Alex will go through the pros&cons of the newly announced AWS Cloud9 and its built-in integration with AWS CloudStar and AWS SAM. You'll learn about the motivations and a few "gotchas" about these tools and services.
nothing to run if nobody is using it.” [cit. Paul Johnston] “Una soluzione è davvero Serverless solo se @ costa (quasi) zero quando nessuno la usa.” [cit. Paul Johnston]
(hiberna:on) Integrated web terminal * (EC2 or SSH environment) Built-in Lambda support Live debugging capabiliSes (only Node.js for now) Collabora:ve coding/debugging * No SSH keys or IAM creden:als to configure locally (!) SAM-local integraSon (local tesSng & deployments)
100 per account Max 10 open env per user Max 8 members in each env EC2 instance maintenance is sSll on you (OS updates, etc.) No Python debugging No “offline” support Only SAM-focused Lacking AWS Console integraSon “Primi@ve" Lambda tesSng ⚡ (e.g. no event generaSon)
(?!) Max 10 projects per user Max 100 users per project Only owner/contributor/viewer permissions (no custom role) CodePipeline, CodeDeploy, and CloudForma:on under the hood AWS::CodeStar::SyncResources and AWS::CodeStar Transform Project templates are not customizable CodeStar auth != Cloud9 auth No support for federated users or temporary access credenSals
IAM auth, etc.) * only if you use CodeCommit GitHub works too (manual setup) Pair programming enabler One independent env per app (per dev, or even shared) No cross-account magic (yet?) Deployments via CloudFormaSon (git push + CodePipeline) No automaSc users/permissions integraSon btw CodeStar & Cloud9
resources (e.g. AWS::Serverless::Func:on) Prepy similar to Serverless Framework’s syntax (yaml) NaSvely supported by AWS SAM Local (