Simulating Galaxy Cluster Mergers by Daisuke Nagai
A talk on "Simulating Galaxy Cluster Mergers" by Daisuke Nagai at the Feeding, Feedback, Fireworks conference, Hamilton Island, Australia in June, 2013.
=0.813(Ω M /0.25)-0.47±0.013(stat)±0.024(sys) w 0 =-0.991±0.045(stat)±0.039(sys) Ω DE =0.740±0.012 Local (z<0.1) sample of 49 clusters + 37 high-z clusters from the 400d X-ray selected cluster sample Era of Precision Cluster Cosmology Systematics, Systematics, Systematics.. Ω DE
(2006) Now Uncertain by 100% Accurate to 10% ASCA X-ray observations Finoguenov et al. 2001 Hydro. sim. without “galaxies” Evrard et al. 1996 Hydro. sim. with “galaxies” Kravtsov et al. 2006 Nagai et al. 2007 Chandra X-ray obs. Vikhlinin et al. 2006 excluding cluster cores (r<0.15r500)
obs. Science Goals: Study the LSS and Dark Energy >100,000 clusters up to z~1.5 A eff ~1500 cm2 @ 1.5keV; Θ eff ~25-40 arcsec eROSITA (launch in 2015) Outstanding Challenges: Need to measure cluster mass to a few %!! Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) Effect SZE is independent of redshift with a robust mass proxy X-ray X-ray X-ray Several hundred clusters have been discovered by ACT, SPT, and Planck recently SPT ACT Planck
gas cooling, star formation, heating by SNe/AGN, metal enrichment and transport). But, also remember limitations - e.g., a single fluid approximation! N-body+Gasdynamics with Adaptive Refinement Tree (ART) code Box size ~ 80/h Mpc; Region shown ~ 2/h Mpc; Spatial resolution ~ a few kpc Cosmological Simulations of Galaxy Cluster Formation
from Planck PUZZLES: Observed entropy and gas fraction profiles are strongly inconsistent with theoretical expectations Entropy profiles of 11 nearby relaxed clusters Simionescu et al. 2011 from Suzaku Suzaku+Planck measurements of cluster outskirts Gas fraction profile in Perseus Cosmic Baryon Fraction Expected Gas Fraction Theoretical Expectation ? ?
Chandra X-ray simulation of a ΛCDM cluster R500 Median spherically-averaged clumping profile of hot X-ray emitting gas for the sample of 16 simulated clusters Missing Cluster Astrophysics #1 Cluster outskirts are very clumpy Hydrodynamical cluster simulations also predict that most of the X-ray emissions from cluster outskirts (r>r500) arise from small groups accreting along filaments
Clumping introduce biased in the ICM profiles derived from X-ray observations Hydrodynamical cluster simulations predict that most of the X-ray emissions from cluster outskirts (r>r500) arise from infalling groups from the filaments Observed profile affected by gas clumping True profile D. Nagai & E. Lau 2011, ApJ, 731, L10
transition of the smooth state in the virialized region to a clumpy intergalactic medium in the infall region outside of r ≈ R500 Vikhlinin et al. in prep. 2.4Msec Chandra XVP observation of A133 Flat-fielded, background-subtracted, point-source subtracted map
A133 Flat-fielded, background-subtracted image, point sources removed A transition of the smooth state in the virialized region to a clumpy intergalactic medium in the infall region outside of r ≈ R500 Vikhlinin et al. in prep. 2.4Msec Chandra XVP observation of A133 79 wavelet-detected X-ray clumps overlaid
Drivers of gas motions Accretion/Mergers (on large scales) Energy injection from SNe/AGN (in cluster cores) Plasma instabilities Broad Implications Hydrostatic mass modeling ICM profiles X-ray/SZ observable-mass relations SZ power & bispectra Metal distribution (e.g., by mixing) Particle acceleration 2h-1 Mpc Missing Cluster Astrophysics #2 Merger-Induced Gas Motions in Clusters Major Merger M~1-3 (transonic) Minor Merger M~0.3 (subsonic) 0.82h-1 Mpc Observationally, we know very little about the nature of gas motions in clusters!!
hydrostatic mass estimate at a level of 5-35% at R500. The mass bias is larger for disturbed clusters. Also Dolag+05, Rasia+06, Vazza+09, Battaglia+11, Nelson+12 Gas motions is one of the dominant sources of systematic bias in SZ/X-ray cluster mass estimates Hydrodynamical simulations predict the ratio of kinetic energy in turbulent gas motions to thermal energy content of galaxy clusters in ΛCDM models 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 1014 1015 Lau, Kravtsov, Nagai 2009 Nagai, Vikhlinin, & Kravtsov 2007 unrelaxed relaxed Bias in HSE mass: MHSE/Mtrue
Clusters vs. CMB cluster scaling relations are off by ~45% Planck CMB results may be biased sum of the neutrino masses is ~0.2-0.25eV a combination of bias in cluster scaling relations, Planck CMB constraints, and non-zero neutrino masses Possible Solutions Planck cosmological constraints from CMB are in tension with cluster abundances
km/s Green: Clump2 v=361 km/s 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 −5×104 0 5×104 Energy (keV) Best-fit Clump1: TX=8.5keV vshift=+152km/s σ=219km/s Clump1+Clump2 (composite) Best-fit Clump2: TX=11keV vshift=-342km/s σ=361km/s 0.3r500 Clump 2 Clump 1 Merging Cluster with Tx=10keV R500 zobs=0.068 Probing Gas Motions in Merging Galaxy Clusters with Astro-H X-ray mission Astro-H (2015) Astro-H will measure peculiar velocity and turbulent gas flows in massive galaxy clusters via shifting and broadening of Fe line. Nagai et al., in prep. to appear in astro-ph next week Mock Astro-H photon maps in 6-7keV
SZE observations are unique probes of thermodynamic and velocity structures of the ICM. measurements! es! ? r! de! ! 2013!F!CCAT!Session! 5! Credit:!Mike!Zemcov! Credit: Mike Zemkov CCAT (2018) Thermodynamic structure of the ICM Temperature profile via SZ relativistic corrections (independently from X-ray) Inhomogeneities in the ICM (gas clumping) Non-thermal pressure in clusters Bulk vs. Turbulent motions via kSZ substructure tSZ effect @ 93GHz kSZ effect @ 221GHz Mock CCAT simulations Morandi, Nagai, Cui, 2013, MNRAS, 431, 1240 Angular resolution 12’’@1mm
fireworks of galaxy cluster mergers Important for understanding thermodynamic and chemical evolution of clusters ★ Cluster outskirts are turbulent and clumpy filled with non-equilibrium electrons Critical for cluster-based cosmological tests ★ Calibration of observable-mass relations ★ Cosmological inference from multi-wavelength cluster surveys Feeding & Fireworks in Galaxy Cluster Mergers Astro-H (2015) eROSITA (2015) SPT ACT Planck ALMA CCAT (2018) Planck Cosmological Constraints from CMB vs. Cluster counts CARMA MUSTANG Hydrodynamical Simulations of Galaxy Clusters R200 R500 Chandra observation of A133