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General guide for event organizers - Public events

September 11, 2012

General guide for event organizers - Public events

More details: http://dayforfailure.com/

image credits: http://wallbase.cc


September 11, 2012


  1. Caution! • Keep things simple • Always ask questions •

    Use materials on the website. • We’re non-profit. We cannot provide a financial support. (You might need a sponsor)
  2. Ingredients • Participants >= 50 • Speakers >= 2 •

    Camera & Materials* • Refreshments & So! Drinks* * Materials are downloadable on our website (Resources). Materials consist of Posters(A4), Name tags, Videos, Presentation slides, and so forth. * While refreshments and soft drinks are not essential, they easily make people happy.
  3. Recipe • 17:30-18:00 Opening & Intro Material* • 18:00-19:30 2~3

    Speaker Talks* • 19:30-20:00 Open Mic Session* • 20:00- A!er Party * Presentation & Video materials (Intro, 5 interviews, and two collages) will be published on the website. You could select the video you think will best suit your target audience. * Talk should last less than 30 minutes. The recommended format is (10m: failure + 10m: lessons + 5m: Q&A) * Open Mic sessions: Anyone could come up to the stage and share their failures and lessons within 5 mins. There should a timer who does his job strictly. And encourage the big applause after each sharing. When someone tells inappropriate stories, use your common sense and interrupt.
  4. Spices* • Post-secret: Participants confess to their failures by writing

    them down in a post card. Later we display on the web. • Cool Failure Competition: Compete with each other for the cool failure experience they have. The winner gets a small prize. • ‘Doomed to fail’ Games: Have participants do tricky things (e.g. Juggling or Tongue twister before audience.) The point is to make them fail. The one with most courage will be rewarded. • Pledge Bold Action: Prepare a big white board or an equivalent. Let people publicly announce their dreams. * For more details or suggestions, contact [email protected] * Only when you have extra time and energy, use the above. While they will significantly improve the taste of the event, you should remember not to overdo them; Less is more.
  5. Chef ’s Duty 1. Inform us when and where you

    will organize an event. (contact us) 2. Take as many photos as possible. 3. Cook a one-page report on what happened, which will be collected for the blog.