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See the Agile from Mindset

Chu-Siang Lai
July 01, 2018

See the Agile from Mindset

# 從《心態致勝》看敏捷
《心態致勝》是一本學習成長的心理學入門書籍,同時也是經理人雜誌推薦的《刻意練習》前導書之一。閱書此書的凍仁,不時想起敏捷 (Agile) 提及的某個核心觀念 ─ 學習成長。
凍仁有慶於 2018/06/29 Agile Summit 2018 閃電秀分享心得,並推廣 DevOpsDays Taipei 2018!
#Mindset #Agile #AgileSummit #AgileSummit2018 #DevOpsDaysTaipei2018 #Book

Chu-Siang Lai

July 01, 2018


  1. [ chusiang@AgileSummit2018 ~ ] $ cat .profile # Author: 凍仁翔

    / [email protected] # Blog: https://note.drx.tw # Modified: 2018-07-01 01:39 __________________ < 從《⼼心態致勝》看敏捷 > ------------------ \ \ \ \
  2. • 《Mindset: The New Psychology of Success》| Amazon
 - https://amzn.to/2KnlN4C

    • 《刻意練習》| 博客來來 - https://bit.ly/2jUEZI0 • 《刻意練習》| 經理理⼈人 Jan. 2018 no.158 - http://bit.ly/2N6Bzif • 《原來來你才是絆腳⽯石》| 天瓏書局 - http://bit.ly/2tMYciD • 與 HR 談場敏捷豔遇 by Jasmine Huang | Agile Summit 2018
 - https://summit.ithome.com.tw/agile/ • DevOpsDays 2018 - https://devopsdays.tw 參參考⽂文獻 !28
  3. _____ < END > ----- \ \ \_\_ _/_/ \

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