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CodeCity: On-Screen or in Virtual Reality? - VI...

CodeCity: On-Screen or in Virtual Reality? - VISSOFT 2021

David Moreno Lumbreras

October 06, 2021

More Decks by David Moreno Lumbreras

Other Decks in Science


  1. CodeCity: On-Screen or in Virtual Reality? David Moreno-Lumbreras - Escuela

    Internacional de Doctorado @ URJC - Bitergia Roberto Minelli - REVEAL @ Software Institute – USI, Lugano, Switzerland Andrea Villaverde - ETSIT @ Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Jesús M. González-Barahona - ETSIT @ Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Michele Lanza - REVEAL @ Software Institute – USI, Lugano, Switzerland VISSOFT’21
  2. Software World… CODECITY - Software systems as cities - Building

    features as metrics (height, area, color) - Building location as position of the artifact in the system hierarchy - Locality, orientation, habitability /city_metaphor
  3. Spiral algorithm - First element at the center of the

    spiral Interactive Building - Source code file (district as file hierarchy) - Base Area, Height and Color as metrics /babiaXR - CodeCity
  4. /experiment Research questions - RQ1: How does the accuracy of

    participants immersed in VR compare to that of participants using the on-screen version of BabiaXR-CodeCity? - RQ2: How does the efficiency of participants immersed in VR compare to that of participants using the on-screen version of BabiaXR-CodeCity?
  5. /experiment Target System - JetUML, two snapshots. - March 24,

    2021 - June 28, 2018 Metrics - Base area - Number of functions - Heigth - Lines of code per function - Color - Cyclomatic Complexity value (from blue to red scale)
  6. /experiment 24 participants - 12 on-screen (computer), 12 VR (Oculus

    quest 2) - Supervisor “with the eyes of the participant” - Academia and Industry
  7. Demographics survey 8 Tasks (the maintenance task definition framework by

    Sillito et al. [14].) Feedback survey /experiment
  8. Feedback - Location of the “core”: most of participants provided

    a reasonable answer. Some entered into more details highlighting specific directories. - Experiment not too difficult. - Few reported trouble moving in the 3D on-screen scene. /results
  9. Threats to validity (internal and external) Natural gestures in VR,

    not on-screen BabiaXR-CodeCity still prototype CodeCity in VR is comparable to CodeCity on-screen (multiplatform) /to conclude
  10. VR shorter completion time for the tasks, but less accuracy.

    In Top 5, always over 90%. Validate with larger samples Feedback = Improvement /to_conclude
  11. CodeCity: On-Screen or in Virtual Reality? David Moreno-Lumbreras - Escuela

    Internacional de Doctorado @ URJC - Bitergia Roberto Minelli - REVEAL @ Software Institute – USI, Lugano, Switzerland Andrea Villaverde - ETSIT @ Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Jesús M. González-Barahona - ETSIT @ Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Michele Lanza - REVEAL @ Software Institute – USI, Lugano, Switzerland VISSOFT’21