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Sustainable and just food system futures

Aspect Network
October 13, 2020

Sustainable and just food system futures

Aspect Network

October 13, 2020

More Decks by Aspect Network


  1. What are sustainable and just food systems? Producing, distributing, trading

    and consuming food in ways which: ensure planetary and human health; fit a zero-carbon future; ensure an equitable right to food and justice for producers; are determined by citizens through participatory democracy; do not compromise the wellbeing of future generations.

  3. What are the opportunities and obstacles facing co-operative ways of

    working in Wales? Identified challenges • Disparate and sparse training opportunities for sustainable agriculture; • Lack of appropriate advice and support for co-operative legal structure for fledgling co-operatives in the food system; • Limited co-operative opportunities for processing and distribution – particularly for plant-based products; • Structural difficulties of competing with a dominant food system based upon industrial production of cheap food. Recommendations The report outlines three key policy recommendations: • Scaling out sustainable and just food production in Wales; • Co-producing Local Food Economies and Cultures through Food Hubs; • Supporting co-operative Welsh economies: information, training and advice.
  4. Next steps Roundtable event at the Senedd with stakeholders including

    practitioners, third sector representatives and policy makers, January 2020. ESRC IAA Funding for follow-up series of events Working Co-operatively for Sustainable and Just Food System Transformations in Wales: 2040.
  5. Creating shared visions Collectively Imagining Future Food Systems Farm to

    Fforc: Online People’s Assembly for Cardiff city region food futures "What would you like to see change in the Cardiff city region food system by 2040 and what are the main challenges?" Social science research methods •Deliberative democracy •Participatory methods
  6. Wales Sustainable and Just Food System Network A 12-month period

    of collaboration between food system stakeholders to create and enact an action plan for building a just and sustainable food system in Wales. Aim: to support a better understanding of the people, organisations and partnerships across Wales, who are working towards a sustainable and just food system, as well as highlighting where there are well-linked activities and where gaps might exist.
  7. Survey and Network Map An open resource that anyone can

    interact with in order to support their activities https://socsi.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV _dmQQOoptgdRn0Hj Network map: https://elliotmeador84.shinyapps.io/wales_food_network_shiny/
  8. Scaling Transformation See: Moore, M.-L. et al. Scaling out, Scaling

    up, Scaling Deep: Strategies of Non-Profits in Advancing Systemic Social Innovation. J. Corp. Citizsh. 2015, 58, 67–84. Scaling Out: increasing number of people or communities involved and expanding geographical reach e.g. knowledge exchange, learning platforms. Scaling Up: changing policy, planning and legislation e.g. expanding institutional capacity, resource flows. Scaling Deep: changing cultures e.g. transformative learning, networks and communities of practice.
  9. Transforming the Welsh Food System: Creating transformational spaces for action

    Knowledge exchange & learning platforms • Bringing together public, private, third sector & policy actors; • Co-producing research oriented towards delivering change; • Building capacity & networks as a foundation for societal change. Policy, planning and legislative change • Providing expert, evidence-based information & recommendations; • Synthesising views of diverse stakeholders. Transformative learning, networks and communities of practice • Facilitating multi-stakeholder discussion, consensus building & visioning. • Facilitating & building networks. • Participating in transformative communities of practice.
  10. Guiding Vales • Building capacity and networks as a foundation

    for societal transformation. • Staying rooted in Wales with global perspectives.
  11. Over to you What food system challenges could researchers help

    you to tackle? How would you like researchers to help you make change happen? How can researchers and industry work together to scale transformation in food systems?