development WebVR ฎՋ讕牫 a new web browser feature, based on existing browser technologies a set of Javascript API for creating VR content which renders into headsets and browsers provides access to input and output capabilities of VR devices no download/installs required, no app stores navigating between sites in VR ݢ犥藯Ո扖㻟牫 疰ฎ虏֦አ web browser ፗ矑፡ VR 獉ࠩ 猟匍ࣁጱ fullscreen 衔牧ೲӥ盅ܨ䨝蝱獈 VR 薪搕秇ୗ牧獉褰毣旉㵕ᘒ硬虋牧綍ᛗ磪蒅硈ಋݢ膏 獉㵕 ፓ秂ฎ褔犵䟖አጱᴥ繸(friction) 傶֜ᥝ磪憒໒牫 ݱ疑皜珶䋿֢碻磪秂伛ݢ狅盌牧嘦狒Ӟ犩獉胼ྋ嘦ጱࣁಅ磪 browsers Ӥ珊匍 ֕䋿率Ӥ牧֦睞ጱ ! অ檺磪 polyfill 憒໒ਧ嬝ߺ犚Ԫ牫 WebVR API sensors head-mounted displays Hand Position API pointer event with points in 3D frame ই֜蘷獨ಋ玊犋ࣁ種 spec 憒塅ֺ(ݢአ 3D camera 㻌奈೭ಋ牧ݝᥝ胼叨ኞፘ䛑ጱ pointer event ܨݢ) ߺ犚皜珶ࣁ䋿֢種憒໒牫 Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox, Servo Google Crhome, Chromium Oculus Carmel Samsung Internet ፓ獮ଉ憎ጱ VR 蕕ᗝ HTC Vive Oculus Rift Google Daydream, Tango Samsung GearVR Microsoft Hololens (Mixed Reality headset) ெ讕樄咳 WebVR 獉牫 AFrame by Mozilla ReactVR by Facebook react-aframe ➡ AFrame ➡ { ThreeJS | WebGL | WebVR } ReactVR ➡ OVRUI ➡ { ThreeJS | WebGL | WebVR } و蝢ԏ蒂 AFrame ፘ吚ෝ OVRUI牧Ԇᥝฎ蕕皈䍅ݱ圵ۑ胼(ֺই Threejs 膏 WebVR ) React-Aframe 膏 ReactVR 㳷ฎๅӤ䍅ጱ declarative API ො盠蝧樄咳纷ୗ ፘ吖ԏ蒂 ℂ mental model 㬵፡牧ReactVR ฎ穉斃猻纨ጱ ReactVR ጱ猻玊 ᆧ盿ጱ樄咳秇ୗ牧ই૪䨝䌃 react react-native牧ݢ篷ዳ缏ܨ樄咳 ReactVR 獉 FB 蛪磪敟Ꮭ誢ଘݣ牧קԆ疩叨禂憒໒膏ොݻጱ胼ێ 䌘獍ݪ㬵藯ತՈฃ牧䌘ૡ纷䒍㬵藯缛ෝ篷ዳے讨Ӟ毼ದ胼䰽 墋㻌拻疰ฎ瓟䌌ٌӤጱ觓檺斃犵 ReactVR 塅ֺ class WelcomeToVR extends React.Component { render() { // Displays "hello" text on top of a loaded 360 panorama image. // Text is 0.8 meters in size and is centered three meters in front of you. return ( <View> <Pano source={asset('chess-world.jpg')}/> <Text style={{ fontSize: 0.8, layoutOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], transform: [{translate: [0, 0, -3]}], }}> hello </Text> </View> ); } }; AppRegistry.registerComponent('WelcomeToVR', () => WelcomeToVR); // ౮ຎ: VR ጱ᯿讨 immersive experience VR ጱ匍丆 櫚膏ᢓ㺔氂櫞薹 ䷱獉牧疰䷱አ䜛氎揮戔猋(oculus/vive 搚犋ധ) ䷱አ䜛牧皜珶䓄讔ᥝ樄咳 VR 獉牫 FB మض薹究櫚ጱ㺔氂 വ 360 video ො盠蝧叨ኞ獉 വ Oculus VR Browser 疥碪磪翕殷ᣟ獈 VR 眐ह獉ֵአ ፗጮ拻 VR ᛗ螭襑 2- 5 ଙ౮ᆧ