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Introduction to Linux/Unix cli

Introduction to Linux/Unix cli

Arash Badie Modiri

November 15, 2011

More Decks by Arash Badie Modiri

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Working in a Directory ls [-a] [directory] me@puter: ~$ ls

    . app config.ru features id_rsa.pub me@puter: ~$
  2. Working in a Directory cd [directory] me@puter: ~$ pwd /home/me

    me@puter: ~$ cd .. me@puter: /heme$ pwd /home me@puter: /home$ cd /etc/apache2 me@puter: /etc/apache2$ pwd /etc/apache2
  3. Installing a software Is it a package? Install it via

    package manager. Only source? Compile it.
  4. Do more cp [1st file] [2nd file] mv [1st file]

    [2nd file] rm [filepath] chmod [-R] [nnn] [filepath]