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Modern Development Approach Cloud Native Way

Dimitrij Klesev
April 13, 2023

Modern Development Approach Cloud Native Way

Dimitrij Klesev

April 13, 2023


  1. When we develop, we commonly see something like this: (See:

    https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/example-scenario/apps/devops-with-aks) WhizUs GmbH WhizUs GmbH KCSP & KTP KCSP & KTP 04/2023 04/2023
  2. When we develop, we may experience also this: breaks here

    :( (See: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/example-scenario/apps/devops-with-aks) WhizUs GmbH WhizUs GmbH KCSP & KTP KCSP & KTP 04/2023 04/2023
  3. As developers today we are faced with the following difficulties:

    more complex pipelines more complex environments delivering features faster onboard new colleagues faster fix bugs even faster WhizUs GmbH WhizUs GmbH KCSP & KTP KCSP & KTP 04/2023 04/2023
  4. dev

  5. As developers today we are faced with the following difficulties:

    more complex pipelines more complex environments delivering features faster onboard new colleagues faster fix bugs even faster WhizUs GmbH WhizUs GmbH KCSP & KTP KCSP & KTP 04/2023 04/2023
  6. What are Development Containers? A Development Container (or Dev Container

    for short) allows you to use a container as a full-featured development environment. It can be used to run an application, to separate tools, libraries, or runtimes needed for working with a codebase, and to aid in continuous integration and testing. Dev containers can be run locally or remotely, in a private or public cloud. (See: https://containers.dev) WhizUs GmbH WhizUs GmbH KCSP & KTP KCSP & KTP 04/2023 04/2023
  7. When a new engineer joins the team, they can open

    a codespace and skip the local environment setup because the required extensions, dependencies, and environment variables exist within the codespace. (See: https://github.blog/2023-02-28-10-things-you-didnt-know-you-could-do-with-github-codespaces/) WhizUs GmbH WhizUs GmbH KCSP & KTP KCSP & KTP 04/2023 04/2023
  8. ( S e e : h t t p s

    : / / w w w. r e s e a r c h g a t e . n e t / p u b l i c a t i o n / 2 7 5 4 0 5 5 7 2 _ E v o l u t i o n _o f _C l o u d _C o m p u t i n g _ a n d _ E n a b l i n g _Te c h n o l o g i e s )
  9. As developers today we are faced with the following difficulties:

    more complex pipelines more complex environments delivering features faster onboard new colleagues faster fix bugs even faster WhizUs GmbH WhizUs GmbH KCSP & KTP KCSP & KTP 04/2023 04/2023
  10. When we develop, we may experience also this: breaks here

    :( (See: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/example-scenario/apps/devops-with-aks) WhizUs GmbH WhizUs GmbH KCSP & KTP KCSP & KTP 04/2023 04/2023
  11. developing services like being within the cluster not affecting anyone

    else using current deployed version (See: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/bridge/overview-bridge-to-kubernetes) WhizUs GmbH WhizUs GmbH KCSP & KTP KCSP & KTP 04/2023 04/2023