and tablets that increases political transparency, and connects citizens with their representatives in the House and in Congress. Dense legislature is boiled down to its essence in 3 to 4 sentence summaries, and is put into a newsfeed feature, where users can view the summaries and cast an in-app vote on whether or not they want the legislature to pass. Users can also enter their zip code to find out who their representatives are and how they vote on each piece of legislature. The in-app votes are packaged and sold to representatives for a yearly subscription fee. We believe that citizens want a more convenient way to understand politics. BeHeard takes the confusing jargon out of current legislature in our country and gives the people a chance to have a voice, and see how they are really being represented. It’s an app they can take out and read while they are waiting for their coffee, on their lunch break, and before they go to bed. Users open BeHeard to a Newsfeed, updated with real-time legislature from Capitol Hill. Our Capitol Hill Correspondent has condensed each piece of legislature to a summary. Users then have the options to cast their “vote”, on the legislature, and learn more by clicking on the external link. The data collected from in-app voting is stored, packaged, and sent to those representatives and organizations that have paid the yearly subscription.