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01-DevOps - It s all about Experiments by Konst...

01-DevOps - It s all about Experiments by Konstantin Diener

DevOps Gathering

March 12, 2019

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  1. „The Third Way is about creating a culture that fosters

    two things: continual experimentation, which requires taking risks and learning from success and failure, and understanding that repetition and practice is the prerequisite to mastery. The Phoenix Project
  2. No!

  3. Experimentation and risk taking are what enable us to relentlessly

    improve our system of work, which often requires us to do things very differently than how we’ve done it for decades. The Phoenix Project
  4. Kent Beck Spotify didn’t implement the Spotify model by copying

    Spotify. Why do folks at other companies think they can implement the Spotify model by copying Spotify? “
  5. Goal to problem is connected to Hypothesis <Problem> Experiment -

    What’s the minimum we could try to proof our hypothesis? • Measurement 1 • Measurement 2
  6. Person Team Organisation • 1 on 1 • Jour Fixe

    • Personal Retrospective • Sprint Retro • Release Retro • Postmortem
  7. Successful cross-functional teams Goal Missing cross cutting link for „developer

    species“ Hypothesis Backend Developers felt disconnected from each other Try Community of Practice for Backend Developers Experiment • each Developer knows at least two peers he can ask for help. How to measure
  8. Ester Derby Ppl seem to think about adding processes, policies,

    procedures… but not retiring any of them. Sort of like always buying new clothes, without ever clearing out the closet of stuff that now longer works or fits. “
  9. Konstantin Diener | cosee GmbH konstantin.diener@cosee.biz | @onkelkodi Technologieentscheidungen in

    selbstorganisierten Teams Mittwoch, 15:00 - 16:00 | Gutenberg-Saal 4 > blog.cosee.biz > cosee.jobs Picture credits: Kata: http://www.istockphoto.com/portfolio/PointImages Project Plan: https://www.istockphoto.com/de/portfolio/kemaltaner Armchair: https://www.istockphoto.com/de/portfolio/FilippoBacci Cat & Mouse: https://www.istockphoto.com/de/portfolio/bllkcbs >> https://cosee.biz