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Youth and mental health post COVID-19: Addressi...

Aspect Network
October 15, 2020

Youth and mental health post COVID-19: Addressing the emerging youth mental health crisis

Aspect Network

October 15, 2020


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  11. Youth@Risk • Youth@Risk (Y@R) – COVID and youth mental health

    • Wide partnership HEIs and 3rd sector • Research and evidence based exercise to assess the social impact of COVID on youth mental health • Regional research exercise across England Selected Drivers • Increased mental health or wellbeing concerns • Increased loneliness and isolation • Challenging family relationships • Increased social media or online pressure • Higher risk for sexual exploitation or grooming If you wish to become a partner contact a.m.mostert@sussex.ac.uk
  12. Youth@Risk “So many people are reading the news all day

    as we are just at home, some of it is fake news and we’re getting so scared, some people I know are having panic attacks. We’re trying to figure out how to stay safe while still staying mentally healthy, Depression is going to go up during this outbreak you don’t realise it’s here until it’s too late.” The UK Youth Movement “Not everyone has a family to support them through this. Lots of people’s friends are their family and now they can’t see them at all, only online. People will be feeling so isolated more than they have ever done before.” The UK Youth Movement Please consider joining our Youth Against Fake News Erasmus+ Project – contact Dr Pascoe (DICE Consortium) – tim@teamcic.com)
  13. Partners • ASPECT International • Catalyst in Communities • City

    University • Clod Ensemble • Design Against Crime Research Centre (University of Arts London) • DICE Consortium (Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan & South Africa) • GoVox • Institute of Community Safety • Le Menach Foundation • LOOKOUT Brighton • Making It Out • Sussex Crime Research Centre • University of Southern Queensland • University of Sunderland • Expanding international partners (All welcome)
  14. Youth@Risk Overview Work Packages (WP) WP1. Research and review of

    Youth@Risk provision and participation WP2: Post COVID impact on youth provision and participation WP3: Digital inclusion
  15. Youth@Risk Status • 1st iteration: Youth@Risk – Making It Out

    (Youth@Risk- MiO) • Submitted to Nuffield Foundation March 2020 • Feedback - not research intensive enough (delivery focus) • Apply feedback and resubmitted • Awaiting outcome
  16. Youth@Risk Outputs (proposed) • How do digital technologies and digital

    communications alleviate, exacerbate and shift vulnerability, and affect concepts of trust, evidence, and authority • In what ways do factors such as socio-economic status, gender, ethnicity, community, and geography affect the vulnerability of people to different types of risk, and how can this be mitigated? • What interventions might promote opportunity and reduce adversity through different life stages, and promote social inclusion between and across generations? • What are the social and economic implications of physical and mental disability and chronic illness?
  17. Youth@Risk Next Steps • Building the international network for submissions

    to selected agencies (AHRC, Nuffield, British Academy, Erasmus+, etc) • Exploring other areas associated with Youth@Risk Existing Projects: • Youth Against Fake News ( • Signing Banks – Enhancing access to financial services for the deaf’ ( New submissions: • Online Safety for Vocational Education Students • Employability 4 World in Post COVID World • STEM and STEAM Career Development • Cloud Computing and Digital Pedagogy
  18. Thank you Please do consider joining us Andre Mostert Research

    and Enterprise University of Sussex ASPECT@Sussex Lead DICE Consortium Sussex Lead (a.m.Mostert@sussex.ac.uk)