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Flutter2でweb appを作る

June 24, 2021

Flutter2でweb appを作る



June 24, 2021


  1. Flutter 1.0 
 2018೥12݄4೔ 2.0 
 2021೥3݄3೔ by Wikipedia 2011೥10݄

    Dartൃද(Google) 2015೥ Chrome΁ͷ౷߹Λஅ ೦(Google) 2017೥ TypeScriptΛࣾ಺ඪ४ ݴޠʹ(Google) 2018೥2݄ Dart2ϦϦʔε 2018೥12݄ FlutterϦϦʔε 2021೥3݄ Dart2.12ϦϦʔε 2021೥3݄ Flutter2ϦϦʔε
  2. Dart2.11 → 2.12 2.12͸࣮࣭Dart3 Sound Null Safetyͷ࣮૷ʹΑΓɼ७ਮͳޙํޓ׵͕ ࣦΘΕͨ // Dart2.11

    void main() { String foo; } // Dart2.12 void main() { String foo; // ίϯύΠϧΤϥʔ } // Dart2.12 void main() { String? foo; }
  3. Dart2.11 → 2.12 2.12͸࣮࣭Dart3 Sound Null Safetyͷ࣮૷ʹΑΓɼ७ਮͳޙํޓ׵͕ ࣦΘΕͨ // Dart2.11

    void main() { String foo; } // Dart2.12 void main() { String foo; // ίϯύΠϧΤϥʔ } // Dart2.12 void main() { String? foo; }
  4. Flutter 1.0 
 2018೥12݄4೔ 2.0 
 2021೥3݄3೔ by Wikipedia 2011೥10݄

    Dartൃද(Google) 2015೥ Chrome΁ͷ౷߹Λஅ ೦(Google) 2017೥ TypeScriptΛࣾ಺ඪ४ ݴޠʹ(Google) 2018೥2݄ Dart2ϦϦʔε 2018೥12݄ FlutterϦϦʔε 2021೥3݄ Dart2.12ϦϦʔε 2021೥3݄ Flutter2ϦϦʔε
  5. LicenseRegistry class LicenseRegistry.addLicense(() async* { f inal license = await

    rootBundle.loadString('fonts/OFL.txt'); yield LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks( ['Noto Sans JP'], license, ); }); showAboutDialog( context: context, applicationName: name, applicationVersion: version, applicationLegalese: description, );
  6. for Web࢖ͬͯΈͯ • Hot reload͕ޮ͔ͣɼશͯHot restartʹͳΔ • جຊUI͸ॆ࣮͍ͯ͠Δ͕ɼը૾ܥͷϥΠϒϥϦͳͲ͸WebʹରԠ͠ ͍ͯͳ͍΋ͷ͕ଟ͍(ແ͚Ε͹࡞Ζ͏) •

    Chromeͷσόοά؀ڥ͸গʑॏͨ͘ײ͡Δ(ؾͷ͍͔ͤ΋) • Canvaskit؀ڥͰ͸೔ຊޠͳͲ͸·ͣTofuʹͳΔ(ճආࡦ͸͋Δ͕ֆ จࣈ͕·ͩ՝୊)