to get familiar with, don’t be overwhelmed :) ❖ Will show lots of examples - feel free to follow along on your laptop and ask lots of questions! ❖ List of links at the end, will also be available on our wiki and on Slack
and published in astronomy are available on the arXiv ❖ astro-ph is the astronomy subset ❖ Astrophysics data system (ADS) is a search interface for most journals and the arXiv
database of multiwavelength data for extragalactic objects, providing a systematic, ongoing fusion of information integrated from hundreds of large sky surveys and tens of thousands of research publications" ❖ skyview, "the internet’s virtual telescope"
great source of advice for: ❖ Job applications, career paths ❖ Software ❖ Stats ❖ so much more! ❖ List of links available, please add your own! ❖ AAS job register is a (nearly) complete overview of all postdoc & faculty positions in astronomy
python ❖ Basically three different modes: ❖ ipython, fully interactively ❖ python ❖ jupyter notebooks ❖ Excellent documentation, examples, blogs, books, etc. for all of this!