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Get to know GDSC and why you should join us

Adi Masmudi
October 24, 2022

Get to know GDSC and why you should join us

this is a presentation deck of the first speaker that bring a session to introduce GDSC to the university student and the reason why they should join us

Adi Masmudi

October 24, 2022

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  1. About Google Developer Student Club University based community groups for

    students interested in Google technologies. Students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment and build solutions that solve local problems Website : gdsc.community.dev
  2. GDSC started in India in 2017... As a way to

    bridge the gap between theory and practice. We aimed to provide students the resources and experiences to be more industry ready.
  3. GDSC Chapter Universitas Trunojoyo Madura This is the 2nd year

    of GDSC in Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. We have commitment to be a good place for students to connect, learn, and grow together. We will also be a platform to accommodate the talent and interest of the student to learn about new technology and build projects to solve local society problems. Website : https://gdsc.community.dev/universitas-trunojoyo-madura/ Instagram : @gdsc.trunojoyo
  4. You are part of a global community 1,500 GDSC in

    100+ countries 1M developers reached
  5. Our awesome Events • Google Kickstart • Compose Camp •

    Devfest • Hackfest • Google I/O Extended • Google Solution Challenge
  6. Our goal is to create impact. Impact students and empower

    them to impact their communities through technology.
  7. Fika Hastarita Rachman, S.T., M.Eng Faculty Advisor GDSC Trunojoyo Madura

    2022 Kepala Jurusan Teknik Informatika Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
  8. Academic in Charge Andrian Dwi Baitur Rizky Co - Web

    Informatics Engineering’20 Wahyu Cahyanto Bayu A Web Informatics Engineering’22 Nicola Yanni Alivant Android Informatics Engineering’20 David Nasrulloh UI/UX Information System’19
  9. Academic in Charge Sukron Chafidhi Machine Learning Mechanical Engineering’19 Tsaqib

    Abyan Google Cloud Informatics Engineering’20 Muhammad Kurnia Sani Data Analytics Informatics Engineering’20
  10. Event Organizer Putri Lailatul Maghfiroh Informatics Engineering’19 Risma Ramadhaningtias Informatics

    Engineering’21 Hesa Firdaus Economic Development’21 Mohammad Ahsanul A Informatics Engineering’19
  11. External Affair Mochammad Rizki Aji S Informatics Engineering’20 Mukhammad Syaifuddin

    Information System’19 Raihan Azi Wibisono marine science’21
  12. Media & Creative Designer Aurelia Putri Yasmine Informatics Engineering’21 Sayyidi

    Makhdum Informatics Engineering’19 Aqiqul Putra Z Informatics Education’21