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2022 - Forum PA

2022 - Forum PA

Introduction to NeosCogen and A2A joint project using machine learning and computer vision for PA


May 04, 2022

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  1. NOME CLIENTE 04/05/22 Who am I? Luca Bianchi, PhD Chief

    Technology Officer @ Neosperience AWS Hero, passionate about serverless and machine learning github.com/aletheia https://it.linkedin.com/in/lucabianchipavia https://speakerdeck.com/aletheia www.ai4devs.io @bianchiluca

    companies take advantage 
 of today changes by turning digital technologies 
 into business bene fi ts. We combine the greatest exper ti se in Ar tifi cial Intelligence and cloud technologies with crea ti vi ty 
 and experience in driving the evolu ti on of business models. We help organiza ti ons star ti ng from the de fi ni ti on 
 of a strategy that an ti cipates trends, up to the design and implementa ti on of the company's digital products 
 and services. We use proven agile methodologies to quickly move from design to implementa ti on of advanced digital solu ti ons across all industrial sectors. TO THE POWER OF EMPATHY

    COMMUNICATIONS FINANCIAL SERVICES, TRAVEL & TRANSPORTATION, GOVERNMENT AUTOMOTIVE, HEALTHCARE & INDUSTRY TO THE POWER OF EMPATHY 700+ Best-In-Class Customers Neosperience in 2014 has been selected as the most innovative Italian company, receiving the most prestigious prize awarded annually by the President of the Italian Republic. The Neosperience platform has proven its excellence over the years getting the most important awards in the world of technology, including: •  2015 Aviva Digital On •  2014 GrandPrix •  Gartner Cool Vendor 2013 •  Red Herring Top 100 Global 2013 •  IAB Mixx Award 2013 •  Red Herring Top 100 Europe 2012 Neosperience in 2014 has been selected as the most innovative Ital company, receiving the most prestigious prize awarded annually the President of the Italian Republic The Neosperience platform has pro its excellence over the years getting the most important awards in the world of technology, including: •  2015 Aviva Digital On •  2014 GrandPrix •  Gartner Cool Vendor 2013 •  Red Herring Top 100 Global 20 •  IAB Mixx Award 2013 •  Red Herring Top 100 Europe 20 Neosperience was selected by Gartner 
 as Cool Vendor and as one of the six most innova ti ve platforms in the world 
 in Customer Analy ti cs, with over 20 men ti ons in its reports. Listed since February 2019 on the Euronext Growth list, Neosperience was selected in 2022 as a growth leader by the Financial Times and the Sole 24 Ore.

    digital platform and corporate startup. 
 Design brand digital iden ti ty and develop 
 cloud-na ti ve architecture. ATTRACT 
 NEW CUSTOMER Carry out digital marke ti ng 
 and lead genera ti on ac ti vi ti es to create 
 direct and empathe ti c rela ti onships. ENGAGE CUSTOMERS O ff er 
 virtual and augmented experiences. 
 Op ti mize 
 impact and memorabili ty of contents. CREATE AND DEVELOP OF CUSTOMER COMMUNITIES Observe, analyze e understand 
 customer by listening the Voice of Customer. 
 Innovate the processes of Customer Experience Management e personalize the communica ti on 
 according to the interests and the psychographic pro fi le of customers. GROW 
 SALES REVENUES Develop Digital Commerce systems, 
 both Direct-to-Consumer and Business-to- Business, also in China and APAC markets. 
 Sell con fi gurable complex products. Generate recurring subscrip ti on-based revenue. CREATE DIGITAL PRODUCTS Gain an Agile approach to the Digital Customer Experience. 
 Create bespoke digital products. IMPROVE OPERATING MARGINS Digi ti ze opera ti onal processes through 
 the design and implementa ti on of ERP, Insight Engine, Industrial IoT, Customer Service systems. STRATEGY, TECHNOLOGY, CREATIVE 6
  5. TO THE POWER OF EMPATHY 7 Pioneering Creates the first

    mobile loyalty platform for Oracle. Partner of Amazon Web Services. Positioning Creates Disney’s digital publishing ecosystem and first mobile banking platform for UBI Bank. Consolidation Adds AI and Machine Learning personalization capabilities. 
 Sets-up vertical Startups in Fintech, Sportech and Legaltech. 2004-2006 2007-2008 2009-2011 2012-2013 2014-2018 2019-2022 Origins Set-up and launch of the world’s first Apps. Start Up Partners with Apple in Europe and South America. IPO Lists on Euronext Growth Milan, serves 
 700+ clients and starts international expansion. Timeline
  6. X In 2022, Neoscogen was born from the collaboration between

    Neosperience, a company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange active in the creation of digital platforms based on artificial intelligence and Cogen, a company with thirty years of experience in the development of innovative solutions for physical security. The combination of the technological capabilities, application know-how and investments of the two companies has given rise to the Neoscogen platform that redefines the boundaries of technological solutions dedicated to security & safety.
  7. X Cloud Native Approach Our implementa ti on approach is

 on execu ti on, monitoring, change automa ti on, reac ti on to events and standard se tt ing. It focuses on data con fi den ti ali ty and integri t , personnel iden tifi ca ti on and management, system protec ti on, and event disclosure. Enables the crea ti on of resilient workloads 
 that can quickly recover from an error. Distributed systems, recovery planning and change management models are the focal points. It concerns the e ff ec ti ve use of technology, performance monitoring and informed decision-making. Focuses on how to avoid unnecessary costs by understanding and controlling cost centers and analyzing expenses incurred over ti me. EXCELLENCE SECURITY RELIABILITY EFFICIENCY OPTIMIZATION APPROACH AND BENEFITS 9 SERVERLESS ARCHITECTURES, MICROSERVICES AND CONTAINERS

    MENTIONS Source: Gartner, 2021 Gartner Men ti ons 
 Gartner recognizes Neosperience Group for its methodological and technological excellence by indica ti ng its Solu ti on and other proprietary applica ti ons in its reports.
  9. X A2A Smart City selected Neosperience Group to innovate security

    through Arti fi cial Intelligence A2A Smart City and Neosperience joint partnership for computer vision model adaptation to public sector video surveillance and security use cases. A2A extended capability in problem framing and dataset preparation is matched to NeosCogen platform machine learning model flexibility to provide enhanced capabilities ad hoc use cases realization supporting and extending existing solutions.
  10. X Computer vision requirements Computer Vision use cases have strong

    requirements to be matched in terms of real-time response time and bandwidth constraints. They produce a lot of video data usually streamed by a number of diverse cameras, which have to be handled at an high frame rate. Finally, privacy constraints impose to process frames as early as posible, to ensure sensitive information is removed from the captured video. Edge computing provides a feasible solution to such requirements.
  11. X Data is the new oil In the domain of

    big data and machine learning, the most difficult aspect of a project is often to collect a sufficient amount of data to be used to train and specialize the model. A wide set of generic, pre-trained models are available (i.e. the YOLO family), but need to be adapted to recognize context-specific features (such as PPEs, vehicles, etc.). The availability of domain specific datasets enables accurate model training.
  12. X People tracking Generate an event when a person enters

    or exits a predefined zone (zone of interest) or crosses a predefined line (boundary line). Count the cumulative number of persons entering or exiting the predefined zone or crossing the predefined line over a given period.
  13. X Vehicle Tracking Generate an event when a vehicle enters

    or exits a predefined zone (zone of interest) or crosses a predefined line (boundary line). Optionally recognize also predefined categories of vehicle (for example, cars, garbage trucks, etc.) Count the cumulative number of vehicles entering or exiting the predefined zone or crossing the predefined line over a given period. Differentiate also predefined vehicle categories (for example, cars, motorcycles, garbage trucks, etc.)
  14. X Person wearing PPE devices Generate an event when a

    person enters the field of view of the video camera. The event should contain information about whether the person is wearing or not wearing a particular type of safety equipment. The following types of safety equipment are considered: • safety helmet (single color) • high visibility safety vest (single color)
  15. X Person with a weapon Identify people carrying a weapon

    or an object. Generate an event when a person visibly bears or uses a weapon in the video camera field of view. The implementation considers the following tracking guns or knives.
  16. X Pose estimation Extract a person skeleton with landmarks to

    detect movements and particular poses. It is used to identify security-related use cases like “person laying on the ground” or “fighting”, as well as retail-related use cases like “person interacting with an item”. Human pose detector is a backbone algorithm of many use cases supported by NeosCogen platform.
  17. X Littering / Unattended objects Identify people carrying an object

    and abandon or throw it in an unallowed area. Generate an event when an object is left unattended in the video camera field of view for more than a given time frame. The implementation could discriminate between different objects. Rigid and soft objects require different models to be adapted.
  18. X Social distance monitoring Identify groups of people within a

    defined area. Generate an event when people distance is within a treshold. Useful to recognize gatherings and enforce social distancing
  19. X AWS Panorama A device enclosing a nVidia Jetsons Xavier

    board with a dedicated GPU, 
 handles up to 16 video streams. Fully managed provisioning experience and fleet management. Actual appliance cost is 4000$ Panorama enabled devices are coming in 2022, price is unknown
  20. X Model optimization for AWS Panorama Models need to be

    optimized to be adapted for edge hardware. Amazon SageMaker Neo is a universal platform provided by AWS to compile model to specic architectures such as NVidia Jetsons Nano and Xavier, and Intel Movidius. Models can be optimized for TensorRT on NVidia platform, then packaged to a docker container and deployed to AWS Panorama device. Processing pipeline can be defined through a descriptor file, allowing to chain a set of ML models to implement complex use cases.
  21. X A cloud native architecture to support edge computing Model

    deployment through AWS Panorama service is a component of a complex architecture to support model registry creation and inference data handling .A cloud native architecture is required to support model management and alarm detection from AWS Panorama insight. Through A2A and NeosCogen solution a model can be selected from a backoffice, then packaged and deployed. Inference data is sent through AWS IoT to cloud processing, to detect alarms and dispatch events to external systems.
  22. Thank you! 25125 BRESCIA, VIA ORZINUOVI, 20 20137 MILANO, VIA