Azure Kinect Azure HoloLens 2 Hardware Deep Dive Y Eye Tracking Y Input & Interaction Crash Course: Articulated Hands HoloLens (1st generation) to HoloLens 2 Porting Guide: What Weʼve Learned from Early ISV Porting Y From the Trenches: Tips & Tricks from Dynamics 365 Mixed Reality Developers The Latest from HP Reverb & The Future of VR Intro to Microsoft Co-Cell: Activating Microsoft Scale Engine for your Company Fireside Chat with Don Box Developing Mobile AR Applications with Azure Spatial Anchors Y Intro to Developing for Azure Kinect Y Developing for Windows Mixed Reality and VR Y Getting Started with the Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) Y HoloLens 2: Practical Porting Experience Sharing Y Maps for Mixed Reality Y ★まだ全てのセッションをチェックしてないので参考程度にしてください
Azure Kinect Azure Augmenting HoloLens Interactions with the Cognitive Services Speech SDK for Unity Y Intro to Body Tracking on Azure Kinect Y Why Multiuser Experiences are So Hard Mixed Reality on the Web with Babylon.js Y Azure Mixed Reality Services: Overview & Roadmap Y Connect the World – Remove the Language Barrier (Deep Dive on Translator API) Learn the Latest from Samsung 5 Industries that are Getting Disrupted by Computer Vision Increasing Immersion with Mixed Reality Lighting Tools Y Azure Digital Twins & Mixed Reality: Powering the Next Generation of IoT Y Y Scripting Multiuser Experiences with Node.js and MRESDK for AltspaceVR and Beyond HoloLens 2 Target Markets & Business Opportunity Y Mixed Reality Partner Program (MRPP) – Whatʼs Next Y Unity for Automotive and AEC: Mixed Reality Use Cases & Best Practices Project Acoustics – Fast & Accurate Physics Based Acoustics Delivering Solutions with Dynamics 366 Mixed Reality Business Applications Y Prototyping Mixed Reality with Microsoft Maquette Y Azure IoT & Azure Sphere Overview Developing Mixed Reality Experiences with Vuforia Y Y OpenXR on HoloLens 2 – Standardizing Mixed Reality Development Y ★まだ全てのセッションをチェックしてないので参考程度にしてください