using ADFS • Enable Single Sign-on into Salesforce customer Portal through existing authentication process. • Employees need the ability to log into the portal with their ADFS Id.
solve the business use cases • Retain the existing authentication system for business portal for the Salesforce Customer portal • Design a SSO solution that is scalable to support mobile apps through OAuth.
sent to the Authentication Framework. • Based on the Service provider config, the authenticator determines the Local Authenticator that will handle the request. • Access request for Salesforce are handled by the AD handler • Access request for the Salesforce Customer service portal are handled by the CustomUserStoreManager.
SSO and Salesforce portal SSO. – SSO with OpenSSO, Shibboleth for portal. – Delegated Authentication through AD connector. • Difficulty to customize the Shibboleth SSO solution. • Ability to handle Just in time provisioning.
will need SSO. • Planning for a comprehensive SSO strategy as early as possible will save Development and support costs. • Plan for scalability by using proven standards like SAML, Oauth.