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don't become Agile, strive for agility

Chris McDermott
June 07, 2013

don't become Agile, strive for agility

Have you ever tried and failed to make your organisation Agile? Or, have been part of an Agile change that didn't meet the high expectations it set? Maybe you have met with too much resistance to even get off the ground. Have you ever wondered why?

What if, instead of looking to make one large revolutionary change and become Agile, you looked to build a culture of continuous improvement and, while drawing from the Agile toolkit, you evolved towards the agility and predictability your business requires? In this talk I'll give an introduction to the Kanban method. I'll show how it is designed to help in the evolutionary change of your software development system and how it encourages a culture of continuous improvement.

Chris McDermott

June 07, 2013


  1. “It’s only with the knowledge of why that you gain

    the ability to adapt an approach to a specific situation” Donald Reinertsen (Managing the Design Factory) Friday, 7 June 13
  2. What is it? • A change management method that uses

    kanban systems to provoke change • Catalyst for evolutionary change • Can help to create an culture of continuous improvement • There is no Kanban Software Development Process or Kanban Project Management Method Friday, 7 June 13
  3. start with what you do now agree to purse incremental

    and evolutionary change initially, respect current roles, responsibilities & job titles encourage acts of leadership at all levels the principles Friday, 7 June 13
  4. Ability to search by product Due: 09/06 Start: 07/06 End:

    08/06 2146767 Cust: Chris BA: Mike Dev: Liz QA: Brian Type: Feature Digital tracking number Tracking dates Contacts Work item type - Bug - Feature - Non Functional - etc Standard - Fixed Date - Expedite or whatever suits Friday, 7 June 13
  5. Summary start with what you do now gain an appreciation

    of the system limit the work in progress Friday, 7 June 13
  6. Summary start with what you do now gain an appreciation

    of the system limit the work in progress pull work when ready Friday, 7 June 13
  7. Summary start with what you do now gain an appreciation

    of the system limit the work in progress pull work when ready identify and remove impediments to flow Friday, 7 June 13
  8. Summary start with what you do now gain an appreciation

    of the system limit the work in progress pull work when ready identify and remove impediments to flow make the work visible Friday, 7 June 13
  9. • Resources • Kanban Book by David Anderson • A

    Kanban System for Software Engineering (InfoQ) • www.limitedwipsociety.org • groups.yahoo.com/group/kanbandev • Background • Theory of Constraints - Goldratt • Lean/TPS - Ohno, Womack/Jones, Liker, Rother • System of Profound Knowledge - Deming • Systems Thinking - Senge, Ackoff, Seddon, Meadows • Lean Product Development - Reinertsen Friday, 7 June 13
  10. thank you questions? http://availagility.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/kenji-kanban-2.jpg http://randommanager.com/products/5-whys http://itopskanban.wordpress.com/sysadmins-board/ https://twitter.com/Amy_Lynch/status/218009573091581952 http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7138/7824546268_0b694ef4b2_b.jpg http://www.valuablecontent.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Flowing-stream.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/510bass/6898800514/sizes/h/in/photostream/

    http://farm1.staticflickr.com/59/174010121_3a7e837f25_b.jpg http://www.velaction.com/lean-information/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/PDCA-Cycle-Pic.jpg http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5052/5537028515_50e8967a88_b.jpg http://blog.flowkaizen.com/why-physical-card-walls-are-important http://www.a-chau.net/gallery2/d/99171-2/supermarket_queue.jpg Friday, 7 June 13