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Exploring Visualization of Software-Related dat...

David Moreno Lumbreras
October 23, 2023

Exploring Visualization of Software-Related data in Extended Reality - Thesis dissertation

Exploring Visualization of Software-Related data in Extended Reality

Thesis dissertation done in October 23

David Moreno Lumbreras

October 23, 2023


  1. Exploring Visualization of Software-Related data in Extended Reality David Moreno

    Lumbreras Directores: Jesús M. González Barahona Gregorio Robles Martínez
  2. Context Data visualization - Software visualization The city metaphor in

    data and software visualization. Virtual Reality (VR) Web environment /context
  3. Research goals Study of the state of the art, focusing

    on the use of the city metaphor. Create a platform for web-based data visualizations in the XR environment. Development of a web-based version of the city metaphor visualization. Conduct empirical studies for validating BabiaXR-visualizations. Enhance the city metaphor visualization. /goals
  4. Our research on the literature From 3D to Virtual Reality

    (VR). The city, and other metaphors in softvis. Visualizing dependencies. Literature reviews in software visualization. /state_of_art
  5. Research Questions RQ1: “Has the use of the city metaphor

    in software visualization increased?” RQ2: “How does the number of research teams evolve over time?” RQ3: “Are researchers developing more tools that support the city metaphor?” RQ4: “Are the prototypes exploring new emerging immersive technologies?” /RQs Publications Tools
  6. Search Strategy and Quality Papers which cite two of the

    main "3D city software visualization" papers. - C. Knight and M. Munro, "Virtual but visible software," -> First paper talking about visualizing software as cities - R. Wettel and M. Lanza, "Visualizing Software Systems as Cities," -> CodeCity first/main paper Four studies from a 2011 Journal paper, 2 VISSOFT 2020 papers and 1 VISSOFT 2022 paper. Cites of those papers included in the dataset. /strategy
  7. Filtering and Categorizing No 2D viz papers, no English, only

    papers… 169 studies Categorizing studies: 1. Categories selection done by three researchers (METAPHORTYPE, NAME, SOURCE, etc…) 2. Two researchers categorized studies 3. Third researcher analyzed the cases in which there was conflict. /filters
  8. Papers The use of the city metaphor and its derivatives

    in software visualization continues to be an active metaphor in the community. Greater technology accessibility fuels software visualization research growth.
  9. Tools Advancements in technology = software development more accessible =

    more approaches in SoftVis. Growing trend in the use of XR in SoftVis but needs still more research.
  10. 1. Pie 2. Doughnut 3. 3D/2D bars 4. 3D/2D cylinders

    5. Bubbles 6. Network . . /charts
  11. 1. Pie 2. Doughnut 3. 3D/2D bars 4. 3D/2D cylinders

    5. Bubbles 6. Network . . City /charts
  12. Needed to facilitate experiments processes After our feedback and state

    of the art analysis. Automate processes. Preparation - Conduction - Analysis /feedback
  13. New set of components Automatic Environment Creation Auto Camera Configuration

    Browser Accessibility Time Measurement Answer Recording Position and Rotation tracking Automatic Task Positioning /experiments
  14. CodeCity: On-screen or in VR? /comparison CodeCity as a 3D

    visualization - VR better to visualize 3D Comparison of CodeCity in two environments. Software comprehension tasks. Can VR improve software comprehension using the city metaphor for visualizing source code metrics? Know advantages/limitations of VR in this context.
  15. Research Questions RQ1: “How does the accuracy of participants immersed

    in VR compare to that of participants using the on-screen version of BabiaXR-CodeCity?” RQ2: “How does the efficiency of participants immersed in VR compare to that of participants using the on-screen version of BabiaXR-CodeCity?” /RQs
  16. Environment /environment Simulated 3D on a PC vs. immersive VR

    on Meta Quest 2 tinyurl.com/babiacodecity
  17. Summary + Next steps VR shorter completion time for the

    tasks, but less accuracy. In Top 5, always over 90%. Validate with larger samples Feedback = Improvement /discussion
  18. Second experiment - extension /extension Good feedback from first experiment.

    Invited for an extension. Repeat the experiment with some changes from the feedback. Compare results and confirm the ones extracted in the first experiment.
  19. Changes /changes Better time measurement - talks aloud when starting

    and tasks displayed on the scene. Location of the tasks in order to avoid bias. Training with the city and non-usable data. Remove the environment on a old release. Add two new tasks to improve the results. 26 new participants
  20. Summary VR CodeCity is comparable to on-screen CodeCity. = Correctness

    ++Efficiency. The second experiment, better in terms of reliability of results confirms that.
  21. Comparing web dashboards vs BabiaXR dashboards /goal Bitergia - Knowledge

    of software analytics tools - Data + dashboard. First assessment of Babia dashboards. Comparing them to an on-screen dashboards platform. Are BabiaXR dashboards at least as good as Kibana dashboards for conducting software development analytics tasks?
  22. Idea of register the methodology 1. Ensure the methodology is

    correct. Difficult of publish these studies. 2. Present a Registered Report - ESEM 2021 3. Address comments in order to improve the study 4. Conduct the empirical study 5. Publish the results - On going /pre-experiment
  23. Replicate dashboards Same Kibana dashboards on BabiaXR Software development processes

    data - PRs and Issues Two on-screen dashboards in one VR dashboard Same data /experiment
  24. Research Questions RQ: “Is comprehension of software development processes, via

    the visualization of their metrics, at least as good as in 2D screens when presented in VR scenes?”. RQ1: “Do the answers obtained in VR provide similar correctness compared to those obtained on-screen?” RQ2: “Do the answers obtained in VR provide similar time to completion compared to those obtained on-screen?” /RQs
  25. Experiment 1. Divide 32 participants in 4 groups 1.1. Starting

    in Kibana and project A, then BabiaXR and project B 1.2. Starting in Kibana and project B, then BabiaXR and project A 1.3. Starting in BabiaXR and project A, then Kibana and project B 1.4. Starting in BabiaXR and project B, then Kibana and project C 2. Training 2.1. Both Kibana and VR 2.2. Data from a non-usable project C 3. Demographics survey 4. Tasks, repeating them in both environment 5. Feedback Questions /RQs
  26. We run an statistical analysis for the correctness and completion

    time Mixed linear method Cohen’s effect size … Find if the difference between groups and On-Screen-VR is statistically important. Main Results /results
  27. Summary Found that BabiaXR dashboards are at least as useful

    in terms of correctness and completion time as Kibana dashboards.
  28. Discussion Habit factor on on-screen Repeating tasks = second round

    better results Isolated VR environment - more focused Tasks favoring VR or a project? Interactions … /discussion
  29. /layout_algorithm Challenges in representing software evolution using treemaps Difficulty of

    adding or removing items in treemaps Layout recalculations and impact on visualization when changes occur Limitations of treemaps for representing software evolution Treemaps as layout
  30. /spiral Benefits of the spiral algorithm in accommodating changes in

    the number of elements Scalability and flexibility of the spiral algorithm for representing software evolution Spiral algorithm for the layout
  31. Validation (future) Through comparison with existing tools and metrics visualization

    methods. User studies with software development practitioners for feedback. Refinement and optimization of the methodology. Investigation of the effectiveness of the spiral algorithm compared to other layout algorithms.
  32. Exploring dependencies data Visualizing software dependencies can provide a powerful

    way to understand and manage the complexity of modern software systems. NPM ecosystem - NodeJS web applications Graph as common visualization City visualization, elevating quarters for representing dependencies levels /exploring
  33. license: type of license of the package (categoric). timesInstalled: how

    many times the package is installed, that means, in how many differents versions the package is in the project. timesAppear: how many times the package appears in the project regardless the version. last_act_days: days since the last commit in the repository of the package. ncommits_ly: number of commits in the repository of the package in the last year. ncommiters_ly: number of unique commiters in the repository of the package in the last year. nvuln: number of vulnerabilities of the package, retrieved using the audit tool of npm. nissues_ratio: number of issues closed divided by total number of issues. Building metrics /color
  34. Views License license as color Replication timesInstalled or timesAppear as

    color Activity last_act_days or ncommits_ly or ncommiters_ly as color Vulnerabilities nvuln or nissues_ratio as color /views
  35. Results License: project policies, decision. Replication: core deps, performance. Activity:

    maintenance priority. Vulnerabilities: security and stability. By providing multiple views and metrics, developers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their software dependencies and identify potential issues before they become major problems.
  36. Research contributions Systematic Mapping Study. Development of BabiaXR. Facilitating VR

    data visualization experiments. Experiment on BabiaXR-CodeCity. Comparison of Kibana and BabiaXR using the museum metaphor. Enhanced CodeCity with Time Evolution Dependencies ecosystem visualization. /contributions
  37. Our journey: SMS + Development + Validation + Enhancements =

    Path for future advancements. Softvis in immersive web environments. Our contributions wanted to have impact on the software visualization research communities. Conclusions
  38. Future Research Validation of the Time Evolution Feature. Empirical Study

    of the Elevated City. Exploration of Augmented Reality (AR) in Software Visualization. Analysis of Alternative Metaphors in VR. General Platform Improvement and Ongoing Research. /future
  39. BabiaXR contributing Main page https://babiaxr.gitlab.io Tutorials, APIs, Source Code, etc.

    GPLv3 License Contributing guide https://gitlab.com/babiaxr/aframe-babia-components/-/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md /open_source
  40. My PhD timeline PhD starts Jan’19 2019 2020 2021 2022

    2023 Research stay @ Software Institute - USI Aug’22 - Nov’22 IST paper accepted Sep’22 Defense Oct’23 VISSOFT Oct’23 Technical Paper Artifact (Best artifact award) VISSOFT Sep’21 Technical Paper Artifact Remotely collaboration starts w/ Michele Lanza Sep’20 Industrial PhD @ Bitergia Jan’19 - Mar’22 Comunidad de Madrid grant Academia @ URJC Mar’22 Pre-doctoral Researcher Journal submission Jan’23 Status: 3rd revision Journal submission Jul’22 Status: 2nd revision Journal submission Apr’23 Status: Major revision ESEM Apr’23 Registered Report MADSESE Jun’19 First publication BENEVOL Nov’19 Workshop paper BENEVOL Sep’22 Workshop paper OpenVRLab Mar’22 Workshop paper SATToSE Jun’23 Workshop paper
  41. Exploring Visualization of Software-Related data in Extended Reality David Moreno

    Lumbreras Directores: Jesús M. González Barahona Gregorio Robles Martínez