your sustainability initiatives? 01 02 03 #brightonSEO @tobydonut
  26. Green hosting services that run on renewable energy will likely

    become more common and influential in SEO rankings.. Future of SEO #brightonSEO @tobydonut
  27. Future of SEO Major search engines like Google have started

    emphasizing Core Web Vitals, which measure aspects of user experience like load time, interactivity, and visual stability. In the future, we may see eco- friendliness as a direct ranking signal. #brightonSEO @tobydonut
  28. SEO is shifting towards trust and authentic engagement, beyond mere

    visibility. Key Takeaways linkedin.com/in/tobybalogun #brightonSEO
  29. Integrate sustainability sustainability into your your digital strategy to to

    enhance credibility and and loyalty. Key Takeaways linkedin.com/in/tobybalogun #brightonSEO
  30. Choose hosting services that run on renewable energy. Action 2

    Action 4 Action 1 Action 3 Action Items Use tools to measure your website's carbon footprint. Use data for Impact Storytelling. Showcase sustainability credentials as part of your brand’s SEO strategy to build credibility and trust. #brightonSEO