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Bringing JavaScript Code Analysis to The Next ...

Bringing JavaScript Code Analysis to The Next Level

EmpireJS 2012 Talk

Ariya Hidayat

October 22, 2012

More Decks by Ariya Hidayat

Other Decks in Technology


  1. From Spelling Checker to Grammar Enforcement Your so wrong, therefore

    you loose! No misspelled word. Wrong choice of words! 3
  2. Quality: Practical Aspects Avoid silly mistakes Write readable code Do

    not provoke ambiguities Improve future maintenance Learn better code pattern 4
  3. Better Use of the Tools Engineer Tools Feedback Cycle Not

    everyone is a JavaScript ninja Boring Repetitive Time-consuming 7
  4. Adaptive Quality Criteria Explicit Implicit Customize analysis options Define new

    sets of rules Infer from high-quality sample Observe the engineer’s behavior 8
  5. JavaScript in the Browser User Interface Browser Engine Graphics Stack

    Data Persistence Render Engine JavaScript Engine Networking I/O 10
  6. JavaScript Engine Building Blocks Virtual Machine/ Interpreter Parser Runtime Source

    Syntax Tree Built-in objects, host objects, ... Fast and conservative 11
  7. Specification Conformance • ECMA-262 compliant • Automatic semicolon insertion •

    Strict Mode, e.g. “use strict” • Unicode for identifiers 'use strict'; var ೔ຊޠ = 1 return ೔ຊޠ 15
  8. Heavily Tested • > 550 unit tests • Compatibility tests

    • 100% code coverage • Performance tests Enforced during development 16
  9. Sensible Syntax Tree answer = 42 { type: "Program", body:

    [ { type: "ExpressionStatement", expression: { type: "AssignmentExpression", operator: "=", left: { type: "Identifier", name: "answer" }, right: { type: "Literal", value: 42 } } } ] } https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SpiderMonkey/Parser_API http://esprima.org/demo/parse.html Try online! 17
  10. Specification, Parser Code, Syntax Tree function parseWhileStatement() { var test,

    body; expectKeyword('while'); expect('('); test = parseExpression(); expect(')'); body = parseStatement(); return { type: 'WhileStatement', test: test, body: body }; } while ( Expression ) Statement ECMA-262 Annex A.4 18
  11. High Performance Esprima UglifyJS V1 922 ms 567 ms 620

    ms 233 ms Speed Comparison Chrome 18 Internet Explorer 9 Benchmark corpus: jQuery, Prototype, MooTools, ExtCore, ... 19
  12. Syntax Node Location { type: "ExpressionStatement", expression: { type: "AssignmentExpression",

    operator: "=", left: { type: "Identifier", name: "answer", range: [0, 6] }, right: { type: "Literal", value: 42, range: [9, 11] }, range: [0, 11] }, range: [0, 11] } answer = 42 20
  13. Error Tolerant Useful for IDE, editors, ... var msg =

    "Hello’; person..age = 18; if (person. 'use strict'; with (person) { } Mismatched quote Too many dots Incomplete, still typing Strict mode violation 21
  14. Handle the Comments https://github.com/thejohnfreeman/jfdoc Documentation tool Code annotation https://github.com/goatslacker/node-typedjs //

    Life, Universe, and Everything answer = 42 comments: [ { range: [0, 34], type: "Line", value: " Life, Universe, and Everything" } ] 22
  15. Forward Looking Experimental ‘harmony’ branch Object initializer shorthand { let

    x; const y = 0; } Block scope var point = {x, y}; Module & class module LinearAlgebra { export const System = 'Cartesian'; } class Vector3 { constructor (x, y, z) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } } Destructuring assignment point = {14, 3, 77}; {x, y, z} = point; 23
  16. Code Regeneration Esprima Escodegen Source Syntax Tree Syntax Transformation Shorten

    variable name Inline short function Remove dead code Obfuscate Source 24
  17. Linter vs Validator Validator Linter Looks for specification violations Does

    not care about coding style Works well on generated/minified code Searches for suspicious pattern Warns on style inconsistencies Works well on hand-written code 32
  18. (Git) Precommit Hook files=$(git diff-index --name-only HEAD | grep -P

    '\.js$') for file in $files; do esvalidate $file if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "Syntax error: $file" exit 1 fi done 33
  19. Most Popular Keywords this function if return var else for

    new in typeof while case break try catch delete throw switch continue default instanceof do void finally 4 10 12 14 15 25 35 38 72 84 84 115 122 143 188 225 232 436 562 2116 2878 3063 3108 3229 http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2012/03/most-popular-javascript-keywords.html var fs = require('fs'), esprima = require('esprima'), files = process.argv.splice(2); files.forEach(function (filename) { var content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8'), tokens = esprima.parse(content, { tokens: true }).tokens; tokens.forEach(function (token) { if (token.type === 'Keyword') { console.log(token.value); } }); }); 37
  20. Most Popular Statements http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2012/04/most-popular-javascript-statements.html ExpressionStatement BlockStatement IfStatement ReturnStatement VariableDeclaration FunctionDeclaration

    ForStatement ForInStatement WhileStatement BreakStatement TryStatement EmptyStatement ThrowStatement SwitchStatement ContinueStatement DoWhileStatement LabeledStatement 6 12 25 35 38 66 84 115 131 143 293 371 2116 2878 3063 6353 6728 var fs = require('fs'), esprima = require('esprima'), files = process.argv.splice(2); files.forEach(function (filename) { var content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8'), syntax = esprima.parse(content); JSON.stringify(syntax, function (key, value) { if (key === 'type') { if (value.match(/Declaration$/) || value.match(/Statement$/)) { console.log(value); } } return value; }); }); 38
  21. Identifier Length Distribution http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2012/05/javascript-identifier-length-distribution.html 0 250 500 750 0 5

    10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 mean of the identifier length is 8.27 characters prototype- SCRIPT_ELEMENT_REJECTS_TEXTNODE_APPENDING prototype- MOUSEENTER_MOUSELEAVE_EVENTS_SUPPORTED jquery-1.7.1.js subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible jquery.mobile-1.0.js getClosestElementWithVirtualBinding prototype- HAS_EXTENDED_CREATE_ELEMENT_SYNTAX 39
  22. “Code Linting” var fs = require('fs'), esprima = require('./esprima'), files

    = process.argv.splice(2); files.forEach(function (filename) { var content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8'), syntax = esprima.parse(content, { loc: true }); JSON.stringify(syntax, function (key, value) { if (key === 'test' && value.operator === '==') console.log('Line', value.loc.start.line); return value; }); }); if (x == 9) { // do Something } Not a strict equal 42
  23. “Boolean Trap” Finder Can you make up your mind? treeItem.setState(true,

    false); event.initKeyEvent("keypress", true, true, null, null, false, false, false, false, 9, 0); The more the merrier? Obfuscated choice var volumeSlider = new Slider(false); Double-negative component.setHidden(false); filter.setCaseInsensitive(false); http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2012/06/detecting-boolean-traps-with-esprima.html 43
  24. Strict Mode Check 'use strict'; block = { color: 'blue',

    height: 20, width: 10, color: 'red' }; Duplicate data property in object literal not allowed in strict mode http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2012/10/validating-strict-mode.html 45
  25. Statement Coverage http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2012/03/javascript-code-coverage-and-esprima.html x = 42; if (false) x =

    -1; https://github.com/itay/node-cover https://github.com/coveraje/coveraje https://github.com/pmlopes/coberturajs 47
  26. Instrumentation for Coverage http://itay.github.com/snug_codecoverage_slides/ var a = 5; { __statement_ZyyqFc(1);

    var a = 5; } foo(); { __statement_ZyyqFc(2); __expression_kC$jur(3), foo(); } function foo() { ... }; function foo() { __block_n53cJc(1); ... } Statement Expression Block 48
  27. Unit Test + Statement Coverage = Latent Trap http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2012/09/the-hidden-trap-of-code-coverage.html function

    inc(p, q) { if (q == undefined) q = 1; return p + q/q; } assert("inc(4) must give 5", inc(4) == 5); function inc(p, q) { if (q == undefined) return p + 1; return p + q/q; } assert("inc(4) must give 5", inc(4) == 5); Does not catch the missing code sequence 49
  28. Branch Coverage https://github.com/yahoo/istanbul function inc(p, q) { if (q ==

    undefined) q = 1; return p + q/q; } assert("inc(4) must give 5", inc(4) == 5); E = Else is not taken 50
  29. Execution Tracing http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2012/02/tracking-javascript-execution-during-startup.html https://gist.github.com/1823129 jQuery Mobile startup log 4640 function

    calls jquery.js 26 jQuery jquery.js 103 init undefined, undefined, [object Object] jquery.js 274 each (Function) jquery.js 631 each [object Object], (Function), undefined jquery.js 495 isFunction [object Object] jquery.js 512 type [object Object] jquery.mobile.js 1857 [Anonymous] jquery.mobile.js 642 [Anonymous] jquery.mobile.js 624 enableMouseBindings jquery.mobile.js 620 disableTouchBindings 51
  30. Tracking the Scalability http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2012/01/scalable-web-apps-the-complexity-issue.html Array.prototype.swap = function (i, j) {

    var k = this[i]; this[i] = this[j]; this[j] = k; } Array.prototype.swap = function (i, j) { Log({ name: 'Array.prototype.swap', lineNumber: 1, range: [23, 94] }); var k = this[i]; this[i] = this[j]; this[j] = k; } 52
  31. Non-Destructive Partial Source Modification Modified Intact Do not remove comments

    Preserve indentation & other formatting Add “contextual” information Inject or change function invocation 54
  32. String Literal Quotes http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2012/02/from-double-quotes-to-single-quotes.html console.log('Hello') [ { type: "Identifier", value:

    "console", range: [0, 7] }, { type: "Punctuator", value: ".", range: [7, 8] }, { type: "Identifier", value: "log", range: [8, 11] }, { type: "Punctuator", value: "(", range: [11, 12] }, { type: "String", value: "\"Hello\"", range: [12, 19] }, { type: "Punctuator", value: ")", range: [19, 19] } ] console.log("Hello") May need proper escaping List of tokens 55
  33. Rewrite and Regenerate var syntax = esprima.parse('answer = 42;'); syntax.body[0].expression.right.value

    = 1337; escodegen.generate(syntax) answer = 1337; answer = 42; https://github.com/Constellation/escodegen 57
  34. Minification & Obfuscation https://github.com/Constellation/esmangle Array.prototype.swap = function (first, second) {

    var temp = this[first]; this[first] = this[second]; this[second] = temp; } Array.prototype.swap=function(a,b){var c=this[a];this[a]=this[b],this[b]=c} 58
  35. LLJS (Low-Level JavaScript) http://mbebenita.github.com/LLJS/ let x = 0; Block scope

    let u8 flag; let i32 position; struct Point { int x, y; }; Data types let u16 *p = q; Pointers 60
  36. Sweet.js for Macro http://sweetjs.org macro def { case $name:ident $params

    $body => { function $name $params $body } } def sweet(a) { console.log(“Hello World”); } Define def.. ..so that you can write 61
  37. Transpilation: Class Harmony ES 5.1 // Vector in 3-D Cartesian

    coordinate class Vector3 { constructor (x, y, z) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } } // Vector in 3-D Cartesian coordinate var Vector3 = (function () { function Vector3 (x, y, z) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } ; return Vector3;})(); Intact http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2012/09/javascripts-future-class-syntax.html 62
  38. Transpilation: Module Harmony ES 5.1 https://github.com/jdiamond/harmonizr http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2012/06/esprima-and-harmony-module.html module LinearAlgebra {

    // Create 2-D point. export function Point(x, y) { return { x, y }; } } var LinearAlgebra = function() { // Create 2-D point. function Point(x, y) { return { x: x, y: y }; } return { Point: Point }; }(); Intact 63
  39. Syntax Query if (x = 0) { /* do Something

    */ } IfStatement.test AssigmentExpression[operator='='] Which syntax family should be the model? CSS selector? XPath? SQL? 66
  40. Copy Paste (Mistake) Detection function inside(point, rect) { return (point.x

    >= rect.x1) && (point.y >= rect.y1) && (point.x <= rect.x2) && (point.y <= rect.y1); } Forgotten change! 67
  41. Refactoring Helper // Add two numbers function add(firt, two) {

    return firt + two; } // Add two numbers function add(first, two) { return first + two; } 68
  42. Parsing Infrastructure Smart editing Source transformation Minification & obfuscation Instrumentation

    Code coverage Dependency analysis Documentation generator Conditional contracts 70