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Single Page Apps in Electron

Single Page Apps in Electron

Talk given at CodeConf Nashville

Ana Betts

July 01, 2015

More Decks by Ana Betts

Other Decks in Programming


  1. import app from 'app'; // Wait for Chromium to load

    app.on('ready', () => { // TODO: Write entire app });
  2. // Wait for Chromium to load import BrowserWindow from 'browser-window';

    import path from 'path'; let wnd = null; app.on('ready', () => { // Load wnd = new BrowserWindow({width: 500, height: 500}); wnd.loadUrl('file://' + path.join(__dirname, 'index.html')); // Show the window, then once it opens, pop the developer tools wnd.show(); setTimeout(() => wnd.openDevTools(), 5*1000); });
  3. Now we've got a Window Chromium calls this a "Renderer

    process". This is confusing. Mul$ple Processes!
  4. No Parents Many web features that normally require permission don't

    in Electron io.js is available in the window, you can require node modules and use them
  5. Atom has Desktop Zen Nature™ 100% of the assets are

    shipped in the applica3on Atom doesn't care about the Internet on startup
  6. Slack has Website Zen Nature™ Slack was originally designed as

    a website Upda%ng a website is so much faster than upda%ng a desktop app How can we get the benfits of both?
  7. If remote 3rd party code gets ahold of node.js, we've

    got Big Problems So what do we do?
  8. WebView is like an iframe WebViews are sandboxed from io.js,

    and have normal web browser security rules If a WebView crashes, you can just restart it
  9. WebViews give us an escape hatch: Preload Before the WebView

    navigates to the page you want, you get to run an io.js script There is no DOM, no document, just your script
  10. !

  11. Preload Scripts // // This object will exist on the

    page once it loads // window.electronApi = { app: new AppIntegration(), clipboard: new ClipboardIntegration(), dock: new DockIntegration(), notice: new NotificationIntegration(), teams: new TeamIntegration(), downloads: new DownloadIntegration(), window: new WindowApi(browserWindowId, process.guestInstanceId), contextMenu: contextMenu, spellCheckingHelper: spellCheckingHelper, };
  12. Some Pro-Tips™ You need to make sure you don't leak

    io.js objects Debugging preload scripts isn't easy... ...so use ipc.sendToHost to signal your renderer process
  13. Red threads • Here's how we Process Model • basics

    of browser + renderer process • your globals are not really global • Atom approach vs Slack approach • Describe Atom (ship all soBware) • Describe Slack (webview with super powers) • What even is a WebView tag