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VBoard, web dashboards in VR and AR

VBoard, web dashboards in VR and AR

There are plenty of tools that can analyze data in many ways, but just a few of them try to visualize this data in new ways. This is the aim of VBoard, a 100% open source web application that allows building visualizations and dashboards in 3D, VR and AR using A-Frame as its core render library.

David Moreno Lumbreras

June 20, 2019

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  1. VBoard David Moreno @dlumbrer1 [email protected] & [email protected] Web dashboards in

    VR and AR OpenExpo 2019 Madrid https://dlumbrer.github.io/VBoard
  2. Change environment Rotation of the charts Free movement Interaction Augmented

    Reality (AR) And… (future) Scale... Interaction… More visualizations... /customize https://dlumbrer.github.io/VBoard
  3. /info VBoard is hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/dlumbrer/VBoard GPL-3.0 License README.md

    with general information and installation steps USER_GUIDE.md with the user guide of the application Docker images on Docker-hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/dlumbrer/vboard/ dlumbrer/vboard:aframedc for the A-FrameDC version dlumbrer/vboard:threedc for the ThreeDC version How to generate 100% libre and open source QR’s and markers for AR: https://jgbarah.github.io/aframe-playground/ar-02/ More tutorials for A-Frame at https://jgbarah.github.io/aframe-playground
  4. David Moreno @dlumbrer1 Front end dev at Bitergia and PhD

    Student at URJC [email protected] [email protected] Thanks! https://dlumbrer.github.io/VBoard