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07-Go as a Tooling Language for the Cloud by Ja...

07-Go as a Tooling Language for the Cloud by Jannis Schäfer

DevOps Gathering

March 12, 2019

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  1. Jannis Schaefer | cosee jannis.schaefer@cosee.biz | @jannisschaefer How Go can

    save a DevOps day It’s all about your tooling We are Cloud Native!
  2. Jannis Schaefer | cosee jannis.schaefer@cosee.biz | @jannisschaefer How Go can

    save a DevOps day It’s all about your tooling A tailor-made team for your needs! Cloud Backend Mobile Frontend DevOps Agile Marketing Design
  3. Why script when you could Go? • Clean syntax =

    No magic™ • Concurrency in mind • Powerful tooling • Quickly compiled to assembly • Static binaries for all mayor platforms • Garbage Collection medium.com/@kevalpatel2106/why-should-you-learn-go-f607681fad65
  4. Standard Library https://golang.org/pkg/#stdlib archive bufio compress context crypto database/sql encoding

    errors expvar flag fmt html image io log math net/http net net/mail os path reflect regexp sort strings testing text text/template time encoding/json encoding/xml
  5. Things you need to Go • Go installation from golang.org/dl/

    • Some text editor or IDE (VSCode, GoLand, vim) • Built-in tools you heard of today
  6. Go for what? • Server applications and micro services •

    http/2 support built-in • small size Docker containers
 • CLI tools for different platforms & Automatization • Easy cross compilation • Official library for almost every cloud service
  7. Where to Go now? Effective Go „Offical Guide“ golang.org/doc/effective_go.html Links

    to learning resources github.com/golang/go/wiki/Learn Small code examples gobyexample.com Awesome contributed libraries github.com/avelino/awesome-go Democode github.com/schjan/image-converter
  8. Jannis Schaefer | cosee GmbH jannis.schaefer@cosee.biz | @jannisschaefer > blog.cosee.biz

    > jobs.cosee.biz > cosee.biz github.com/ashleymcnamara/gophers