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Add Location-Based Searching to Your Site with ...

November 30, 2020

Add Location-Based Searching to Your Site with Elasticsearch

In this talk, we'll take an in-depth look at how Elasticsearch supports geo-searching. We'll look at the different types of location searches and how to integrate them into your application. By the end of this talk, you will be able to add location-based searches that will impress your users.


November 30, 2020


  1. @DerekB_WI BELK Stack • Beats - Ingests data streams •

    Elasticsearch - You know for search • Logstash - Prebuilt dashboard for visualizing logs • Kibana - Browser based client
  2. @DerekB_WI WeAreDevelopers Project • Search text descriptions of locations •

    Search nearby locations • Add locations • Comment on existing locations • API
  3. @DerekB_WI docker-compose.yml version: '3'
 image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.3.2

 - bootstrap.memory_lock=true
 - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
 soft: -1
 hard: -1
 - "9200:9200"
 image: docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:6.3.2
 - "5601:5601"
  4. @DerekB_WI How is it stored? • Document - A JSON

    document for each data element • Index - A grouping of documents with similar structure • Mapping - Defines what is contained in document
  5. @DerekB_WI Data Types • Text - Content is indexed and

    searchable • Keyword - Fixed content, think lookup table • Geo-point - latitude/longitude • Geo-shape - Define a polygon • long, integer, short, byte, double, float, half_float, scaled_floa t, date, date_nanos, boolean, binary • More at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/ reference/current/mapping-types.html
  6. @DerekB_WI Queries GET location-list/location/_search
 "query": {
 "bool": {

 "term": {"feature_class": "L"}
 } https://www.geonames.org/export/codes.html
  7. @DerekB_WI Queries GET location-list/location/_search
 "query": {
 "bool": {

    "match": {"name":"Little Park"}
 "filter": {
 "term": {"feature_class": "L"}
  8. @DerekB_WI Benefits? • Fast: > 1 mil rows in 20ms

    • Search within text • Other search types, geo, more like this
  9. @DerekB_WI Load Data public function addLocation(Location $location)
 $this->locations[] =

 if (count($this->locations) >= 1000)
 ->bulkInsert('location-list', 'location', 
 $this->prepareBulkJson($this->locations)); $this->locations = [];
 } }
  10. @DerekB_WI Load Data private function prepareBulkJson()
 return array_map(function($location) {

    return [
 'geonameid' => $location->geonameid,
 'name' => $location->name,
 'asciiname' => $location->asciiname,
 'alternatenames' => $location->alternatenames,
 'location_point' => $location->latitude . ", " $location->longitude,
 'feature_class' => $location->featureClass,
 'feature_code' => $location->featureCode,
 'elevation' => $location->elevation,
 'timezone' => $location->timezone
 }, $this->locations);

  11. @DerekB_WI Load Data public function bulkInsert($indexName, $indexType, $data_lines) { $client

    = ClientBuilder::create() ->setHosts(['']) ->build(); $json_body = []; foreach ($data_lines as $line) { $json_body[] = ['index' => [ '_index' => $indexName, '_type' => $indexType ] ]; $json_body[] = $line; } $responses = $client->bulk(['body' => $json_body]); }
  12. @DerekB_WI Load Data public function bulkInsert($indexName, $indexType, $data_lines) { $client

    = ClientBuilder::create() ->setHosts(['']) ->build(); $json_body = []; foreach ($data_lines as $line) { $json_body[] = ['index' => ['_index' => $indexName, '_type' => $indexType] ]; $json_body[] = $line; } $responses = $client->bulk(['body' => $json_body]); }
  13. @DerekB_WI Load Data public function bulkInsert($indexName, $indexType, $data_lines) { $client

    = ClientBuilder::create() ->setHosts(['']) ->build(); $json_body = []; foreach ($data_lines as $line) { $json_body[] = ['index' => ['_index' => $indexName, '_type' => $indexType] ]; $json_body[] = $line; } $responses = $client->bulk(['body' => $json_body]); }