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PostgreSQL in real life

December 05, 2019

PostgreSQL in real life

Talk for the Computer Science degree at TecnoCampus Mataró


December 05, 2019

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  1. Pau Pérez @prez_pau Tech (mainly) at Coopdevs Working on: Open

    Food Network TimeOver ow Donalo.org Som Connexió ... 2 / 42
  2. What is PostgreSQL? Relational Extensible SQL-standard compliant (mostly) ACID through

    MVCC Transactions Procedural language Triggers Views Replication 6 / 42
  3. What is PostgreSQL? Concurrent DDL Rules CTEs Full-text search Pub/Sub

    TOAST (The Oversized-Attribute Storage Technique) Foreign Data Wrappers Parallel query execution JIT 7 / 42
  4. What is PostgreSQL? Ingres, University of California, Berkeley, 1982 POSTGRES

    project starts in Berkeley, 1985 POSTGRES v1, 1989 MIT license, 1994 Replaced POSTQUEL with SQL + psql, 1995 Renamed to PostgreSQL and life outside Berkeley, 1996 v6.0 and PostgreSQL Global Development Group, 1997 8 / 42
  5. Real life Som Connexió needs to match the consumptions to

    their invoice lines Mas Móvil lets them export the monthly consumptions 12 / 42
  6. Real life Som Connexió needs to match the consumptions to

    their invoice lines Mas Móvil lets them export the monthly consumptions account_invoice_line has a polymorphic column 12 / 42
  7. Real life Som Connexió needs to match the consumptions to

    their invoice lines Mas Móvil lets them export the monthly consumptions account_invoice_line has a polymorphic column We need to nd the appropriate invoice lines that match the Mas Móvil data 12 / 42
  8. Theory tsvector: represents a document in a form optimized for

    text search tsquery: represents a text query 16 / 42
  9. Theory SELECT 'a fat cat sat on a mat rat'::tsvector

    @@ 'cat & rat'::tsquery; 17 / 42
  10. Theory Full text search performs: Parsing documents into tokens Converting

    tokens into lexemes Storing preprocessed documents optimized for searching 18 / 42
  11. Theory Separate module that tracks SQL statements' execution It comes

    with its view and utility functions 22 / 42
  12. Theory SELECT query, calls, total_time, rows, 100.0 * shared_blks_hit /

    nullif(shared_blks_hit + shared_blks_read, 0) AS hit_percent FROM pg_stat_statements ORDER BY total_time DESC LIMIT 5; query | INSERT INTO "sessions" ("created_at", "data", "session_id", .. calls | 5 total_time | 83.215 rows | 5 hit_percent | 73.5294117647058824 23 / 42
  13. Real life Our users are annoyed with the slowness of

    the app. Where should we focus our efforts? 24 / 42
  14. Real life query | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "order_cycles" LEFT OUTER

    JOIN exchanges ON (exchanges.order_cycle_id = order_cycles.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN enterprises ON (enterprises.id = exchanges.sender_id OR enterprises.id = exchanges.receiver_id) WHERE order_cycles.coordinator_id IN (?) OR enterprises.id IN (?) calls | 30040 total_time | 626381.9099999 rows | 30040 hit_percent | 100.0000000000000000 25 / 42
  15. Real life We spend time on where we can improve

    the most => The app will be noticeable faster 27 / 42
  16. Theory datid | 16386 datname | openfoodnetwork pid | 2763

    usesysid | 16384 usename | ofn_user application_name | delayed_job client_addr | ::1 client_hostname | client_port | 57372 backend_start | 2019-06-05 07:52:16.372732+00 xact_start | query_start | 2019-06-05 09:40:43.282826+00 state_change | 2019-06-05 09:40:43.283123+00 waiting | f state | idle backend_xid | backend_xmin | query | UPDATE "delayed_jobs" SET locked_at = ... 29 / 42
  17. Real life What the hell is going on! # select

    query from pg_stat_activity where pid = 1824; -[ RECORD 1 ]----+----------------------------------------------------------- query | SELECT "a"."id" AS "id" FROM "import_csv_log" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."parent" IN (3642820))) ORDER BY "a"."date_time" DESC, "a"."id" ASC` https://github.com/coopdevs/handbook/wiki/Investigar-queries-lentas 30 / 42