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Running DSpace

Alan Orth
October 28, 2013

Running DSpace

A technical talk about CGSpace in the CGIAR, and what it takes to keep it up and running (including the people, skills, tools, and workflows).

Alan Orth

October 28, 2013

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  1. Instance Overview CGSpace (cgspace.cgiar.org) • “Production” • Should always be

    up & stable • Is the “reference” implementation DSpace Test (dspacetest.cgiar.org) • “Development” • Changes to style, functionality, DSpace etc are tested here first • Sometimes wiped clean
  2. Living With Legacy Decisions... CGSpace and DSpace Test on the

    same machine… • In 2010 CGSpace had a fraction of the content, users, etc, so it didn’t affect the running of the system • Not true anymore! • 100s of 1000s of monthly views... • Large assetstore, log files, RAM / CPU usage, etc
  3. How The Code Is Organized Production code lives in the

    3_x-prod branch; this is stable, tested code. Updates (if any) come from the development branch on Monday. Development code lives in the 3_x-dev branch; this is semi-tested code! Changes throughout the week.
  4. “Social Coding” on GitHub • Anyone can “fork” the code

    repository to their own GitHub account • Source code repositories can share code via “pull requests” • Developers can comment on changes and discuss issues GitHub “OctoCat”
  5. • Sending changes is good, but leaves the burden of

    merging to me • Sending patches is better, but requires sender to know how to generate them • Sending a pull request is best, but requires sender knows how to use git, branches, etc Workflow Lessons Learned
  6. Scenario: Create A New Theme Creating an XMLUI theme for

    a new community 1. Create community in DSpace (ie, 10568/38440) 2. Add custom metadata (ie, cg.subject.bioversity) 3. Add custom submission template (input-forms.xml) 4. Copy existing XMLUI theme (ie ILRI) as a reference, and customize for center-specific metadata, look & feel, etc 5. Update search & browse indexes (dspace.cfg) 6. Update XMLUI config for new theme (xmlui.xconf)
  7. DSpace Sysadmin Crashcourse DSpace... • is a Java application •

    builds using maven and ant • uses PostgreSQL as a database backend • stores PDFs and other blobs in the filesystem (“assetstore”) • runs best on Linux
  8. Why Not Use Tomcat Directly? Any sysadmin will tell you

    that working with Tomcat is a joy*. Surprisingly**, these things are annoying in Tomcat: • Virtual hosting • SSL • redirects • caching and manipulating headers *for some definitions of “joy” **not surprising, actually
  9. Essential Technical Skills Managing a DSpace instance doesn’t require “programmers”

    or “developers” (but it doesn’t hurt). Mainly, you’ll need: • Linux experience (Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu) • Administration experience (web servers, log files, cron jobs, security) • Software development concepts (git, patches, branching/merging)