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Building Service Brokers in Go - [LOPUG Meetup]

Alex Ley
October 15, 2015

Building Service Brokers in Go - [LOPUG Meetup]

The Go programming language is a great choice for building robust, production ready Service Brokers for Cloud Foundry. Alex will show you how to supercharge your service broker development using several open source libraries.

Come find out how to create a broker that uses some of the latest features of the Cloud Foundry Service Broker API and is well tested using Ginkgo.

Presented at LOPUG Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/London-PaaS-User-Group-LOPUG/events/224395685/

Alex Ley

October 15, 2015

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  4. Why Go? • Simple to deploy & run - builds

    to a static binary ◦ Results in fast execution times • Easy to learn and get started with - https://golang.org/ • Rapidly growing worldwide Go community ◦ Cloud Foundry is mostly written in Go
  5. Deployment & Integration • See managing Cloud Foundry brokers for

    a full guide: https://docs. cloudfoundry.org/services/managing-service-brokers.html • BOSH: bosh.io ◦ Example: https://github.com/pivotal-cf/cf-redis-release > cf create-service-broker mybrokername someuser somethingsecure http://mybroker.example.com/ > cf enable-service-access mybrokername