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.Net Core mola pero ¿por dónde empiezo?

.Net Core mola pero ¿por dónde empiezo?

Charla impartida en la CommitConf de 2018.

Azahara Fernández Guizán

November 25, 2018

More Decks by Azahara Fernández Guizán

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Who I am? Software Developer at Sngular Oviedo. Azahara Fernández

    Guizán @azahara_fergui http://afaya.es https://github.com/azaharafernandezguizan https://www.meetup.com/AsturiasHacking
  2. 1974 ASP.Net Web forms, a giant abstraction layer designed to

    deliver a classic event-driven GUI over the web. The idea was to make web development feel just the same as a desktop application. 2002 ASP.Net MVC, which includes HTML and CSS standardization, Restful Web Services and Unit Testing. Microsoft released the source code for developers to inspect 2007 ASP.Net Core MVC. 2015 Smalltalk en Xerox Park develops the MVC pattern. Then it evolves including separation of concern and convention over configuration.
  3. Cross plataform support: Mac, Linux, Windows, Docker, iOS, Android Performance

    Portable class libraries usable across .Net runtimes Portable or stand-alone deployment Full command-line support Open- source Interoperability with the full .Net Framework
  4. Run