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ICCE 2019 Theme-based Invited Speech - Creating...

Bodong Chen
December 05, 2019

ICCE 2019 Theme-based Invited Speech - Creating Conditions for Knowledge Building for the Public Good

Bodong Chen

December 05, 2019

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  1. Creating Conditions for Knowledge Building for the Public Good Bodong

    Chen, Associate Professor Huebner Chair in Education & Technology Co-Director, Learning Informatics Lab Kenting, Taiwan • December 5, 2019
  2. Stacy Costa University of Toronto Leanne Ma University of Toronto

    Acknowledgement Ben Pebbles JICS, University of Toronto
  3. Agenda • Background • Knowledge Building • Two research projects

    ◦ IdeaMagnets ◦ Data Expedition • Open invitations Photo Credit: Google Earth
  4. From the standpoint of the child, the great waste in

    the school comes from his inability to utilize the experiences he gets outside the school … while, on the other hand, he is unable to apply in daily life what he is learning at school. That is the isolation of the school -- its isolation from life. – John Dewey (1899)
  5. When you know a thing, to hold that you know

    it; when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it; this is knowledge. -- The Analects of Confucius Photo Credit
  6. Knowledge Building (KB) “is an attempt to refashion education in

    a fundamental way, so that it becomes a coherent effort to initiate students into a knowledge creating culture.” — Scardamalia & Bereiter, 2003
  7. Chen, B., & Hong, H.-Y. (2016). Schools as knowledge-building organizations:

    Thirty years of design research. Educational Psychologist, 51(2), 266–288. doi:10.1080/00461520.2016.1175306
  8. A quest for new principled designs to create conditions for

    knowledge building for the public good Photo Credit
  9. IdeaMagnets Build knowledge with the public discourse Project context •

    Five 9th-grade Physical Science classes (n = 97), studying Energy • An urban high school in Minneapolis • Culturally, linguistically, and socio-economically diverse
  10. General Public UT Austin Bio 101 Expert Community Private Notes

    Built on Open Standards To bring open, interoperable layers of conversation over the web Any Website, Article, eBook, Document, Multimedia Photo Credit: Hypothes.is
  11. Pedagogical design 1. Problem generation around the Green New Deal

    2. Problem-centered engagement with public discourse 3. Evidentiary reasoning with public sources
  12. Research Questions 1. In what ways did the use of

    web annotation facilitate students’ sense-making of public discourse? 2. In what ways did the use of IdeadMagnets encourage students to connect public discourse with their classroom discourse?
  13. Data sources • Knowledge Forum logs • Hypothes.is logs •

    Artifact-based group interviews Data analyses • Descriptive statistical analysis • Content analysis of student discourse • Open coding of interview transcripts
  14. Annotating public discourse Using Hypothes.is has helped me think about

    articles more, because I know it’s easy to just read them and then just forget about the stuff that you read. But when you have to make annotations and really think about the stuff that you’re highlighting and making annotations about, it’s a lot easier to remember information because you’re like, “oh yeah I remember that [because] I made an annotation and I talked a bit about that.” (Student L, Class A)
  15. Incorporating annotations in KF discourse T: with IdeaMagnets, if you're

    making an annotation or, [magnet-note], writing thing, it was helpful to look at what other people had found about that and opposing ideas too, so you can look at what they're doing and then put that in and it would make a better answer for you. L: ... if I wanted to contribute to someone else's thing, if it connected to mine I could use my own annotations but also other people's annotations that I didn't personally study. (Student T & L, Class D) Z: Well, a lot of people were using IdeaMagnets, and a lot of people were studying copper, like me. So I was able to just go in there and find stuff that was relevant to what I was learning. M: It makes it easier to find stuff… Z: It's good to switch out which tags you're searching with. So if you're trying to find a specific source, then if you only click copper and human resource, or whatever, then you gotta switch up which ones you're in. (Student Z & M, Class E)
  16. Summary • A learning culture of collaborative annotation • Sophisticated

    attempts to index and use the community knowledge base • Purposeful and constructive use of sources
  17. Data Expedition Computing with open data Project context • One

    6th-grade class (n=22), discussing “UN Sustainable Development Goals” • A lab school in Toronto
  18. 1. Knowledge building discourse and opportunistic collaboration 2. Analyzing data

    about issues at hand 3. Social media campaigns Pedagogical design
  19. Research Questions 1. To what extent were students able to

    analyze open data? 2. How did students’ data analysis facilitate their problem finding and theory building?
  20. Data sources • 21 student CODAP notebooks • Written discourse

    in Knowledge Forum Data analyses • Coding of graphs generated by students ◦ structural complexity (Friel, Curcio, & Bright, 2001) ◦ graph comprehension ( Curcio, 1987; Friel et al., 2001) • Content analysis of KF discourse, focusing on question–theory dynamics (Gould et al., 2016)
  21. [My perspective]: I made this graph below because I think

    honestly if someone saw this there persepective about climate change would alter or a least that's what happened to me. I thought for sure that Asia was the big problem to climate change. Then, when I took a look at some real data and put in a graph everything changed for me I even had to go back and double check my work. What the graph showed was that the main cause of climate change is us North America. This is so important to me because every old powerful person keeps on saying to their country, "oh don't worry we are not the cause of climate change just keep going on with your lives, there is no need to worry." But really everyone was lying because every country did their part in making climate change such a huge problem. What makes me the most upset is that the country that I live in is the worst contributer to climate change and we are not doing anything about it. Since no one who has power running our country is doing anything about this issue. I think if kids give real complex information and spread awarness about a serious issue throughout the whole world eventaully some people who are smart enough to understand this will help us kids and hopefully they can make it a little less complex for people like Donald Trump who can't understand something as complicated as this so, when this information get's to someone who can actually do something about this and hopefully quick enough so we are still live before Donald Trump relizes that everyone will dye in a short matter of time.
  22. Summary Designs Key epistemic practices Integrating public discourse • Justifying

    claims with evidence • Collaborative sense making • Indexing collective knowledge Computing with open data • Using data and graphs as epistemic tools • Achieving pragmatic goals with knowledge
  23. Learning Informatics Lab College of Education and Human Development Sashank

    Varma (Co-Director) Bodong Chen (Co-Director) David DeLiema Pani Kendeou Keisha Varma
  24. From the standpoint of the child, the great waste in

    the school comes from his inability to utilize the experiences he gets outside the school … while, on the other hand, he is unable to apply in daily life what he is learning at school. That is the isolation of the school -- its isolation from life. – John Dewey (1899) End the great waste
  25. Thank You! Bodong Chen Email: [email protected] Twitter: @bod0ng Website: http:/

    /bodong.me Links: • ISLS • Knowledge Building International • SoLAR Photo Credit: Google Earth