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Uma introdução ao Red Sqirl

Uma introdução ao Red Sqirl

Apresentação dada pelo Igor Souza, Arquiteto de Software na Red Sqirl no 5º Belo Horizonte Data Science Meetup (http://www.meetup.com/Belo-Horizonte-Data-Science-Meetup).

Red Sqirl is a web-based big data application that simplifies the analysis of large data sets. With Red Sqirl, you can quickly and cost-effectively access the power of the Hadoop eco-system, enhancing the productivity of data scientists and analysts. If you want to analyse large data sets in the most efficient way possible, Red Sqirl is the answer.

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  1. © Red Sqirl Analytics 2 Diversity is Power All these

    tools have their use cases and can/should be combined.
  2. Confidential. © Red Sqirl Analytics 3 What is Red Sqirl?

    • A drag-and-drop analytics framework for Hadoop • Makes advanced analytics workflows easy to run, modify, save, share. • Highly-skilled data scientists can create models / workflows and analysts can modify and execute
  3. Confidential. © Red Sqirl Analytics We want to make what

    is complex…. public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, OutputCollector<Text, Text> outputCollector, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { String dataRow = value.toString(); // since these are tab seperated files lets tokenize on tab StringTokenizer dataTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(dataRow, "\t"); String articleName = dataTokenizer.nextToken(); String pointType = dataTokenizer.nextToken(); String geoPoint = dataTokenizer.nextToken(); // we know that this data row is a GEO RSS type point. if (GEO_RSS_URI.equals(pointType)) { // now we process the GEO point data. StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(geoPoint, " "); String strLat = st.nextToken(); String strLong = st.nextToken(); double lat = Double.parseDouble(strLat); double lang = Double.parseDouble(strLong); long roundedLat = Math.round(lat); long roundedLong = Math.round(lang); String locationKey = "(" + String.valueOf(roundedLat) + "," + String.valueOf(roundedLong) + ")"; String locationName = URLDecoder.decode(articleName, "UTF-8"); locationName = locationName.replace("_", " "); geoLocationKey.set(locationKey); geoLocationName.set(locationName); outputCollector.collect(geoLocationKey, geoLocationName); } } An example of Hadoop MapReduce 5
  4. 6 Confidential. © Red Sqirl Analytics This represents a data

    file e.g. a list of customers This represents an action – e.g. exclude customers with a spend < €20 This represents a K-Means clustering algorithm. This is the type of algorithm one might use to segment their customer base. ...easy
  5. Confidential. © Red Sqirl Analytics 8 Red Sqirl also allows

    for complex predictive modelling, encapsulating complexity in super-actions. ...even for the most complex tasks
  6. Confidential. © Red Sqirl Analytics 9 Sharing via the Analytics

    Store • Private or public sharing of Red Sqirl models or Red Sqirl packages • Dependency management and version control
  7. © Red Sqirl Analytics 10 Red Sqirl Road Map 1.

    Parallelization of a workflow 2. Online repository 3. ETL Using standard technology (Pig, Hive) 4. Basic modeling functionalities 5. SQL Database Import/Export 6. Visualisation 7. Scheduling 8. Near real time queries 9. Streaming
  8. Future Versions •Fast Data o Sentiment Analysis is the process

    of determining whether a piece of writing is positive, negative or neutral
  9. © Red Sqirl Analytics 12 Red Sqirl Stage 1. MVP

    Development 2. Sanity tests 3. Trials 4. Stable Release
  10. Confidential. © Red Sqirl Analytics 13 Who we are: Idiro

    Analytics Since 2004 we have analysed the data of over 12% of the world’s population Pioneers in Big Data
  11. Confidential. Copyright © Idiro Analytics, all rights reserved. 14 Thank

    you Igor Souza igor.souza@idiro.com +353 087 216 1413 @igfasouza