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Building Modern Audio Apps with AVAudioEngine

Bob McCune
November 17, 2014

Building Modern Audio Apps with AVAudioEngine

AVAudioEngine is a new component of the AV Foundation framework that enables you to build low-latency, realtime audio applications for iOS and OS X.

Bob McCune

November 17, 2014

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  1. -MN Developer and Instructor -Owner of TapHarmonic, LLC. -Author of

    Learning AV Foundation About... Bob McCune http://LearningAVFoundation.com
  2. -What is AVAudioEngine? - Goals and Capabilities -Understanding AVAudioEngine -

    Understanding Audio Nodes - Playing and Recording Audio - Audio Mixing and Effect Processing - Working with MIDI and Samplers Agenda What will I learn?
  3. AV Foundation Evolution Humble Beginnings AV  Founda*on MediaPlayer AVKit UIKit

    AppKit Core  Video Core  Media Core  Anima*on Audio-­‐Only Core  Audio Mavericks iOS 7
  4. AV Foundation Evolution Humble Beginnings AVKit AVKit UIKit AppKit Core

     Video Core  Media Core  Anima*on Core  Audio AVF Video AVF Audio Yosemite iOS 8
  5. -Objective-C API simplifying low-latency, real-time audio -Features and Capabilities: -

    Read and write audio files in all Core Audio supported formats - Play and record audio using files and buffers - Dynamically configure audio processing blocks - Perform audio tap processing - Perform Stereo and 3D mixing off audio signals - MIDI playback and control over sampler instruments AVAudioEngine Core Audio for Mortals
  6. -Manages graphs of audio nodes -Connects audio node into active

    chains -Dynamically attach and reconfigure graph -Start and stop the engine The Engine AVAudioEngine
  7. -Nodes are audio blocks - Source Nodes: Player, Microphone -

    Processing Nodes: Mixer, Audio Unit Effect - Destination: Speaker, Headphones Nodes AVAudioNode
  8. -AVAudioEngine provides 3 implicit nodes: - AVAudioInputNode: system input, cannot

    be created - AVAudioOutputNode: system output, cannot be created - AVAudioMixerNode: mixes multiple inputs to a single output -Nodes are connected via their input and output busses - Most nodes have one input and one output - AVAudioMixerNode has multiple inputs and one output - Busses have an associated audio format Nodes AVAudioNode
  9. -Nodes are connected to form an active chain - Source

    Node Destination Node = Active Chain - Establishes and active render thread Node Connections Establishing Active Chains Destination Node (Output) Source Node (Player)
  10. Node Connections Establishing Active Chains Destination Node (Output) Source Node

    (Player) Processing Node (Mixer) -Nodes are connected to form an active chain - Source Node Destination Node = Active Chain - Establishes and active render thread
  11. Node Connections Establishing Active Chains Destination Node (Output) Source Node

    (Player) Processing Node (Mixer) X -Nodes are connected to form an active chain - Source Node Destination Node = Active Chain - Establishes and active render thread
  12. 1. Create the engine 2. Create the nodes 3. Attach

    the nodes to the engine 4. Connect the nodes together 5. Start the engine Basic Recipe Configuring the Graph
  13. Engine Setup Basic Recipe // 1. Create engine (example only,

    needs to be strong reference) AVAudioEngine *engine = [[AVAudioEngine alloc] init]; // 2. Create a player node AVAudioPlayerNode *player = [[AVAudioPlayerNode alloc] init]; // 3. Attach node to the engine [engine attachNode:player]; // 4. Connect player node to engine's main mixer AVAudioMixerNode *mixer = engine.mainMixerNode; [engine connect:player to:mixer format:[mixer outputFormatForBus:0]]; // 5. Start engine NSError *error; if (![engine startAndReturnError:&error]) { // handle error }
  14. -Reads and writes files in all Core Audio supported formats

    -Automatically decodes when reading, encodes when writing - Does not support sample rate conversion -File has both a file format and a processing format - fileFormat: on-disk format - processingFormat: uncompressed, in-memory format - Both are instances of AVAudioFormat Audio Files AVAudioFile
  15. -Provides a format descriptor for the digital audio samples -

    Provides access to sample rate, channel count, interleaving, etc. - Wrapper over Core Audio AudioStreamBasicDescription -Core Audio uses a “Standard” format for both platforms - Noninterleaved linear PCM, 32-bit floating point samples - Canonical formats are deprecated! -Additionally supports “Common” formats - AVAudioCommonFormat: 16/32-bit integer, 32/64-but floating point Audio Formats AVAudioFormat
  16. -Memory buffer for audio data in any Linear PCM format

    - Format and buffer capacity defined upon creation -Provides a wrapper over a Core Audio AudioBufferList - audioBufferList and mutableAudioBufferList properties Audio Buffers AVAudioPCMBuffer @property (nonatomic, readonly) float * const *floatChannelData; @property (nonatomic, readonly) int16_t * const *int16ChannelData; @property (nonatomic, readonly) int32_t * const *int32ChannelData; -Sample data accessed using:
  17. -Pushes audio data onto the active render thread -Schedule audio

    data from files and buffers - Scheduled to play immediately or at future time - Future times specified with AVAudioTime - Files - Schedule file or file segment with completion callback - Buffers - Schedule multiple buffers with individual completion callbacks - Schedule looping buffer Player Nodes AVAudioPlayerNode
  18. Creating Files and Buffers AVAudioFile and AVAudioPCMBuffer NSURL *url =

    [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"groove" withExtension:@"m4a"]; // Create AVAudioFile AVAudioFile *file = [[AVAudioFile alloc] initForReading:url error:nil]; // Create AVAudioPCMBuffer AVAudioFormat *format = file.processingFormat; AVAudioFrameCount capacity = (AVAudioFrameCount)file.length; AVAudioPCMBuffer *buffer = [[AVAudioPCMBuffer alloc] initWithPCMFormat:format frameCapacity:capacity]; // Read AVAudioFile -> AVAudioPCMBuffer [file readIntoBuffer:buffer error:nil];
  19. AVPlayerNode Scheduling Files and Buffers Immediate File Playback [playerNode scheduleFile:audioFile

    atTime:nil completionHandler:nil]; [playerNode play]; Future Buffer Playback // Play audio file 5 seconds from now double sampleRate = buffer.format.sampleRate; double sampleTime = sampleRate * 5.0; AVAudioTime *futureTime = [AVAudioTime timeWithSampleTime:sampleTime atRate:sampleRate]; [playerNode scheduleBuffer:audioBuffer atTime:futureTime options:0 completionHandler:nil]; [playerNode play]; [playerNode scheduleBuffer:audioBuffer completionHandler:nil]; [playerNode play]; Immediate Buffer Playback
  20. -Scheduling multiple buffers queues them serially Scheduling Options AVAudioPlayerNodeBufferOptions [playerNode

    scheduleBuffer:buffer1 atTime:nil options:0 completionHandler:nil]; [playerNode play]; [playerNode scheduleBuffer:buffer2 atTime:nil options:0 completionHandler:nil]; buffer1 buffer2 time [playerNode scheduleBuffer:buffer2 atTime:nil options:AVAudioPlayerNodeBufferInterrupts completionHandler:nil]; -Schedule with interruption option to change this behavior buffer1 buffer2 time
  21. -Schedule a single looping buffer Scheduling Options AVAudioPlayerNodeBufferOptions [playerNode scheduleBuffer:buffer1

    atTime:nil options:AVAudioPlayerNodeBufferLoops completionHandler:nil]; buffer1 [playerNode scheduleBuffer:buffer2 atTime:nil options:AVAudioPlayerNodeBufferInterruptsAtLoop completionHandler:nil]; -Schedule with interruption or interruption at loop buffer1 buffer2
  22. -Node that mixes multiple inputs into a single output -

    Efficiently performs sample rate conversions - Can upmix/downmix channel counts where needed Audio Mixing AVAudioMixerNode AVAudioMixerNode Input 1 Input 2
  23. -Group and process similar inputs - Simplify and improve efficiency

    of similar audio processing Audio Mixing Using Submixes AVAudioMixerNode Input 1 Input 2 AVAudioMixerNode Input 3 Input 4 AVAudioMixerNode (main mixer)
  24. -AVAudioMixing Protocol: - Defines properties to be applied to an

    input bus of a mixer node - Source and mixer nodes conform to this protocol Audio Mixing AVAudioMixing AVAudioOutputNode AVAudioMixerNode AVAudioPlayerNode AVAudioPlayerNode volume pan volume pan Input Bus 0 Input Bus 1
  25. -Node tap pulls data off the render thread -Captures the

    output of a particular node - Record data from microphone - Record data from a pre-recorded or live audio mix - Perform data visualization or analysis -Can install one tap per output bus -Dynamically install and remove taps -Audio data returned in a block callback Node Taps Pulling Data
  26. Node Taps Installing a tap AVAudioMixerNode *mixer = self.engine.mainMixerNode; AVAudioFrameCount

    bufferSize = 4096; AVAudioFormat *format = [mixer outputFormatForBus:0]; [mixer installTapOnBus:0 bufferSize:bufferSize format:format block:^(AVAudioPCMBuffer *buffer, AVAudioTime *when) { // Process AVAudioPCMBuffer }];
  27. Effect Nodes Digital Signal Processing -There are two main categories

    of effects available: - AVAudioUnitEffect: performs real-time audio processing - AVAudioUnitTimeEffect: performs non real-time audio processing AVAudioUnitDelay AVAudioUnitEQ AVAudioUnitDistor*on AVAudioUnitReverb AVAudioUnitEffect AVAudioUnitTimeEffect AVAudioUnitTimePitch AVAudioUnitVarispeed
  28. -Delays original signal by delay time and mixes with original

    -Configuration parameters: - delayTime: The delay time of the input signal (up to 2 seconds) - feedback: Amount of output fed back into delay line - lowPassCutoff: Frequency past which high frequencies rolled off - wetDryMix: The blend of wet/dry signals (0% to 100%) Delay AVAudioUnitDelay
  29. -Multi-band equalizer and filter unit -Configuration parameters: - bands: Array

    of AVAudioUnitEQFilterParameters objects - globalGain: Overall gain adjustment applied to input signal (-96 to 24db) Equalization AVAudioUnitEQ
  30. -Used to define the EQ parameters to be applied -

    Retrieved from the AVAudioUnitEQ object’s bands property -Configuration parameters: - filterType: Parametric, Low/High Pass, Band Pass, Low/High Shelf - frequency: The center frequency or cutoff frequency - bandwidth: The width around the main frequency in octaves - gain: The gain adjustment (boost or cut) to the frequency - bypass: The bypass state Equalization (Continued) AVAudioUnitEQFilterParameters
  31. -Multi-stage distortion effect of original signal -Configuration presets: - loadFactoryPreset:(AVAudioUnitDistortionPreset)preset

    - DrumsBitBrush, MultiBrokenSpeaker, SpeechWaves, etc -Configuration parameters: - preGain: Gain applied to signal before distorted (-80dB to 20dB) - wetDryMix: The blend of wet/dry signals (0% to 100%) Distortion AVAudioUnitDistortion
  32. -Simulates the reflective qualities of a particular environment -Configuration presets:

    - loadFactoryPreset:(AVAudioUnitReverbPreset)preset - Small Room, Large Hall, Cathedral, etc. -Configuration parameters: - wetDryMix: The blend of wet/dry signals (0% to 100%) Reverb AVAudioUnitReverb
  33. -Musical Instrument Digital Interface -Specification defining: - Communication protocol for

    controlling electronic instruments - Hardware cables and connectors - Standard MIDI file format -Extensions: - General MIDI (GM) - Downloadable Sounds (DLS) MIDI What is MIDI? http://www.midi.org
  34. -High-quality sampler instrument to play sampled sounds -Loads samples in

    EXS, SF2, or DLS formats - Can additionally load and arbitrary array of sample data -Responds to all standard MIDI messages - Note on/off, controller messages, pitch bend, etc. -Great solution for a live performance instrument - What about playing sequences? Sampling Instrument AVAudioUnitSampler
  35. -AVAudioEngine has a musicSequence property - AudioToolbox MusicSequence type -Use

    the MusicPlayer and MusicSequence APIs - Attach the MusicSequence to the engine to play through Sampler MusicSequence Core MIDI Type
  36. -Powerful new addition to AV Foundation - Simplifies low-latency, realtime

    audio - Great solution for music, audio, and gaming applications - Core Audio for Mortals -Enables you to build advanced audio applications - Read and write audio files - Play and record audio using files and buffers - Add DSP effects: Reverb, Delays, etc. - Perform Stereo and 3D mixing off audio signals - MIDI playback and control over sampler instruments Summary AVAudioEngine