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Android UX-UI Design for Fun and Profit

Android UX-UI Design for Fun and Profit

Even though we are developers dealing with source code, it is good to know how to deal with UI/UX when building our user interfaces by applying tips and best practices.
So, in this session, we are gonna talk about android usability patterns, based on real cases and experiences with mobile development.

Fernando Cejas

May 28, 2014

More Decks by Fernando Cejas

Other Decks in Design


  1. Who am I? •  Not a UX/UI guy…. I'm a

    coder... •  So what the hell I’m doing here?
  2. Agenda •  User Interface •  User Experience •  Usability • 

    Android Design Patterns •  Examples •  Advices •  Conclusion  
  3. What is User Interface? (UI) •  A common boundary or

    surface between the interactive system and the user. •  All elements which provide communication between the interactive system and the user.
  4. What is User Interface Design? •  User interface design is

    the process of supporting the tasks (goals) of the user, ideally in a friendly and articulate manner.
  5. What about User Experience (UX)? •  User experience (UX) is

    about how a person feels about using a product, system or service. User experience is subjective in nature, because it is about an individual’s feelings and thoughts about the system.
  6. What is Usability? •  Usability means that a person using

    a system finds it easy to understand and use. •  A usable system allows a person to focus on their tasks, and not on the system itself. •  A usable system most often does what a! person expects.
  7. What is a Design Pattern? •  It’s a design solution

    to a recurring problem. •  It’s also about not reinventing the wheel. •  People want to use what they have learnt already using the phone.
  8. Your branding •  Consistency has its place in Android, but

    you also have the flexibility to customize the look of your app to reinforce your brand.
  9. Gestures •  Gestures allow users to interact with your app

    by manipulating the screen objects you provide
  10. Gestures •  Gestures allow users to interact with your app

    by manipulating the screen objects you provide
  11. Gestures •  Gestures allow users to interact with your app

    by manipulating the screen objects you provide
  12. Navigation Drawer •  The navigation drawer is a panel that

    transitions in from the left edge of the screen and displays the app’s main navigation options. •  The user can open the drawer panel by touching the navigation drawer indicator.
  13. Notifications •  The notification system allows your app to keep

    the user informed about events, such as new chat messages or a calendar event.
  14. Design for Glass…. •  Users typically have multiple devices that

    store and display information for specific time periods. Glass works best with information that is simple, relevant, and current. •  Don't try to replace a smartphone, tablet, or laptop by transferring features designed for these devices to Glass. Instead, focus on how Glass and your services complement each other, and deliver an experience that is unique.
  15. Android Wear…. •  Android wearables provide just the right information

    at just the right time, allowing you to be connected to the virtual world and present in the real world.
  16. Android Wear - Pages •  Pages are additional cards that

    can appear to the right of your main card in the stream. If your core message is longer than a short snippet, do not sacrifice glanceability by packing a lot of information into your primary notification. Instead, use pages to provide additional content.
  17. Android Wear - Notification Stacks •  Stacks are a way

    of adding multiple useful notifications without overwhelming the user’s stream. If your application may produce multiple concurrent notifications, consider combining them into a stack.
  18. Android Wear - Pages •  Voice replies are primarily used

    by messaging applications to provide a hands-free way of dictating a short message. You can also provide a up to five suggested replies or “canned responses” that are useful in a wide range of cases.
  19. Some advice… •  Don't port the UI from other platforms.

    •  Don't override the behavior of system buttons. •  Know your user and get feedback from him. •  Test on real users, early and often. •  Do what the user expects. •  The most common operations should be visible. •  Don't reinvent the wheel.
  20. Some advice… •  Innovate but don't go further than standards

    •  Build better products, not more features