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"I will remember that" and other lies - Why doc...

Cleyra Uzcategui
November 04, 2024

"I will remember that" and other lies - Why documentation matters and it makes your apps better

Talk done by Luise Freese at Codemotion Milan 2024.

Cleyra Uzcategui

November 04, 2024


  1. " I will remember that" 
 (and other lies we

    tell ourselves) 
 Why documentation matters and makes your apps better Luise Freese
  2. @LuiseFreese Architetta Costruendo apps eccellenti con Microsoft 365, Power Platform

    e Azure runner Principess a Punk nel💖 Madre 
 dei draghi
 delle figlie Microsoft MVP
 BizApps & M365 DEV Amo parlare di M365princess. com DevOps • UI • 
 accessibilità 42 OPEN
 so(u)rceress Cambiare il mondo un'app alla volta Luise 
 Freese she/her 👠 #SharingIsCaring molto felice #ff69b4 It depends! molto nerd 🤓 Trouble
 Maker ✨ (Voglio tutti
 i carboidrati!) 👑 🧘 🏳🌈
  3. @LuiseFreese Architetta Costruendo apps eccellenti con Microsoft 365, Power Platform

    e Azure runner Principess a Punk nel💖 Madre 
 dei draghi
 delle figlie Microsoft MVP
 BizApps & M365 DEV Amo parlare di M365princess. com DevOps • UI • 
 accessibilità 42 OPEN
 so(u)rceress Cambiare il mondo un'app alla volta Luise 
 Freese she/her 👠 #SharingIsCaring molto felice #ff69b4 It depends! molto nerd 🤓 Trouble
 Maker ✨ (Voglio tutti
 i carboidrati!) 👑 🧘 🏳🌈
  4. Schroedingers developer paradox • A developer is a person who

    hates writing docs and will die on the hill of self- documenting software • A developer is a person who heavily relies on written docs and will complain to everyone if they’re not extensive enough
  5. Agenda • What is docs? • Whwould I want to

    write them> • How do I get started
  6. What is documentation? • A readme.md file at the root

    of a project telling you which npm package to install plus a GitHub sponsor link? • A printed manual on how users shall use the software in question, sold for 24.99$ (will get dusty on the shelf)? • Inline-comments everywhere to explain every single line of code (super annoying) • Something we honestly plan on doing if – by any chance – all stars align and we still have time/money/nerves left at the end of a project (never happens)
  7. Developer Documentation Software Requirements Specification (SRS) The SHOULD document Software

    Design Description (SDD) The ugly truth Source Code Documeantatio n What people think is docs UX Design Documentation Mostly abandoned API Documentation Responsible for 80% of dev pain Test Documentation 🤐 Product Roadmaps Big picture
  8. Software Requirements Specification (SRS): The How it should work document

    •Describes a software system to be built •Lays out functional and non-functional requirements •Includes a set of use cases 💡Basis for an agreement between customers and contractors/suppliers on how the software should function
  9. Software Design Description (SDD): 
 The How do we build

    this document 
 •Contains the software design and overall architecture •Keeps the whole project team on the same page •Helps to ensure that all stakeholders vet the entire design and that all risks and assumptions are considered
  10. Source Code Documentation 
 •Comments where needed and where code

    by itself is not self-evident •Release Notes (best approach is to automate the use of commit messages) •Needs to be up to date – no one benefits from anything written months ago
  11. UX Design Documentation 
 • UX design is part of

    the product design • It begins at the requirements stage and proceeds through all the stages of development, including testing and post-release stages • UX documentation covers • user personas • user scenarios • user story maps • a UX style guide, which includes an accessibility guide as well
  12. Product Roadmap •Contains a plan of action for how a

    product will evolve over time •Serves as a guide for both business and technical teams •“The big picture”
  13. Agenda • What is docs? • Whwould I want to

    write them> • How do I get started
  14. Documentation Goals • Software Success • Unify product-pelated Information •

    Facilitate knowledge sharing • Improve future projects
  15. Documentation Goal: 
 Ensure Software Success • Meet cost, quality,

    and time constraints • Not well-defined requirements and not identified risks increase likelihood of redesign later on: cost overruns • Well defined requirements and risk awareness increase probability that project satisfies budget, quality and time
  16. Documentation Goal: Unify Product-Related Information 
 • Information that is

    scattered is hard to find and easy to lose • A central repository of all product-related information helps developers and other stakeholders find the required information quickly
  17. Documentation Goal: 
 Facilitate Knowledge Sharing 
 • New developers

    can use docs to come up to speed on existing projects quickly • Good docs make it easy to share knowledge easily among team members
  18. Documentation Goal: 
 Improve Future Projects 
 • Lessons learned

    during software development projects can help teams improve their work on future projects • In this way, time and cost will be saved, and product quality will improve
  19. Agenda • What is docs? • Whwould I want to

    write them> • How do I get started
  20. Clear Understanding Docs provide a comprehensive understanding of how the

    system works, this includes • Architecture • Code • Functionality This understanding improves • Design • Implementation • Maintenance
  21. Communication Among Team Members •Reference material for the dev team

    •Improves comms among team members •Common understanding & shared vision
  22. Helps with Debugging and Maintenance • Good documentation is vital

    during the debugging process and maintaining the software • It provides necessary insight into the thought processes of the original developers and can greatly expedite the process of finding and fixing issues
  23. Onboarding New Developers • quickly understand the project by referring

    to the documentation • become productive faster • minimizes the knowledge transfer gap when team members leave or switch roles
  24. Consistentency • Well-documented code can help maintain consistency throughout the

    app • developers adhere to the same conventions and design patterns • resulting in cleaner, more standardized code
  25. Saves Time and Effort • Writing docs requires time and

    effort upfront • it saves more time and effort in the long run • It reduces the need for developers to figure out what the software does or how to use it every time they work on it
  26. Future-proofing • Documentation can help during the planning for future

    iterations of the software • By knowing the current state of the application in detail, developers can more effectively plan for new features or changes
  27. Legal & Compliance Requirements • For certain applications, particularly in

    regulated industries like healthcare or finance, documentation is not just useful but a legal requirement • It can be used to prove that best practices were followed or that certain functionality exists
  28. Don’t come at me with the Agile Manifesto • We

    should let religion/politics out of software development • If it worked to notw rite proper docs, you woudn’t sit here
  29. Integrating Documentation into an Agile Process User Stories and Acceptance

    Criteria • Clear Descriptions - what needs to be implemented, tested, and documented • Living Documents - need to be updated as the project evolves to reflect changes and new insights Sprint Planning and Retrospectives: • Documentation Tasks - documentation is part of the Definition of Done (DoD) for each story or task • Review and Improve - Use retros to review the quality of the documentation and identify areas for improvement Collaborative Documentation • Pair Writing - developers and technical writers collaborate to produce and refine docs • Shared Ownership - make docs a shared responsibility, with contributions from all team members. Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) • Automated Documentation Generation - Use tools to automatically generate and update doc from code comments and annotations as part of the CI/CD pipeline • Documentation Reviews: Integrate documentation review as part of the CI/ CD process, ensuring that docs are kept up-to-date with the latest code changes
  30. Some Tools for Writing Documentation in Development Teams Markdown and

    Static Site Generators • Markdown: Simple syntax for writing documentation, which can be easily converted into various formats • Static Site Generators: Tools like Jekyll, Hugo, and MkDocs can generate static websites from .md files, making docs easily accessible and navigable Version Control Integration • Git: Use Git to manage and version docs alongside code, ensuring that docs changes are tracked and can be reviewed • GitHub Pages: Host docs directly from a GitHub repo using GitHub Pages Collaborative Documentation Tools • Confluence: tool for collaborative docs that integrates well with other Atlassian products like Jira • Notion: A flexible tool for creating and organizing docs, wikis, and collaborative notes Code Documentation Tools • Javadoc/Doxygen: Tools for generating API docs from code comments in languages like Java and C++ • Sphinx: A docs generator for Python projects IDE Plugins • Live Preview Plugins: Plugins that provide live previews of Markdown or other docs formats directly within the IDE • Linting Tools: Plugins that check docs for spelling, grammar, and style issues to ensure high-quality docs
  31. Agenda • What is docs? • Whwould I want to

    write them> • How do I get started
  32. Writing brings clarity • Writing docs is an essential process

    that helps clarify the purpose and function of a project • The act of documenting involves • Capturing in a structured format • Important information • Instructions • Guidelines • Explanations • Making it accessible to others, including • Team members • Stakeholders • End-users
  33. Writing == Understanding • Objectives and scope • Explaining functionality

    • Providing instructions • Addressing common questions and issues • Enhancing collaboration and knowledge sharing
  34. For your next project • … Start with the docs

    – hours of thinking and planning can save up weeks of coding • Make writing down what you decide transparent in an architecture decision log • Explain purpose, goals, constraints as you experience them • Too often “later” becomes “never” • Docs are working documents, which live and breathe and serve you and others – without them, you create technical debt.