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August 15, 2024


Presentations of the participants of ASEDU-2024


August 15, 2024


  1. «Linear combination of AR(1), MA(q) models with minimal forecast variance»

    «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» D. Musatov, D. Petrusevich
  2. Problem statement • In time series forecasting prediction variance for

    majority of models is evaluated with Student’s criterion and can’t be considered by means of models’ parameters • In case of ETS and ARIMA models forecast variance can be evaluated with coefficients of models • According to Wald theorem an ARIMA (p, d, q) can be transformed into some MA(∞) model (psi-weights). Variance of prediction is expressed via psi-weights • In the paper optimal combination of two models with minimal evaluation of forecase variance is constructed. • Two-model weighted linear combination with minimal prediction variance by weight w: 02 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ( , , , ) ( ) ((1 ) ) 2 (1 ) . Var w w w w w        = + − + − 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ,1 . 2 2 w w               − − = − = + − + −
  3. Solution methods • Extreme points (xi denote parameters of the

    1st model, y belongs to the second one): • The second derivatives in the extreme points: • Minimum in extreme points takes place if correlation between combined models’ forecasts  is low, standard errors of the both models are at the same level: • Example of the forecast variance for MA(1) models with equal standard errors at prediction over 2 timesteps ahead for case of correlation ρ=0.1 between combined forecasts is presented as a plot (left) and in the case of standard error ratio 10 (right) 03 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 ( , , )' (1 )( )' 0, [ 2 ] ( , , )' (1 )( )' 0. [ 2 ] x x y y Var Var                         − = − = + − − = − = + − 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 ( )' ( )' ( )' 0, ( , , )'' (1 ) ( )'' , ( , , )'' 0. [ 2 ] x x y x x x x xy Var Var                   = = = − = − = + − , , ~ . i j i j i j      
  4. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • Forecast variance’s hessian for combination

    of two models (AR(1) and MA(q)) has got blocks at the main diagonal depending on parameters of combined models. Blocks at minor diagonal are zeros • Minimum of combined model variance is achieved if variance of participating models’ forecasts is relatively close and correlation of their predictions isn’t high. In this case implementation of optimal combination by forecast variance is reasoned • If correlation between predictions is high or variance differs much minimum doesn’t take place at extreme points of variance theoretically but in the experimental part it also leads to improved forecasting
  5. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Automated Measurements

    of Electrical Conductivity of Thin Metal Films Using Modern Eddy Current Methods» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Sergey Kistaev, Danil Shmykov, Viktoriia Sokolova, Irina Vornacheva, Linar Sabitov and Ilgam Kiyamov
  6. Problem statement • Problem statement To achieve this goal, it

    was necessary to solve the following tasks: • Development of an eddy current converter with optimal core geometry, optimal number of inductors and the number of turns in each coil, aimed at effective localization of the electromagnetic field. • Creation of a software and hardware complex based on the developed eddy current transducer in order to effectively manage its functionality. This complex must be capable of generating alternating current of various frequencies, ensuring its transmission to an eddy current converter, as well as receiving a useful signal from the converters and providing convenient visualization of the obtained data. • Conducting a study of samples of thin films using the developed software and hardware complex and obtaining the electrical conductivity of the films under study 02
  7. Solution methods • To obtain samples of thin metal films,

    the technology of producing thin metal films on a glass substrate using the method of vapor deposition in a vacuum was usedExamples • Glass plates of various sizes were used as a substrate • To measure electrical conductivity using the developed eddy current system, a calibration curve was constructed 03
  8. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • A technique has been developed

    for obtaining samples of thin metal films with various characteristics (thickness, electrical conductivity, oxidation resistance) using a VUP-4 vacuum installation using the method of vacuum resistive deposition and a number of film samples have been obtained; • Based on a subminiature eddy current transducer, a measuring system has been developed that operates in the high frequency region and makes it possible to study thin metal films; • The developed eddy current measuring system was successfully tested on a number of samples of thin metal films and demonstrated the possibility of obtaining a response with the measuring winding of an eddy current transducer when the electromagnetic field of the ETC interacts with the film; • The used method of calibrating the developed measuring system using samples with known electrical conductivity (both with high and low electrical conductivity values) made it possible to construct a calibration curve, according to which the calculated value of the electrical conductivity of the film can be obtained; • The obtained values of the signal amplitude of the developed measuring system when interacting with films, taking into account the constructed calibration curve, made it possible to obtain the values of the electrical conductivity of films from different batches; • The studies carried out showed a significant sensitivity of the characteristics of the resulting films to the mass of the initial deposited metal, which suggests that a more accurate accounting of the mass of the initial metal will increase the stability of the characteristics of the resulting films.
  9. Contacts Viktoriia Sokolova Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia [email protected] 05

    «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  10. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Saving Technologies

    for Operating Power Plants» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Nikolay Klevanskiy, Vladimir Mavzovin, Irina Vornacheva, Viktoriia Sokolova, Edward Abdullazyanov, Linar Sabitov and Ilgam Kiyamov
  11. Problem statement • Problem statement The purpose of this study

    is to assist specialists in planning the operation of power plants and energy complexes and allocating the required volumes of resources. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: • solving the problem of multi-criteria “time-resources” compromise in centralized multi-project planning; • transfer of the results obtained to planning the operation of power plants and energy complexes. 02
  12. Solution methods • For multi-project planning, a two-stage approach is

    proposed. The first stage of the approach is associated with the aggregation of all projects. That is, their future use as “macro-works”. Each aggregation is determined by a solution to the RACP model of the project within its critical path. In the second stage of the approach, project aggregations are used to level the level of consumed resources in multi-project planning for a given schedule interval (the duration of the multi-project). 03
  13. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • As a result of the

    study, a solution to one of the problems of centralized multi-project planning is shown. Problems associated with difficult choices when allocating resources and determining the schedule interval, that is, finding a multi-criteria “time - resources” compromise. The presented solution will significantly reduce the labor costs of multi- project management at the planning stage of a multi-project by identifying established scheduling modes. Based on the introduced analogies and the absence of the need to determine established operating modes, recommendations are given for calculating the required volumes of resources for various operating modes of power plants and energy complexes
  14. Contacts Viktoriia Sokolova Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

    05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  15. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Prospects for

    The Application of Intelligent Automation in The Pulp and Paper Industry» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Stanislav Gorobchenko, Dmitriy Kovalev, Sergey Voinash, Ramil Zagidullin, Ildar Khafizov, Georgy Parfenopoulo, Sergey Meshkov
  16. Problem statement • In the modern world, changes occur extremely

    quickly and the automation sector is not spared the trend of intellectualization of technical automation equipment (TAE): progress does not stand still, striving for a “higher goal.” In most existing manufacturing facilities, one can find intelligent automation tools such as smart valves, sensors and touch panels, which are also present in the pulp and paper industry. • A pulp and paper mill is saturated with a variety of technical automation equipment and is a complex facility with an increased fire and explosion hazard, for which an important problem is the detection of deviations in the operation of sensors and actuators from the specified parameters, early detection of abnormal, and most importantly, dangerous situations to prevent them. Only maintaining the technological process for complex control objects on the territory of the pulp and paper mill in the operating range (in regulatory and operational areas) makes it possible to safely operate the equipment. • Intelligent automation tools can play an important role in achieving this task. 02
  17. Solution methods • The issues of using intelligent automation tools

    (IAT) in the pulp and paper industry are considered. • It is shown that the level of use of IAT still remains insignificant. • Promising directions for the implementation of IAT in pulp and paper production have been identified. • Areas where it is possible to obtain the most significant technical and economic effects from the introduction of IAT have been identified. • The main types of technical automation equipment that can be used to equip automated control systems in process control systems of the pulp and paper industry are demonstrated. 03
  18. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • Summarizing all of the above,

    we can say with confidence that the use of intelligent automation tools in the pulp and paper industry is effective, since the quality of the products improves; the flow of the technological process is stabilized both as a whole and in its individual components; equipment condition is effectively monitored; all errors and malfunctions that arise during the production process are promptly detected; the possibility of forecasting appears; economic costs are reduced; working conditions for staff are improved; the influence of the “human factor” on the process is reduced to an acceptable minimum; it becomes possible to cover the entire production process and implement everything in a single digital SCADA system.
  19. Contacts Stanislav Gorobchenko, Dmitriy Kovalev, Sergey Voinash, Ramil Zagidullin, Ildar

    Khafizov, Georgy Parfenopoulo, Sergey Meshkov Higher School of Technology and Energy, Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design Kazan Federal University Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University Baltic State Technical University "Voenmeh" named after D.F. Ustinov E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  20. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Improvement of

    Service Machine Services» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Vladimir Sivakov, Sergey Gryadunov, Adrian Ustinov, Aleksandr Andronov, Viktoriia Sokolova, Stanislav Akhmetshin and Adel Yakushev
  21. Problem statement • Improving machine maintenance is currently one of

    the urgent tasks facing enterprises. • It has been established that, along with the widely used system of planned preventive maintenance and repair, other systems have been developed and used. • Their successful operation is possible due to the widespread use of electronic diagnostic systems. 02
  22. Solution methods • It has been determined that further improvement

    of machine maintenance is possible through digitalization of control. • It was revealed that leading manufacturers of forestry equipment have developed and use their own software that collects information about the condition of the machine’s components and assemblies. The collection of data on its productivity and the execution time of individual operations has also been organized, which makes it possible to analyze the production situation and adjust the work plan. • With the help of telecommunications equipment installed on the machines, information is transmitted in real time to the server of the machine manufacturer, stored in a database, analyzed and, in the event of a negative change in the parameters, the operation of components and systems is transferred to the dealer and owner of the equipment for making operational decisions for setting up or repair. • Considering that logging equipment operates outside the Internet access zone, it is advisable to use diagnostic methods in this case based on the use of thermal imagers for quick diagnosis of components and parts heated during operation of the machines. 03
  23. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • Based on the conducted research,

    it has been established that improving the maintenance of machines, including logging machines, is an urgent task. The use of remote monitoring systems by machine manufacturers allows them to quickly obtain information about the real state of the machine. Improving the service management system is possible through the use of digital software solutions developed by both leading manufacturers of forestry machines and third-party IT developers. The use of artificial intelligence elements makes it possible not only to automate the machine service management system, but also to predict changes in controlled units and systems, achieving maximum performance at minimal costs. When servicing logging machines that operate in a cutting area, it is advisable to additionally use rapid diagnostic methods, for example, using a thermal imager, which allows you to quickly assess the temperature conditions of the controlled unit and make a timely decision on the necessary adjustment or repair.
  24. Contacts Vladimir Sivakov, Sergey Gryadunov, Adrian Ustinov, Aleksandr Andronov, Viktoriia

    Sokolova , Stanislav Akhmetshin and Adel Yakushev Bryansk State University of Engineering and Technology Bryansk State Technical University Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  25. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Improvement of

    Vibration Protection of Operators of Road Construction Machinery» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Svetlana Tomleeva, Vladimir Sivakov, Andrey Karnaukhov, Svetlana Lopareva, Dmitry Loparev, Linar Sabitov, Ilgam Kiyamov
  26. Problem statement • When operating mobile technological machines, the human

    operator is exposed to many unfavorable factors that reduce labor productivity and lead to the occurrence of occupational diseases. A special place among these factors is given to the harmful effects of vibration. Therefore, increasing the efficiency of vibration isolation is one of the urgent tasks facing researchers in the field of mobile machines, since operators of various road construction machines are exposed to adverse vibration effects: motor graders, road rollers, bulldozers, and road milling machines. Operators of agricultural and forestry machines also face this challenge. • The purpose of the work is to construct the rigidity characteristics of a loop- shaped rod element, the elastic line of which is described by the Bernoulli lemniscate equation and to compare the improved characteristics of a vibration protection device. 02
  27. Solution methods • It has been established that a large

    number of scientists are engaged in research in this area, proposing vibration isolation of both the operator’s seat and the entire vehicle cabin. • Based on the analysis of the conducted research, a direction for improving the vibration isolation of the operator’s seat is proposed based on the application of Bernoulli’s lemniscate equation. • A vibration isolation model for the operator's seat is proposed. 03
  28. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • Improving the vibration protection of

    the seats of operators of road, construction, forestry and other machines is an important and urgent task. The solution to this problem is possible through the use of modeling methods, in particular, through the use of a loop-shaped rod element, the elastic line of which is described by the Bernoulli lemniscate equation. Based on the conducted research, it was established that the proposed elastic rod, made in the form of a Bernoulli lemniscate, has a greater stroke when implemented in a vibration protection device with quasi-zero stiffness for machine operator seats, which is an undoubted advantage compared to a circular rod.
  29. Contacts Svetlana Tomleeva, Vladimir Sivakov, Andrey Karnaukhov, Svetlana Lopareva, Dmitry

    Loparev, Linar Sabitov, Ilgam Kiyamov Bryansk State University of Engineering and Technology Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology Kurgan State University Kazan Federal University Kazan State Power Engineering University E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  30. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Application of

    BIM Technology in the Design of Maintenance Stations» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Grigory Nesterenko, Irina Nesterenko, Andrey Karnaukhov, Alexandra Orekhovskaya, Rustem Sakhapov, Adel Yakushev and Aleksandr Andronov
  31. Problem statement • The use of road transport for the

    transport of goods and passengers is the most popular in the cargo turnover of all countries. The largest share of vehicles is privately owned vehicles. According to the traffic police, the number of such vehicles is more than 56,000,000, of which 45.5 million are passenger cars, and every tenth is over 30 years old. For high-quality and safe operation of vehicles, regular maintenance and repair work is required. In order to ensure such work, it is necessary to create car service stations (STO). The labor-intensive process of designing car service stations is associated with the adoption of construction decisions that ensure safety requirements and the exact sequence of the technological process of car maintenance and repair. To optimize the design of stations, it is necessary to use automation tools that allow modeling of the enterprise and its technological capabilities (placement of technological equipment, design of safe passages and provision of maneuvering in narrow areas, etc.). 02
  32. Solution methods • To analyze the need to build a

    service station, it is necessary to assess the demand for its services. The main stages of demand assessment consist of the following points: • 1. Collection of statistical data on the number and composition of the vehicle fleet located in the service area of the designed station. • 2. Assessment of demand for station services in the region. • 3. Forecasting the dynamics of further changes in demand for station services. 03
  33. Conclusions FIGURE 1. Layout of a service station, made using

    BIM technology 04 • The presented approach to the design of service stations allows for the most accurate and complete use of all available space to ensure the profitability of the enterprise. In addition, the use of 3D visualization makes it possible to increase the interest of potential customers in visiting service stations and dealerships, which in turn will lead to an increase in car sales and the number of repeat customer requests for vehicle maintenance and repair. Research has found that offering various types of test drives at a dealership increases customer interest and significantly expands the customer base. The use of virtual test drive sites allows you to test a car in all conditions, regardless of the actual weather and time of year, and make a decision on its further purchase. During the survey, 78% of customers expressed a desire to return to the dealership again due to the availability of the ability to virtually select a car and take test drives.
  34. Contacts Grigory Nesterenko Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia E-mail:

    [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  35. ASEDU-IV 2024 29-31 мая 2024 года, г. Бухара, Узбекистан «ASEDU-IV

    2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Yu.A.Tempel, O.A. Tempel and E.M. Sharipova «Automation of Managerial Decision-Making in Innovative Activity of Industrial Enterprises on the Basis of Complex Assessment»
  36. Purpose of the study The aim of the work is

    to increase the efficiency and validity of management decisions made in the innovative activities of industrial enterprises through the development of an algorithmic and mathematical apparatus for an information system for automated management decision-making based on a comprehensive assessment. The object of the study is the process of innovation activity of industrial enterprises. The subject of the study is the indicators of the innovation process of industrial enterprises and the means of its automation. 03
  37. Field of study 04 The average level of production capacity

    utilization according to statistics from the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) was in February 2023: – in the extraction of mineral resources – 57%; – in manufacturing industries – 61%. 80% of managers of organizations involved in the extraction of mineral resources and 85% in manufacturing industries are confident that production facilities will satisfy the demand for products [7]. To maintain these indicators, development and investment capital in innovation are directly necessary. FIGURE 2. Level of innovation activity of organizations in the Russian Federation by types of economic activity of manufacturing production
  38. Schematic diagram of an automated information system for making management

    decisions 05 FIGURE 3. Schematic diagram of an automated information system for making management decisions based on a comprehensive assessment of innovative activities
  39. Mathematical apparatus of an automated information system 06 The assessment

    of competitiveness of innovations assumes as input parameters a set of qualitative and (or) quantitative parameters for the evaluated object, the object-analog and the (standard object) object-example (1): FО,А,E = ,        n n K K K П П П ..., , ..., , 2 1 2 1 где – the set of qualitative characteristics for the evaluated object (Fo), the object-analog (FA), the (standard object) object-example (FE); – the set of quantitative parameters for the evaluated object (FO), object-analog (FA), object-example (FE).   n П П П ..., , 2 1   n K K K ..., , 2 1 The response, that is, the output parameter of this assessment is the quality level of the assessed object (OFo) and analogue (OFA) relative to the standard. Then the competitive position field will look as shown in Fig. 4. FIGURE 4. Graphical representation of determining competitive position after assessment
  40. 07 Mathematical apparatus of an automated information system Integral assessment

    of innovation activity (calculation block - CB3) can be calculated in parallel with the assessment of competitiveness and shows the useful effect per unit of costs (2): , C C E o N(B) + =  I where IN(B) – integral indicator of the new (basic) object; ∑E – the total useful effect from product consumption, in the case of technical (product) innovation and from the process, in the case of organizational and managerial (process) innovation; C - costs of innovation creation; Co - operating costs. After the assessment of competitiveness and integral assessment of innovation activity, using the relative indicators of the base (analog) (Xob) and new (evaluated) (Xon) objects calculated in the calculation block CB1, the proposed assessment involves the calculation of the quality level (L) of the process, products, production, depending on the selected object of assessment (calculation block – (CB2). The weighting coefficients of each of the evaluated parameters in this method are determined by expert judgment. In this case, the quality level is defined as the sum of the product of weighting coefficients by the corresponding relative indicator.
  41. Parametric model of an automated information system for making management

    decisions 08 FIGURE 5. Parametric model of an automated information system for making management decisions Fig. 5 shows the following areas: CC – consumer characteristics of the object; IP – interested party; MP – manufacturer parameters. In connection with the above presented, a comprehensive assessment allows us to broadly divide management decisions into three groups. Management decisions of the first group are formed when F(x)≥1, which indicates the stable development of innovative activity of enterprises. The second group of management decisions with calculated indicators of 0,7<F(x)<1 characterizes the boundary between competitive development and the predicted decline in innovation activity. With a comprehensive indicator of innovation activity F(x)<1, a decline in development or stagnation is observed.
  42. Conclusions 09 1 According to the results of the analysis

    of the innovative activity of industrial enterprises, the most developing areas of activity can be identified - manufacturing (metalworking, production of machinery and equipment) and the oil and gas industry (mining). Therefore, the study is aimed at these industries. In turn, a review of scientific literature sources shows that there is a need to develop automated means for managing innovation activities, since there is an insufficiency of the methodological apparatus and software for its implementation to comprehensively solve problems in the field of innovation. 2 A schematic diagram and a parametric model of an automated information system for making management decisions based on a comprehensive assessment of innovation activity have been developed. The system will allow for the calculation of a comprehensive innovation indicator and graphical presentation of the results for the formation of rational management decisions. 3 A mathematical and algorithmic apparatus for assessing innovation activity has been developed based on a complex indicator, which will allow the formation of a management mechanism capable of fully using the innovative potential of industrial enterprises. 4 The predicted reduction in the complexity of calculations using the proposed apparatus will decrease by 30% due to the systematization of evaluation methods and automation of calculations. The cycle of making optimal management decisions based on the results of calculations and forming a strategy for the development of innovations at the enterprise will also probably decrease by 15-18%, since the system will offer a set of necessary measures based on the results of a comprehensive assessment and the work manager will simply need to adapt the proposed solution for a specific production.
  43. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Modeling of

    deformation of heavy reinforced cement for conical parts of a high-pressure housing» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Alexander Chugunov, Oleg Zhadan, Nadezhda Matyusheva, Vera Khudiakova, Alexey Khudyakov, Alexandra Orekhovskaya and Adel Yakushev
  44. Problem statement The application of high-pressure housings in energy and

    construction technologies includes heat accumulators and autoclaves. Heat accumulators are devices used to store and release thermal energy, while autoclaves are used for various industrial processes that require high pressure and temperature conditions. The spherical shape is often used for high-pressure housings as it allows for uniform distribution of stress, providing better stability and resistance to pressure. The complex shape, on the other hand, consisting of a cylindrical central part and two conical constrictions, is designed to support thick plates on a conical surface serving as bottoms. This design helps to ensure structural integrity and sufficient strength to withstand high pressures. Concrete reinforced with steel reinforcement, commonly known as reinforced concrete, is widely used in the construction of high-pressure housings. The steel reinforcement provides additional tensile strength to the concrete, making it capable of withstanding higher loads and pressures. This combination of concrete and steel reinforcement creates a robust and durable material well-suited for high-pressure applications. Enforced concrete offers several advantages for the construction of structures, including its high compressive strength, resistance to cracking, and ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions. It is also a cost-effective solution, as it can be easily molded into various shapes and sizes to suit specific design requirements. In conclusion, high-pressure housings in energy and construction technologies can have either a spherical or complex shape. Concrete reinforced with steel reinforcement is commonly used for these housings due to its high strength, durability, and ability to withstand extreme pressures. By considering the elastic and deformation characteristics of heavy reinforced cement for both the conical and cylindrical parts of the body, an accurate and reliable design can be achieved. Additionally, understanding the effects of shrinkage deformations and stresses in concrete-reinforcement bonds is essential for ensuring the structural integrity and performance of the vessels under load. By developing a comprehensive method for determining the strength, deformation characteristics, and adhesion forces of the material, engineers can create more efficient and durable structures based on reinforced cement. The issue of taking into account intrinsic stresses from concrete shrinkage when calculating reinforced- cement structures remains unresolved at present. 02
  45. Solution methods FIGURE 1. a. Model of a layer of

    heavy reinforced cement with an angle of inclination of reinforcing bars to the line of force action of 450 rod “frame” (a) and beam-wall (b) model of heavy reinforced cement, 1 – concrete matrix, 2 – reinforcing rod 03
  46. Conclusions TABLE 1. Dependence of the elastic modulus of heavy

    reinforced cement under a biaxial stress state on the angle of inclination of the reinforcing bars 04 Comparison of the results of numerical experiments on models of layers made of heavy reinforced cement under uniaxial and biaxial stress-strain states demonstrated numerical discrepancies that indicate the need to take into account the biaxial stress-strain state for an objective assessment of the performance of the structural material of a high-pressure vessel. The considered algorithms for constructing finite element models of a layer of heavy reinforced cement used in the conical parts of a high-pressure vessel will make it possible to search for optimal reinforcement of the concrete matrix, as well as determine the optimal angle of inclination of the conical surface corresponding to the minimum percentage of reinforcement. In addition, the presented methods for modeling a layer of heavy reinforced cement make it possible to give a deformation assessment of the structural material, as well as to determine methods for regulating the deformation characteristics of the structural material. The E-σ dependencies for a specific case can be determined, which can be specified in the form of a piecewise linear function when calculating a high- pressure vessel. Angle of inclination of reinforcing bars 450 350 250 σХ , MPa 13.129 13.129 13.129 εХ , relative unit 0.000285 0.00029 0.0003 ЕХ , MPa ×10-4 4.604 4.512 4.417 σY , MPa 26.258 26.258 26.258 εY ,relative unit 0.000571 0.0006 0.00062 ЕY , MPa ×10-4 4.6 4.354 4.24
  47. Contacts Alexandra Orekhovskaya Kazan Federal University E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV

    2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  48. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Improving the

    Organization of Traffic Flows in the City» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Vladimir Sivakov, Igor Adamovich, Kristina Borovaya, Andrey Karnaukhov, Sergey Voinash, Vladimir Zyryanov and Ramil Zagidullin
  49. Problem statement Human progress is accompanied by the growth of

    cities and an increase in the number of road users. At the same time, the need for a comfortable urban environment, adapted for humans, is increasing: comfortable housing, convenient and safe roads, improvement of local areas, roads and sidewalks. Currently, insufficient attention is paid to this task, which entails a number of problems: the ecology of the city is deteriorating, the aesthetic appearance is deteriorating, living conditions are deteriorating, etc. Considering that life in modern society largely depends on the transport system, its effective functioning largely depends on the satisfaction of the population with transport services and is determined by a number of factors: - the state of public transport; - organization of passenger transportation; - ensuring the operability of transport; - digitalization of passenger transportation; - introduction of car sharing services. The purpose of the work is to analyze the methods used for organizing traffic flows using landscape architecture, as well as the prospects for their further development. 02
  50. Solution methods Passenger cars have the greatest influence on the

    formation of road space in the urban environment; in most cities, truck traffic is limited. The constant increase in the number of passenger cars operated mainly in the city leads to an increase in congestion on the road network and an increase in environmental pollution. The transition in the city to the use of public transport will solve a number of problems related to increasing environmental friendliness and traffic safety, as well as reducing road congestion. A decrease in the use of personal transport would lead to a situation where road expansion would become unnecessary, and the number of traffic jams and accidents would decrease, i.e. increasing the efficiency and safety of traffic in general. It is obvious that even a third full bus is more efficient than a passenger car in terms of the ratio of space occupied on the road to the number of passengers transported. In addition, with a reduction in the number of passenger cars, the number of required parking spaces will also decrease. It is worth noting that in the city, the road space to ensure a comfortable ride for cars is constantly expanding, while reducing the space for other traffic participants - pedestrians, cyclists and other people using personal mobility devices (electric scooters, electric skateboards, hoverboards, Segways, etc.). Dense urban development leaves less and less space for “green” parts of the city. In many cities in different countries, a system of abandoning personal cars in favor of public ones is actively developing. Thus, in Oslo, since 2017, a ban has been introduced on the use of cars with diesel engines on almost all streets of the city, which has reduced traffic by 30% and the level of air pollution by 25%, and in Madrid they are preparing to completely ban the use of their own cars in the city center, allowing only buses, taxis and bicycles. However, people are not yet ready to give up personal comfort, so the transition of the population to public transport can only be considered as a very distant prospect. It should be noted that vehicle exhaust gases negatively affect people’s health, especially their respiratory system. To solve the problem of organizing traffic flows and greening cities, it is advisable to use landscape architecture, the main task of which is not only to make roads “green”, but also to form the space in such a way that it is comfortable for all road users to be in it. 03
  51. Conclusions FIGURE 1. An example of separation of traffic flows

    by green spaces 04 In many Russian cities, there is poor development of the greening system for road infrastructure. It is necessary to increase the number of green spaces, strive to delineate traffic flows and reduce the number of vehicles on public roads, introducing preferences for public transport, as well as means of individual mobility. To do this, the approach to road design should be changed, providing separate paths for such road users. In addition, it is necessary to make the transport network an object of landscape design, which will improve the aesthetic qualities of urban development, as well as reduce accident rates. It is necessary to maintain a high level of mobility of citizens, as it directly affects the level of well-being of society.
  52. Contacts Vladimir Sivakov Bryansk State University of Engineering and Technology,

    Bryansk, Russia E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  53. МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯКОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ КРАСНОЯРСК «Применение Технологий Искусственного Интеллекта и Интернета Вещей для

    Решения Практически Значимых Задач» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования» Ирина Крутова, Галина Стефанова, Ольга Крутова, Олеся Дергунова
  54. Актуальность • Современный этап развития общества характеризуется широким проникновением информационных

    технологий во многие сферы экономики. Одной из наиболее стремительно развивающихся и перспективных инноваций в последние годы является искусственный интеллект (ИИ). Многие государства начинают осознавать глубину влияния ИИ и связанных с ним технологий на конкурентоспособность национальных экономик, и поэтому вступают в технологическую гонку. Для этого обсуждаются и внедряются национальные стратегии цифровизации и развития искусственного интеллекта. В России период с 2022 по 2031 год объявлен указом Президента Десятилетием науки и технологий, а также принята Национальная стратегия развития искусственного интеллекта на период до 2030 года. Реализации выбранных стратегий требует вовлечения в работу молодых специалистов, у которых сформирован инновационный тип мышления. В связи с этим требуется пересмотр стратегии подготовки кадров на всех уровнях образования, которая направлена на формирование новых компетенций в области технологий искусственного интеллекта. 02
  55. Методы решения Анализ возможностей внедрения ИИ в инновационные сферы человеческой

    деятельности: • транспортное функционирование; • промышленность, сельское хозяйство; • здравоохранение; • банковское дело; • образование. 03
  56. Результаты исследования Внедрение технологий искусственного интеллекта в России и в

    мировой практике свидетельствует о востребованности специалистов, владеющих необходимыми компетенциями и их быстрой адаптации на рынке труда. Поэтому возникает потребность в подготовке таких выпускников на различных уровнях образования. Для формирования знаний и умений в области технологий искусственного интеллекта и интернета вещей: • в учебные планы на разных уровнях образования вводятся специальные дисциплины («Системы искусственного интеллекта»; «Цифровая грамотность»; «Цифровая логистика»; «Цифровое право» новые разделы в информационных дисциплинах). • организуются и проводятся различные олимпиады, соревнования, хакатоны, направленные на выявление уровня сформированности знаний и умений в области технологий искусственного интеллекта и интернета вещей. 03
  57. Результаты исследования Содержание дисциплины «Системы искусственного интеллекта» На практических занятиях

    студенты обсуждают и изучают возможные способы решения актуальных проблем: подходы к определению понятий об ИИ и системах ИИ; экономику ИИ; осуществление машинных (через Интернет вещей) и человеко-машинных (через чат-боты, голосовых ассистентов) коммуникаций; передовой опыт и перспективы применения цифровых технологий по отраслям экономики ИИ. На лабораторных занятиях студентам предлагается выполнить ряд практических работ с использованием нейросетей (Kandinsky, ChadGPT, Mixo и др.) для создания иллюстраций, анимации, графиков, 3D-моделей объектов профессиональной деятельности в различных областях инженерии, управления, безопасности, искусства и др. 03
  58. Результаты исследования Проектное задание «Умная теплица» • В Астраханской области

    большое внимание уделяется оптимизации условий выращивания сельхозпродукции. Для получения раннего урожая устанавливаются теплицы, в которых необходимо поддерживать определенные параметры (влажность, температуру воздуха и почвы, освещение и другие). Разработайте технические устройства для автоматического управления каждым параметром в теплице. Предложите технологический прогноз применения ИИ для повышения урожайности и улучшения качества выращивания сельхозпродукции с учетом каждого параметра. 03
  59. Результаты исследования Техническое задание 1. Освещение является одним из ключевых

    факторов, обеспечивающих урожайность сельхозпродукции. Разработайте техническое устройство для автоматического включения освещения в теплице. Предложите идеи применения ИИ для управления процессами, позволяющими поддерживать оптимальные параметры освещенности. Модель технического устройства для автоматического включения освещения в умной теплице: a) скриншот работы симулятора Tinkercad; b) действующая модель технического устройства. 03
  60. Выводы 04 •Данное исследование представляет собой обобщение результатов применения технологий

    ИИ для решения различных практически значимых проблем. Проведённый анализ различных российских и международных практик использования ИИ и интернета вещей в транспортной логистике, авиаперевозках, медицине, бытовой сфере позволяет установить результативность управления этими процессами. Применение ИИ в образовании является активно обсуждаемым и вызывает неоднозначные мнения ученых и педагогов. В то же время, современные студенты являются заинтересованными и готовы к применению данных технологий для создания комфортных условий в своей жизнедеятельности и будущей профессиональной сфере. Это обуславливает необходимость пересмотра содержания и методов подготовки специалистов, владеющих компетенциями применения и развития этих технологий для решения профессиональных и бытовых задач.
  61. Контакты Ирина Крутова,Галина Стефанова, Ольга Крутова Олеся Дергунова, Астраханский государственный

    университет им. В.Н. Татищева E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования»
  62. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Architectural and

    Planning Approaches to the Formation of Urban Leisure Centers» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Iskander Rauzeev, Lubov Yao, Venera Yumagulova, Artur Khabibullin, Rustem Sakhapov and Aidar Nurullin
  63. Problem statement • Urban centers of culture and leisure include

    a large list of public institutions with a diverse focus. Some are aimed at holding joint leisure activities, while others are aimed at spending free hours. In Russian cities of the Soviet era, the main task was to organize leisure activities and introduce citizens to self- development and education, art and creativity. The typology of urban objects was divided into cultural centers, movie theaters, and so on. Today, the urban environment has changed. Urban cultural centers were formed around different needs, combining the functions of both leisure and business activities. In addition, there is a request for activity from the society. Cultural, entertainment and showy functions have to be combined in places of work and residence. New formats are being formed – coliving, co-working, etc. • In urban areas with historically developed buildings, existing cultural and leisure centers are beginning to be rebuilt along with new requests from citizens. However, in areas without a predominance of cultural objects, or where historically such objects were not laid out, there is a certain deficit in the cultural layer. Do not forget about the emerging new territories that grow to the city borders. The modular type can serve as a formative flexible environmental element of cultural and leisure centers in these territories. There are areas in urban space with potential growth to form new urban centers, but a major number of existing challenges need to be addressed in order to form a whole- of-city modular system. There are a number of specific problems of planning and socio-psychological nature: an imbalance among cultural objects of the city; lack of cultural centers for interests; lack of a system of cultural and leisure facilities; psychological burden of city residents; increased stress and depression. 02
  64. Solution methods • The research methodology includes a comprehensive analysis

    of literary sources, practical research, world experience in the development of cultural and leisure centers, the study of cartographic, theoretical and historical materials that affect the main directions of leisure development in the architectural and planning environment. Study and analysis of historical and social prerequisites for the development of urban cultural centers. Analysis of world experience and approaches to the formation of urban centers of culture and leisure. • The concepts of recreation and leisure are part of social and cultural social life, thanks to which the formation of spiritual and creative opportunities in society takes place. Leisure activities in the urban environment have developed in society and become an integral part of urban culture. The civility and well-being of society depend to some extent on a certain part of the involvement in recreational activities. In the modern sociological concept of leisure life, a cultural approach is a spiritual necessity. Residents of the city form a request for spending free time, the simplest form of leisure-rest, carried out to restore the energy spent during the work process, is also divided into active and passive. • Sociologist Ray Oldenburg developed the concept of "Third Place" and proved the importance of developing spaces other than work and home. The third place is the place where social connections and interactions between individuals are formed. In the urban architectural environment, the "third place" is a cafeteria, a park, a square, a cinema complex, a library, and others. The third location depends on the space in which the function is formed and the time it takes for the function to change. The main associations with the "third place": free or not expensive, availability of food and drinks, a place where you can find new friends. Open spaces and public spaces attract visitors and are popular with small and medium-sized businesses. In modern Russia, the "third place" is co-working and anti-cafe. Recreation and work become an integral future, which in the psychological aspect form an increase in the quality of work and individual concentration. • Various individual objects of culture and leisure in the urban environment are formed into a network of various communication and leisure activities. Thus, individual leisure becomes a mass urban leisure, which is formed as a new type of activity, consisting of various social interactions of society and processes related to joint pastime. Public modular leisure centers, as well as the surrounding spaces, are necessary for society in everyday life. Thus, public cultural and leisure centers become important components of architectural ensembles that include the functions of culture, education, recreation and leisure, as well as sports, public catering, office, etc. The architectural and planning organization of a public and leisure center is associated with a rational structure for building and using the influencing factors of development and environment. Urban centers of culture and leisure are connected to the public center of the urban environment. Public centers are formed in places where people are most crowded and intersect human flows. Center and central zone are concepts that in themselves mean the presence of functions that are dominant relative to the rest. Such places have always been used for public urban objects and other important objects for the community. The center became accessible and formed the overall system of the city. 03
  65. Conclusions 04 Based on the study, the following conclusions are

    made: • The analysis of historical and socio-economic prerequisites affecting the formation of leisure facilities in cities revealed insufficient provision of territories with leisure facilities. The current situation in the field of leisure and recreation of urban spaces allows us to create a new structural element-a modular leisure center that affects the rethinking of the context of the environment. • After analyzing the world's architectural and urban planning experience in creating urban cultural and leisure facilities, certain directions for reorganizing the environment and urban spaces are identified. The city space has an uneven distribution of opportunities at the level of leisure needs and social interests. A significant predominance of leisure life in modern Russian cities occurs in the central districts and has a preponderance in relation to the entire city. In the city centers, there is a concentration of cultural and entertainment facilities and a glut of places of leisure activity. In turn, the concentration of such a place gives a strong increase in the choice of points and leisure opportunities. • The revealed typology of existing leisure facilities and features of their placement in the structure of a large city allow us to identify areas with a low percentage of leisure activity. The model of modular placement in the architectural and planning system of leisure facilities and in the structure of a large city provides for the creation of accessible local- level objects in territories near residential formations. A system that has modular principles can be rebuilt based on the needs of the population and changes in the environment, with a subsequent increase in the percentage of leisure activity.
  66. Contacts Venera Yumagulova Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

    05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»

    Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования» Igor Skripnik, Dmitry Savelyev, Alexey Kondrashin,Tatyana Kaverzneva, Grigory Ivakhnyuk, Alexey Grigor'ev, Vladimir Salkutsan «Анализ Смешанного Обучения в Российском Высшем Образовании»
  68. Актуальность 02 Сравниваются три кейса внедрения смешанного обучения. Они были

    отобраны так, чтобы представлять разные специализации в высшем образовании: одна гуманитарная и две технические, для проверки гипотезы о том, что данные направления определяются специализацией образовательной организации высшего образования в области гуманитарных и технических дисциплин. Выявлено, что образовательные организации, реализующие технические дисциплины с прикладным характером, показывают раннюю стадию использования, а учреждения гуманитарного профиля демонстрирует зрелую стадию реализации технологии смешанного обучения. Отношение обучающихся и научно – педагогического состава в трех образовательных организациях разного профиля не показало большой разницы к реализации направлений смешанного обучения. Конкретное содержание, объем и формы проведения занятий определяются каждой образовательной организацией с учетом её стратегий реализации смешанного обучения, которые не могут быть выполнены в одинаковой степени для преподавания гуманитарных и технических дисциплин. Поэтому различия в подходах к смешанному обучению в разных образовательных организациях высшего образования определяются их специализацией и профилем.
  69. Методы решения 03 Основным методом сбора данных для изучения особенностей

    смешанного обучения были полученные интервью с администрацией и научно-педагогический состав (НПС) образовательные организации высшего образования (ООВО), а также результаты анализа нормативной документации по образовательному процессу. Для описания особенностей обучения в ООВО использовалась модель анализа внедрения смешанного обучения на основе нормативных документов, стратегии, тактики развития ООВО, его структуры, разработанная Грэхемом. Еще одним методом исследования обучающихся и НПС стал метод прямого анкетирования и опрос, проведенный среди 135 обучающихся и 15 НПС с каждой из ООВО.
  70. Выводы Результаты, внедрение 04 • Результаты сопоставления и сравнения стратегий

    использования смешанного обучения в трех разных ООВО РФ разных специализаций для проверки гипотезы о том, что направление смешанного обучения частично определяется специализацией ООВО в области гуманитарных и технических дисциплин позволили установить, что ООВО больше, реализующие технические дисциплины с прикладным характером, показывают раннюю стадию внедрения, а ООВО гуманитарного профиля демонстрирует зрелую стадию освоения технологии смешанного обучения. • Отношение обучающихся и НПС в трех ООВО разного профиля не показал большой разницы к реализации направлений смешанного обучения. • Конкретное содержание, объем и формы проведения занятий определяются каждой ООВО с учетом их стратегий реализации смешанного обучения. При этом они не реализуются в одинаковой степени для преподавания гуманитарных и технических дисциплин. • Установлено, что различия в подходах к смешанному обучению в разных ООВО определяются их специализацией (направлением подготовки) и профилем.
  71. Контакты Igor Skripnik Saint Petersburg University of the State Fire

    Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Saint Petersburg 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования»
  72. Регулирование режимов работы систем накопления электроэнергии в тяговом электроснабжении (Regulation

    of the Modes of Operation of the Electric Power Storage System According to the Level of Traction Load) 2024 Омский государственный университет путей сообщения (Omsk State Transport University) Доцент кафедры «Электроснабжение ж.-д. транспорта», к. т. н., доцент Незевак В. Л.
  73. 2 Факторы, оказывающие влияние на энергетические параметры устройств накопления электроэнергии

    Места размещения в системе тягового электроснабжения Профиль пути участка Преобладание видов движения Род тока Вид накопителя электроэнергии Применение рекуперативного торможения Специальное применение Количество главных путей участка
  74. 3 Основная характеристика исследуемого объекта -5000 0 5000 10000 15000

    6:10 8:06 10:04 11:37 13:30 15:14 17:06 19:04 21:07 22:40 0:34 2:10 3:16 5:04 P кВт t -1800 -1400 -1000 -600 -200 6:10 8:09 10:10 11:59 14:02 16:02 17:41 20:02 21:58 23:36 1:41 3:06 4:36 P кВт t Схема главных электрических соединений тяговой подстанции Мощность тяговой нагрузки Мощность рекуперации
  75. 4 Характеристика системы собственных нужд Распределение мощности ССН Распределение напряжения

    ССН 0 5 10 15 20 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 P p кВт % 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 U p В % 50 60 70 80 90 100 6:10 8:02 9:39 11:09 12:58 14:58 16:13 18:05 20:02 21:40 23:05 1:05 2:32 3:32 5:06 t, чч:мм:сс SoC % 0 25 50 75 100 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 WСНЭ % кВт·ч DoD Расчетный график SoC Зависимость DoD от Wснэ
  76. 5 Согласование соотношений мощности энергоемкости модулей гибридного устройства Пример изменения

    графика SoC при увеличении энергоемкости одного из модулей (АКБ) 0 25 50 75 100 6:10 8:06 10:05 11:37 13:29 15:13 17:05 19:02 21:06 22:40 0:32 2:10 3:15 5:02 АКБ СК t, чч:мм:сс SoC % 0 25 50 75 100 6:10 8:06 10:05 11:37 13:29 15:13 17:05 19:02 21:06 22:40 0:32 2:10 3:15 5:02 АКБ СК t, чч:мм:сс SoC % вариант 1 вариант 2 вариант 1: мощность - 50/1500 кВт и энергоемкость 50/500 кВт·ч (АКБ/СК) вариант 2: мощность - 50/1500 кВт и энергоемкость 100/500 кВт·ч (АКБ/СК) DoD = 29 и 92 % для АКБ и СК соответственно DoD = 27 и 80 % для АКБ и СК соответственно
  77. 6 Варианты схемной реализации подключения устройств накопления электроэнергии на тяговых

    подстанциях 3,3 кВ к.с. рельс ВП ПT ТП ЭПС 6 - 35 кВ 6 - 35 кВ ТСН 0,4 кВ 110 (220) В П1 П2 НЭЭ ~ СНЭ к потребителям собственных нужд переменного тока к потребителям собственных нужд постоянного тока 3,3 кВ к.с. рельс ВП ПT ТП ЭПС 6 - 35 кВ 6 - 35 кВ 0,4 кВ П1 НЭЭ СНЭ к потребителям собственных нужд переменного тока к потребителям собственных нужд постоянного тока ~ 220 В ТСН ~ П2 шины постоянного тока шины переменного тока
  78. 7 Модель определения оптимальных параметров     

     АКБ АКБ СК ном ном ном ном АКБ рек СН ном зар ном зар АКБ СН рек ном разр ном разр АКБ(СК) АКБ(СК) АКБ(СК) АКБ(СК) АКБ(СК) ном зар ном зар разр ном разр АКБ(СК) ; ; ; ; [0; ]:0 i СК СК СК i t C aP bW cP dW min P P max P P P P max P P P max k P ;k P t T W                 зар (разр) АКБ(СК) ном 0 АКБ АКБ АКБ СК рек ном ном зар (разр) ном макс АКБ СК зар зар зар мин АКБ СК разр разр разр мин СН СН исп исп мин рек рек исп исп мин АКБ(СК) АКБ(СК) АКБ(СК) мин макс н ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; i t W W P k P P t d d d d d d d d d d DoD DoD DoD SoC            АКБ(СК) АКБ(СК) ач кон 0; SoC                            СН исп d – коэффициент использования электроэнергии собственных нужд при разряде: разр СН исп СН W d W  рек исп d – коэффициент использования энергии рекуперации при заряде: зар рек исп рек W d W  АКБ(СК) зар (разр) d – коэффициент использования энергии в режимах заряда и разряда для аккумуляторной батареи и суперконденсатора соответственно: АКБ(СК) зар (разр) АКБ(СК) зар (разр) зар (разр) W d W 
  79. 8 Определение коэффициентов модели Коэффициенты использования энергии собственных нужд и

    энергии рекуперации собственные нужды энергия рекуперации СН 2 исп 2 = 0,5007+0,0007 x+0,001 -2,6219E-7 x - -5,9361E-7 x y-5,1047E-7 d y y       рек 2 исп 2 = 0,3439+0,0001 x+0,0011 +1,9312E-7 x - -4,2204E-7 x -5,4906E-7 d y y y       АКБ ном W СК ном W где x – номинальная энергоемкость аккумуляторной батареи y – номинальная энергоемкость суперконденсатора
  80. 9 Результаты решения задачи Представление задачи в среде Matlab >>

    A=[-1,0,-1,0;0,0,1,-5;0,1,0,1;0,-1,0,-1]; b=[-1700;0;10000;-500]; Aeq=[1,-0.2,0,0]; beq=0; lb = [0,0,0,0]; ub = [2000,10000,2000,10000]; a1=30;b2=40;c3=60;d4=80; x0=[100;1000;100;1000]; fun= @(x)a1*x(1)+b2*x(2)+c3*x(3)+d4*x(4); nonlcon = @unitdisk; x=fmincon(fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq); [x,fval,exitflag,output,lambda,grad,hessian] = fmincon(fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon) Результаты решения задачи. x(1) = 0.2693·103 x(2) = 1.3463·103 x(3) = 1.4307·103 x(4) = 0.2861·103 fval = 1.7066e+05 iterations: 12 funcCount: 65 constrviolation: 5.6843e-14 stepsize: 7.2468e-06 algorithm: 'interior-point' firstorderopt: 2.0000e-06 cgiterations: 0
  81. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 23-24 May 2024 «Practical Application

    of Pedagogical Design in a Technical University» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» G.A. Yagafarova, A.A Kiseleva
  82. Problem statement • Rapid scientific and technological progress significantly affects

    all spheres of human life and dictates new requirements for a specialist in the labor market. These requirements, in turn, determine the need to change and update the higher education programs that train future technicians with the necessary knowledge and skills, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the world, its processes, phenomena and problems. • The transition from an era of "lack of knowledge" to an era of "excess knowledge" is crucial for education. This leads to a shift in emphasis from the transfer of knowledge, which is becoming more abundant and freely available, to the acquisition of effective behaviors and the formation of a set of competencies in solving professional tasks. As a result, approaches to the formation of educational programs are changing. • With the increasing use of objective assessment tools and rapid digitalization, such as online interaction, the possibilities for flexible and individualized curricula are expanding. As a result, the conditions for assessing learning outcomes are also changing significantly. In the future, the flexibility of learning modes will only continue to increase. Additionally, the role of learners is evolving, as they are now responsible for planning and controlling their own learning. This results in a substantial rise in the demands for high-quality learning and program design that supports effective independent learning activities and enhances learner performance. Consequently, the significance of pedagogical design in education is being reevaluated. 02
  83. Solution methods The most popular model of pedagogical design is

    the ADDIE model. This model was developed by the University of Florida for the U.S. Army in 1975. A little later, in 1981, R. Watson introduced 5 stages (phases) of this model: 1) Analysis - analysis of learning goals and objectives; 2) Design – defining the goals, objectives of training and the format of classes; 3) Development – development of methodology and educational materials; 4) Implementation – practical implementation of the developed educational materials; 5) Evaluation – evaluation of learning outcomes. This stage is also relevant at other stages of the model implementation 03
  84. Conclusions Pedagogical design becomes relevant in higher education institutions, when

    special attention is paid to the quality of education, especially the need to change the learning process due to the introduction of new digital technologies (for example, switching to mixed or online training). Therefore, the adoption of innovative pedagogical methods in engineering education can contribute to the improvement of training for future engineers. 04 The traditional educational paradigm pays unduly little attention to the formation of personal qualities of engineers. The training of an engineer consists mainly in the transfer to students of ready-made knowledge, skills and skills of solving typical tasks. However, modern industrial production is becoming more and more innovative and requires solving problems that go beyond the limits of the studied material. For example, according to a survey conducted by R.M.Bilyalov, more than 34% of graduates of technical universities said the lack of humanitarian knowledge is a negative factor in their professional success. This deficiency includes communication skills, knowledge of foreign languages and economic sciences
  85. Contacts G.A. Yagafarova, A.A Kiseleva Ufa State Petroleum Technological University,

    Branch of the University in the City of Sterlitamak, Sterlitamak, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  86. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Analysis of

    Thermal Parameters of the Enclosing Structure the Object of Low-Rise Housing Construction» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Anastasia Soboleva, Sergey Dolmatov, Alexandra Orekhovskaya, Dmitry Loparev, Svetlana Lopareva, Venera Yumagulova and Aidar Nurullin
  87. Problem statement • Housing construction is actively developing all over

    the world. Only in the Russian Federation, the volume of construction for 2023, according to statistics, amounted to 110.44 million m2. The number of houses built in 2022 in the Russian Federation is 450 thousand units. • Individual housing construction includes the construction of multi-apartment and low-rise buildings. Currently, much attention is paid to low-rise construction. This is due to a number of advantages that this type of housing has: affordable prices during construction, an individual approach, the possibility of closer contact with nature, ensuring a free layout, building an area of the facility that meets the needs as much as possible. • The design features of low-rise construction make it possible to quickly and efficiently erect buildings in various temperature conditions. Depending on preferences and budget, various construction materials can be used for construction: brick, concrete, SIP panels, construction timber, glued or profiled, blocks of wood-mineral composite (arbolite), aerated concrete, etc. When choosing a building material, it is worth considering that each of them has its advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account. In regions with cold climatic conditions, characterized by temperature fluctuations and strong winds. When building in regions with a cold climate, it is worth giving preference to materials that meet strength, frost-resistant, environmental and thermal insulation characteristics. 02
  88. Solution methods • The task is to analyze the thermal

    parameters of the enclosing structure of a low-rise construction facility in regions with a cold climate. • The purpose of the study is to determine the thermal parameters of the enclosing structure in a stationary mode based on the application of solid-state modeling methods. • The object of the study is to identify the influence of thermal parameters of the enclosing structure of low-rise housing construction depending on the building material. The research methods are based on obtaining data on finite element methods in the software package "Elcut“. 03
  89. Conclusions FIGURE 1. Thermal fields and temperatures for the wall

    at texternal = -28 0C 04 • There is a wide variety of building materials used by an individual developer in the process of low-rise housing construction. The choice of material and design of the enclosing structure depends on many factors. These include the available nomenclature and assortment of block materials, cultural traditions and technologies adopted in the region, energy prices and climatic conditions. The normative values of the thermal resistance of the enclosing structure are almost universally not fulfilled both in the Russian Federation and abroad [10], since the required values (for example, R = 3.6 (m2⸱ °C)/W and more) require a significant wall cross-section, which is quite expensive and therefore rarely implemented by individual developers, and there are also huge areas of "old buildings", which of course do not meet modern requirements. • Packages of modern applied programs for physical modeling based on the finite element method allow you to analytically determine the thermal resistance of enclosing structures, which is very convenient, since it allows you to determine the design parameters by modeling, without resorting to full-scale physical very expensive studies. • According to the results of the study, the following conclusion can be drawn that in low-rise housing construction in regions with a cold climate, the most profitable of the materials considered (wood- mineral composite, brick, polystyrene concrete) in terms of thermal efficiency, heating costs and wall construction for a calculated residential facility - a house with an area of 100 m2, is a building material - polystyrene concrete, adopted in the form of large building blocks.
  90. Contacts Alexandra Orekhovskaya Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

    05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  91. Polina Kartsan1, a) and Dmitry Ulanov2, b) 1Humanitarian and Pedagogical

    Academy (branch) of the Federal Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky", Yalta, Russia 2Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] ASEDU-IV 2024 Krasnoyarsk Russia Abstract: The article is devoted to the investment development of Russian regions and suggests ways to improve the investment policy. Sources of financing investments in fixed assets, including own funds of enterprises, borrowed funds and state investments, have been allocated. The article discusses changes in the distribution of these funds by regions and sectors of the economy, pointing to the differences between regions with extractive economies and regions in need of state support. The study emphasizes the importance of investment in the manufacturing industry, which plays a crucial role in the structural restructuring of the economy in the face of sanctions pressure. The article proposes various measures to stimulate investment, such as government-guaranteed bonds, affordable loans and direct subsidies for joint ventures. The analysis is based on data from Rosstat and other relevant sources, providing a comprehensive overview of the investment landscape in Russia and recommendations to policymakers.
  92. One of the main objectives of strategic planning in Russia

    is to ensure stable development of its regions, as rapid changes in all spheres of social life require an integrated approach to socioeconomic policy. This approach is aimed at developing the Russian market and increasing the competitiveness of the national economy on the world stage, which ultimately determines the political status of the country. The current economic crisis caused by various factors, including COVID-19 pandemic [1], requires the activation of forms and methods of the market economy to stabilize the situation. Therefore, investment policy has gained crucial importance as the most effective way to recover enterprises and develop various market segments [2]. It is important to identify strategic priorities to improve the attractiveness of the investment of regions and the key tasks required to achieve them. Investment policy is an integral part of the economy with the aim of re-structuring its potential and increasing efficiency. Since Russia is a federal structure, the development of the socio-economic strategy should take into account the interests of all regions and the distribution of resources based on their budgetary capacity. However, since regions develop unevenly, some of them are underdeveloped and subsidized, budget financing is not always distributed evenly, which leads to dissatisfaction of certain segments of the population of prosperous regions. ASEDU-IV 2024
  93. Russia is a vast country with many regions, each with

    its own unique characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. The investment attractiveness of Russia's regions varies significantly, and some regions are more attractive to investors than others. A well-designed regional strategy is necessary to improve the investment attractiveness of the regions. In this article, we will discuss regional strategy and investment attractiveness of them [5]. Russia's regional strategy is based on the concept of "regional differentiation". This means that each region plays a certain role in the economic development of the country. The regional strategy aims to develop the strengths of each region and eliminate its weaknesses. Investment attractiveness is a crucial factor in attracting investment to the region. It refers to the factors that make a region attractive to investors, including economic stability, infrastructure, skilled labor, favorable public policies and political stability. To increase investment attractiveness, a region must have a well-designed strategy that focuses on developing and promoting its strengths while addressing its weaknesses. By the end of 2022, business fixed investment in Russia grew by 4.6 per cent in real terms, double the pre-pandemic year 2019, but only half the rate of the previous year, 2021. However, this national average marks significant regional differences in investment dynamics. Of the 85 regions, only 49 saw investment inflows, while the rest saw declines. The total volume of investment in nominal terms for 2022 in total 27.865 trillion roubles. The Figure 1 shows the changes in fixed capital investment in Russia measured in comparable prices compared to the previous year and expressed in per cent [12, 13]. ASEDU-IV 2024
  94. Following the analysis, three strategic priorities were identified to improve

    the region's investment attractiveness. The first priority is aimed at achieving sustainable economic growth, which is a crucial factor in attracting national and foreign investors. The main objectives of the priority are to support small and medium enterprises (SME), create instruments to protect regional producers and introduce innovative technologies in SME sector. The second priority emphasizes building a socially oriented, innovative economy that uses the intelligence and creative potential of the population as a driving force for economic development. It aims to create favorable conditions for quality living, personal growth, innovation and development of information and communication systems. Finally, the third priority focuses on spatial development with the aim of integrating the region into the interregional and international socio-economic space for comprehensive development. This involves establishing socio-economic links between the region and other economic entities in Russia to attract new investments. By supporting these strategic priorities at the expense of the federal and regional budgets, it is possible to significantly increase the investment attractiveness of the region. Thank you for your attention! ASEDU-IV 2024 2019, 2.1 2020, -0.1 2021, 8.6 2022, 4.6
  95. 1 Образец заголовка Численное моделирование анизотропных характеристик конструкции участка сопряжения

    земляного полотна и искусственных сооружений РУТ (МИИТ) Фазилова З.Т. Горлов А.В.
  96. 2 СП 238.1326000.2015 Железнодорожный путь РУТ (МИИТ) 6.4 Участки переходного

    пути с переменной жесткостью на подходах к искусственным сооружениям 6.4.1 На подходах железнодорожного пути к искусственным сооружениям с безбалластным верхним строением пути в земляном полотне для железнодорожных линий не ниже II категории должны устраиваться участки переходного пути с переменной жесткостью основания. Участки переходного пути рекомендуется устраивать на перечисленных категориях железнодорожных линий при подходе к мостам с балластным корытом и к тоннелям с балластной конструкцией пути, лежащей на скальных грунтах или бетонном основании. Участки переходного пути не устраиваются на подходах к тоннелям, если земляное полотно в предпортальной выемке сложено скальными грунтами. 6.4.2 Минимальная длина переходного участка в зависимости от скорости движения принимается равной: •25 м - более 120 км/ч; •20 м - от 80 до 120 км/ч; •15 м - менее 80 км/ч. 6.4.3 Изменение жесткости основания верхнего строения пути выполняется плавно от меньшей жесткости на подходах к большей жесткости к искусственному сооружению за счет конструктивных решений или материала земляного полотна в верхней части. Конструктивные решения переходных участков устанавливаются в проектной документации.
  97. 3 Мосты с участками переменной жесткости РУТ (МИИТ) Тип ИССО

    Направление Класс пути км ПК м № путей над участком Название основного препятствия Схема сооружения Полная длина Наличие и тип участков переменной жесткости 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 17 19 Железобетонный мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 181 5 28 I,II река Бурга 1 * 16.50+1 * 7.30 47,84 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 17 10 37 I,II р. Славянка 1х36.08 59,83 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 54 2 11 I,II р. Тосно 1х33.48 54,14 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 83 1 56 I,II р. Тигода 1х23.0 44,25 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 100 9 48 I,II р. Ровань 2х23.0 57,9 геосетки 2000 г. Смешанный мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 119 2 61 I,II река Кересть 9.1+27.0 49,9 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 126 10 11 I,II река Волхов 3*23.0+2*87.6+1*55.0+1*11.75 324,6 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 133 5 84 I,II река Соснинка 1*16.9 31,165 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 151 10 84 I,II река Большая Вишера 1*27 38,7 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 172 5 42 I,II река Сюйська 1*16.40 38,78 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 179 1 80 I,II река Черная 1 * 25.20 58,95 ж.б. короба Ж.д. путепровод Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 322 9 72 II ж.д.пути 1*66.0 130,18 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 346 8 96 I,II р. Никулинка 1*23.0 37,94 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 381 9 51 I,II р. Осеченка 2*17.5 47,85 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 398 2 77 I,II р.М.Тигомка 1*19.20 33,36 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 2 479 9 65 I,II р.Волга 3*62.80 223,95 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 527 6 77 I,II р.Шоша 1*87.60 114,9 геосетки 2000 г. Металлический мост Санкт-Петербург-Москва 1 639 5 98 III,IV р. Лихоборка 1х33.6 62,6 геосетки 2001г. Металлический мост Волховстрой-Вологда 1 279 10 55 I,II руч.Сударев 1*18.20 27,68 ж.б. короба Металлический мост Волховстрой-Вологда 1 291 1 12 I,II р. Обломня 1*44.0 51,61 ж.б. короба
  98. 4 Основные причины возникновения и развития предмостовых ям РУТ (МИИТ)

    1. Неравномерная осадочность железнодорожного пути, уложенного на земляном полотне и ИССО. 2. Резкое изменение жёсткости пути. Вследствие конструктивных различий пути, уложенного на земляном полотне и на ИССО, модуль упругости пути на этих конструкциях существенно отличается.
  99. 5 Жесткость пути и ее изменение на подходе к искусственному

    сооружению РУТ (МИИТ) D e-n-e – упругая осадка пути на земляном полотне; D e-n-s – упругая осадка пути на искусственном сооружении; D e-a – величина разрыва межу подошвой шпалы и балластом; D p-e – остаточная деформация земляного полотна D p-s - остаточная деформация устоя моста. В российских исследованиях используется параметр вертикальный модуль упругости подрельсового основания Uв: величина равномерно распределенной нагрузки, прикладываемой к рельсу и вызывающей упругую осадку его на единицу длины (МПа)
  100. 6 Жесткость пути и ее изменение на подходе к искусственному

    сооружению РУТ (МИИТ) A1 = A2 = … = Anm – анизотропии, определяющие соотношения механических характеристик элементов конструкции в разных направлениях. В настоящем исследовании выделяются три основных направления изменения механических и геометрических характеристик конструкции: горизонтальное – вдоль рельсовых плетей, поперечное – вдоль шпал, а также вертикальное направление – вниз от уровня головки рельса.
  101. 7 Моделирование участка пути с железобетонными бездонными коробами РУТ (МИИТ)

    Для оценки напряженно- деформированного состояния конструкции были построены численные модели участка пути с железобетонными бездонными коробами. Было построено 5 моделей: 1 модель – без УПЖ (контрольная); 2 модель – конструкция удлинения устоя, предложенная в серии 3.501.1-167, длина УПЖ 6040 мм (2 короба); 3 модель – длина УПЖ 15100мм - 5 коробов (≈15 м) по рекомендации ТУ для конструкций пути на подходах к искусственным сооружениям для скоростей < 80 км/ч; 4 модель – длина УПЖ 21140мм - 7 коробов (≈20 м) по рекомендации ТУ для конструкций пути на подходах к искусственным сооружениям для скоростей 80 - 120 км/ч; 5 модель – длина УПЖ 24160мм - 8 коробов (≈25 м) по рекомендации ТУ для конструкций пути на подходах к искусственным сооружениям для скоростей > 120 км/ч. Оценка напряженно- деформированного состояния модели 5, при скорости движения 60 км/ч при скорости движения 90 км/ч при скорости движения 140 км/ч
  102. 8 Моделирование участка пути с железобетонными бездонными коробами РУТ (МИИТ)

    Изменение упругой осадки по длине участка УПЖ Изменение жесткости пути по длине участка УПЖ
  103. 10 ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ РУТ (МИИТ) • Устройство участка переходной жёсткости на

    подходах к искусственным сооружениям является необходимым элементом, позволяющим снизить риск возникновения остаточных деформаций и создающим предпосылки к сокращению расходов на текущее содержание железнодорожного пути в зоне подходов к ИССО. Устройство таких конструкций особенно актуально на участках высокоскоростного и тяжёловесного движения. • В работе рассмотрена осесимметричная задача моделирования конструкции участка переменной жесткости из бездонных коробов, соответствующая прямому участку железнодорожного пути. Задавая максимальное значение вертикального перемещения, указанное в отечественных и зарубежных нормативных документах, можно подобрать требуемые параметры жёсткости конструкции участка переменной жёсткости в трёх основных направлениях анизотропии, что позволит в дальнейших исследованиях перейти к рассмотрению конструктивных особенностей проектирования и устройства данных конструкций.
  104. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Criteria for

    the Effectiveness of Technological Operating Modes Units as Part of Human-Machine Systems» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Igor Lipkovich, Irina Egorova, Nadezhda Petrenko, Vladimir Vanzha, Leisan Akhtyamova and Andrey Rzhavtsev
  105. Problem statement • Based on established practice in agricultural production,

    it can be argued that shift work is a fairly common phenomenon. However, there is often an opinion that choosing an operating mode does not present any difficulty. In many cases, work schedules practiced during grain harvesting are established according to established traditions. In many cases, operating modes can be improved, i.e. changes can be made to them that will increase the productivity of grain harvesting units. According to scientists, a rational operating mode should ensure high production efficiency, preserve the health of workers, and also fully contribute to the development of their physical and spiritual strength. For agricultural workers in this regard, the introduction of a two-shift work organization is of great importance. In agriculture, single-shift work is mainly used, which results in long working hours. This makes it difficult to properly organize work and rest, as well as more productive use of equipment. The use of two-shift work makes it possible to reduce the fatigue of machine operators and thereby improve the use of equipment and increase labor productivity. 02
  106. Solution methods Repeated time-keeping observations have shown that the use

    of working time and hourly output in a two-shift operating mode is 27% higher, downtime has been halved, and the quality of work has improved. The three options for operating modes of technological units proposed in the literature significantly increase the efficiency of the functioning of the CMS. Figure 1 shows graphs of operating modes in three options in relation to functional specialized complexes. The first option provides for the operation of the units for 18 hours. Two operators work on the unit sequentially without breaks, changing every six hours. The graphs are compiled in the coordinates “working time”, “energy consumption by the operator”. After six hours of work, the operators change: the first one eats and then rests for six hours. The second operator, who had al-ready eaten at the start of his work, begins work at 1400 hours and works continuously until 2000 hours. Then he is replaced by the first operator, who works continuously until the period of increase in the humidity of the bread due to dew. 03 FIGURE 1. Graphs of energy consumption by a human operator under various operating modes of organizational emergency medical services: 1I and 2I – first option, 1 and 2 operators, work duration 18 hours (shift after 6 hours); 1II and 2II – second option, work duration 18 hours (shift every 9 hours with one break); 1III and 2III – third option – around the clock, operating mode of 1 and 2 operators (12 hour shifts with two breaks)
  107. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • It is appropriate to note

    that the effectiveness of introducing rational labor regimes is not limited to saving labor costs. As a rule, in addition to absolute savings in standard shifts, there is a reduction in harvesting time. • Thus, increasing the efficiency of the operation of technological units as part of human-machine systems should be based on the large-group use of equipment, the introduction of a regular system of technical service in field processes, taking into account the human factor against the background of studying human-machine, rather than technical systems, and on known and scientifically proven organizational principles of large-group use and increasing the level of technical service. • However, along with the well-known organizational principles of using technological units as part of man-machine systems, the factors of physiological reliability of the operator have a significant impact on the efficiency of using harvesting units, compared to the reliability of the mechanical subsystem, from here arises the variable nature of the influence of the operator on the productivity of the man-machine system and technological the need to reduce the fatigue factor and restore physical activity. It should also be noted that labor productivity is the main criterion for the level of performance and mainly depends on organizational factors that do not depend on the operator. • By optimizing the work and rest schedule using the schedules we propose, we achieve not only labor productivity, but also a reduction in occupational injuries and occupational diseases.
  108. Contacts Igor Lipkovich Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute – branch of

    FSBEI HE «Don State Agrarian University» E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  109. «Improving the Process of awarding Scholarships at a Higher Education

    Institution using the ELMA BPM System» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Prospects for the development of science, engineering, natural science, technical and digital education» •Mikhail Dorrer and Ekaterina Gricenko, Valentina Demidyuk ,Sergey Lukyanov
  110. Problem statement • Improving the efficiency of one of the

    business processes of working with a contingent of students in the organization of higher education - the process of awarding scholarships. • Improving the business processes of an educational organization can help reduce the time required to complete tasks. • Improve the quality of education, increase student and faculty satisfaction, and reduce risks and transaction costs. 02
  111. Solution methods The object of the study was the Directorate

    of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev. BPMS ELMA was chosen as a tool for automating the process of awarding scholarships: 1. A digital control system is being designed that performs automatic data collection and processing, calculations and generation of reports and notifications. 2. Monitoring and management allows you to monitor the progress of the process in real time, monitor compliance with established rules and criteria, and respond to problems or delays. 3. Based on the data on the progress of the ELMA process, BPM allows you to analyze its effectiveness and identify opportunities for optimization and improvement. 4. Integration with other systems to provide broader automation and optimization of business processes. 03
  112. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • The problems of high labor

    intensity of the business process will be solved. • The risks of violation of the procedure have been reduced for the employees of the directorate. The maximum effect of the developed solution will be obtained if they are understood and accepted by management and staff as a tool aimed at improving the business process, awarding scholarships.
  113. МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯКОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ КРАСНОЯРСК «Актуальные Проблемы Преподавания Технических Дисциплин» IV Международная конференция

    ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно- научного, технического и цифрового образования Николай Николаевич Барбашов, Сергей Витальевич Шаныгин и Элла Васильевна Наумова
  114. Актуальность • Одной из важнейших проблем, связанных с преподаванием дисциплины

    ТММ (Теория механизмов и машин), является широкое распространение вычислительной техники и глобальная информатизация всех видов инженерной деятельности. • Классическое решение большинства задач ТММ производилось при помощи графических методов расчета. Такие методы наглядны и более доступны для усвоения студентами, но имеют более низкую точность по сравнению с аналитическими методами. Графические методы хорошо описаны в учебной и методической литературе, но в современном производстве любые вычисления и задачи проектирования ставятся и реализуются с широким использованием ЭВМ. Это создает проблему, характерную не только для нашей специальности, но и для многих технических дисциплин. Приближенные методы с большим числом допущений, принятых для упрощения расчетов удобны для понимания и обучения студентов. Но стоит ли учить студентов вещам, которые в подобном исполнении никогда не понадобятся им в инженерной деятельности? С другой стороны, углубленное применение аналитических методов и алгоритмов приводит к тому, что сложные математические вычисления затмевают собой суть технической проблемы. 02 Пример случайно сгенерированного билета по определению скоростей и ускорений механизма. Главная особенность подобных заданий состоит в том, что они уникальны и практически не повторяются, то есть студентам приходится вникать в суть предмета, так как попытки найти готовое решение остаются безрезультатными.
  115. Методы решения Начальный угол, соответствующий крайнему (мертвому) положению механизма, был

    принят за нуль. На каждом кадре из оси вращения маховика до центра крепления кривошипа была проведена линия, от которой проводился отсчет угла поворота маховика. 03 Рисунок а б, в, г – стадии обработки эксперимента на ЭВМ После этого с шагом 0.04с производились замеры углов в каждом новом положении. Для этого в каждом последующем кадре проводилась линия, соединяющая ось вращения маховика с осью крепления кривошипа. Затем измерялся угол между линией нулевого положения и линией, отмечающей положение диска на каждом кадре, как показано на рисунках б, в, г. По результатам измерений были получены значения передаточного отношения в зависимости от угла поворота, отличающиеся от теоретических расчетов не более чем на 5%. Данное исследование вызвало большой интерес у студентов, так как оно не требовало высокоточного и сложного оборудования и позволило наглядно изучить как принципы работы четырехшарнирного механизма, как и особенности обработки результатов эксперимента. Для подтверждения теоретических расчетов на л/р студентами проводится видеосъемка процесса движения механизма при обмене энергии между маховиками. Механизм приводился в движение вручную, так как ни один из маховиков не совершает полного оборота. Затем полученный видеоролик был обработан в программе Microsoft Windows Movie Maker для разбиения видеоролика на отдельные кадры. Фотография механизма экспериментального стенда Рисунок а. Начальное положение механизма Рисунок б Рисунок в Рисунок г
  116. Вывод Хотя дисциплина «Теория механизмов и машин» существует уже несколько

    веков, на сегодняшний день перед учеными, инженерами и конструкторами по-прежнему стоят задачи разработки и дальнейшего совершенствования современной техники, а в первую очередь - создание новых высокопроизводительных машин, освобождающих человека от трудоемких и утомительных процессов, повышающих производительность машин и улучшающих качество выпускаемой продукции. 04 Николай Николаевич Барбашов и Сергей Витальевич Шаныгин Шаныгин
  117. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31May 2024 «The Approaches in

    the Design of Youth Centers in the Republic of Tatarstan» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Stepan Novikov, Milyausha Tukmakova, Dinara Khusainova and Alice Napolskikh
  118. Problem statement In recent years, new youth centers (hereinafter YC)

    have been created in the Republic of Tatarstan to provide comfortable conditions for the development and communication of young people. YC are becoming important elements of the social infrastructure of the region, which provide various services such as consultations, trainings, sports and cultural events, etc. This helps young people develop their potential and find their place in society, create new cultural values. The state supports the design of youth centers in the Republic of Tatarstan through various programs and initiatives. For example, the program «Development of youth policy in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2024-2026». The main problem of the region is the outflow of young people to larger cities and foreign countries, this is confirmed by the reasons indicated in the article by A.R. Nagimov, such as: economic, social, educational. The purpose of the research is to identify approaches used in the design of youth centers that will increase the interest of young people. 02
  119. Solution methods The research used such theoretical methods as analysis,

    comparison, generalization, which allowed us to present and analyze approaches in the design of youth centers. The study also used the archival materials of Novikov S.V. and Tokmakova M.I. in the form of concepts and draft projects for the renovation of youth centers. The authors identified the design approaches according to which the following youth centers in the Republic of Tatarstan were analyzed: YC «Vertolet» in Kazan, YC «Yashlek» in the village of Aktanysh, YC «VYSOTA» in Leninogorsk, YC «SinEnergia» in the village of Alekseevskoye, YC «Miras» in Buinsk, YC «Mizgel» in the village of Muslyumovo. 03
  120. Conclusions Youth centers are an integral part of the infrastructure

    of a city, district or village, thanks to their renovation and rethinking of spaces, it is possible to create a «point of attraction» for modern youth and promote interest in the area where they can stay and realize their potential. The use of the identified approaches (systemic, functional, socio- cultural, environmental and scenario) in the development of renovation projects is an important aspect of creating a comfortable and attractive environment for young people. They influence the compositional solutions of the exterior and interior, the functional, spatial planning structure, the emotional perception of the place and the design object by a person, and only when all factors are taken into account, the best result is obtained by solving important design issues at its early stages. Based on the experience of designing centers in the Republic of Tatarstan, it can be concluded that the application of the identified approaches positively affects the interest of young people in the cultural life of the region and their native land, by creating a comfortable environment for them. 04 FIGURE 1. Multifunctional halls in the YC «Vertolet», Kazan: a – hall 2 fl.; b – hall 2 fl.; c – art-sport hall 1 fl.; d – headquarters of the «Movement of the First» (illustration by the authors: Khusainova D.A., Tukmakova M.I.) a) b) c) d)
  121. Contacts Stepan Novikov Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russian

    Federation E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  122. Digital technologies and their use in teaching the humanities in

    higher education Pluzhnikova N.N., Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia
  123. Introduction Everything is changing, the world does not stand still,

    and most Internet users are also changing their attitude towards the World Wide Web. The reason for this is “cloud technologies”, which set the “fashion” for using the Internet and storing files on the Internet. The idea of what we now call cloud computing was first proposed by Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider in 1970, when he was responsible for developing the ARPANET.
  124. Materials and methods [1] Ding Y, Peng Y, Zhu Y,

    Fan X, Yang J, Liang B, Zhu X, Wan X and Cheng J 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 014302 https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.014302 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 2020 2022 2023 мотивация применение облачных адаптация
  125. Results Digital tools:1. Study assistants: Chatbots can provide students with

    study materials, explain concepts, answer questions, and help students understand philosophy assignments. They can be customized to provide personalized support and adapt to each student's level of knowledge and needs.2. Online testing and assessment: Chatbots can conduct online testing and assessment of students' knowledge. They can present tests or exercises, ask questions, and evaluate students' answers, allowing them to check their understanding and receive feedback.3. Chatbots can be configured to provide answers to frequently asked questions, reducing time, allowing for more efficient use of resources and ensuring information is accessible to students.To take into account the human element, chatbots in teaching play an important role in complementing the resources of teachers. Unlike humans, chatbots are available 24/7, allowing students to access learning materials and support anytime, anywhere. This promotes lifelong learning and self-directed learning.
  126. Thank you! Dr. Natalya Pluzhnikova Research interests Philosophy of Education

    Contact information Email: [email protected] Phone: +79254738774 Moscow Polytechnic University
  127. Влияние архитектурно-планировочного размещения зеленых насаждений на микроклимат вокруг жилых зданий

    Салиева Н. М. - ст.пр. кафедра "Градостроительство” СамГАСУ IV Международная научная конференция «ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования IV Международная научная конференция «ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования
  128. ANSYS Model Fuel Library FENSAP- ICE ANSYS Forte ANSYS Polyflow

    а)без озеленения б) с озеленением Векторы скоростей в области стоянки
  129. ANSYS Model Fuel Library FENSAP- ICE ANSYS Forte ANSYS Polyflow

    а)стоянка, закрытая пористым телом б) стоянка закрыта стенкой с козырьком Поля температур в области стоянки
  130. Study of Possibilities of Introduction of Automated Management Technology in

    Home Crop Production Valery Strizheus1, a) and Lidia Ermakova 1, b) 1 Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia
  131. Introduction • In the modern world, where information technology is

    rapidly evolving and being implemented in all areas of our lives, the agricultural sector is not left behind. The introduction of automation technologies and the Internet of Things in agriculture can not only significantly increase the efficiency of plant growing processes but also allows achieving a higher quality of harvest while maximizing cost optimization. The purpose of this article is to discuss the issue of implementing automation technologies and the Internet in the field of plant cultivation, to consider the main technologies used in this process, and to analyze the possible prospects and problems associated with their implementation
  132. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES • 1. Examine the basic principles of

    the Internet of Things and its application in the modern world. • 2. Analyze the possibilities of integrating IoT with grow boxes and the advantages that this combination can provide. • 3. Identify and assess potential problems that may arise when using IoT in agrotechnologies. • 4. Based on the collected material, make conclusions about the prospects of using the Internet of Things in grow boxes for plant cultivation. • The article provides a systematic understanding of the possibility of using IoT in the agricultural sphere and offers recommendations for implementing such technology in the practice of using grow boxes.
  133. Values of microclimate indicators for different plants. Plant CO2 concentrati

    on, ppm Soil moisture, % of total moisture capacity Air humidity, % Air temperature, °C Microgreens (radish) 900 80-90 70-80 17-19 Radish 1200 60-70 60-65 20-22 Beans 2300 50-60 70 22-25 Tomatoes 1200 45-55 60-70 23-25
  134. SENSOR COMPARISON Sensor 1 2 3 4 5 Nominal value

    Air humidity 87% 88% 90% 89% 86% 90% Air temperature 22 °С 21 °С 24 °С 25 °С 25 °С 25 °С CO2 concentratio n 800 ppm 850 ppm 950 ppm 1000 ppm 800 ppm 1000 ppm
  135. CONCLUSIONS • As a result of the research, recommendations for

    selecting equipment, specifically sensors for creating an automated control system for conditions inside the grow box, were obtained. The application of automated control systems and the Internet of Things can greatly simplify the cultivation of various plant cultures in grow boxes. Sensors commonly used for designing various automated systems have an error range from 5% to 15% and inertia up to 90 seconds. Such accuracy and speed of operation are sufficient for working with plants. The optimal sensor placement inside the grow box chamber has been identified.
  136. Application of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in City Farming and Home

    Cultivation Valery Strizheus1, a) and Lidia Ermakova 1, b) 1 Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia
  137. INTRODUCTION • Currently, artificial intelligence (AI) systems find widespread application

    across various industries. One of the industries that could benefit is agriculture. Hobby farming is gaining popularity, and to reduce errors and improve the qualitative and quantitative composition of the crops grown, it is necessary to study a considerably large amount of information. Artificial intelligence systems can greatly simplify plant cultivation. Automation plays a crucial role in increasing productivity, safety, and improving working conditions by eliminating the "human factor" from processes related to plant cultivation. Automation tools are increasingly present in both existing and under-construction facilities, allowing for a significant reduction in the number of unforeseen errors since the most important decisions are made by electronic systems. With the growth of urbanization, there is an increased demand for food products, complicating the production process and increasing the delivery time of these products, especially those of plant origin, to residents of large cities (megacities). According to UNESCO, land degradation affects 3.2 billion people worldwide.
  138. GROWBOXES IN CITY FARMING • The solution to the listed

    problems lies in the rapidly developing and promising direction within automated engineering biological systems - urban farming. Urban farming is the cultivation of agricultural crops in the conditions of megacities, a controlled agro-industrial process in a closed environment , combining agro-cultural technologies with advanced engineering and information technology solutions.

    of the ways to quickly obtain the needed information might be a regular internet search. However, the quality of answers provided in the search results might be low, or data from different websites may contradict each other. To obtain more reliable information, it's better to refer to textbooks and scientific publications. But then, the user needs to delve deeper into the required topic and spend more time studying it. For an artificial intelligence system to provide reliable answers, it needs to be provided with all the necessary information. The most straightforward and effective solution would be to use the eShop project.
  140. CONCLUSIONS • After exploring the capabilities of artificial intelligence systems,

    especially models designed for text processing, one can conclude that the application of artificial intelligence in horticulture can improve the productivity of city farms and grow boxes, as well as reduce the workload on humans. Thanks to the use of text-based artificial intelligence models, it becomes possible to quickly and conveniently obtain information from textbooks and publications on any subject, including horticulture. The text analysis algorithms integrated into ChatGPT allow users to ask questions in any form, without using specialized terms – the system itself understands what the user wants to ask. Further development of artificial intelligence systems will significantly ease the learning process and information acquisition in the field of city farming and home horticulture.
  141. Artem Plisenko1, a) and Evgeny Karpukhin1, b) 1Moscow Aviation Institute

    (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] ASEDU-IV 2024 Krasnoyarsk Russia Abstract: The problem of selecting of tests of the network software for the protection against new attack techniques is considered. It is proposed to use a scenario approach when implementing a model of threats to the network software based on vulnerability databases of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of Russia (FSTEC) and Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) vulnerability metrics. A comparison of the stages of attack development in the Cyber Kill Chain (CKC), MITRE Adversarial Tactics, Techniques and Common Knowledge (MITRE ATT&CK) and FSTEC models is provided. There has been developed a methodology for testing of the network software based on the formation of the test coverage and allowing to prepare a package for testing. There is given an example of constructing of a threat model for a user border router in the logic of a matrix of correspondence of the attack stage and the tactics and techniques used.
  142. Despite the widespread introduction of the automated testing, as a

    rule, there is no testing unit for vulnerabilities in the implementation of network protocols, as it is considered labor-intensive and requires a lot of efforts. For the corporate segment this is justified, while for consumer devices it is considered unnecessary. For the network software, in addition to the quality of implementation of software components, the issue of the automated testing to determine the sensitivity to malicious impact scenarios becomes relevant. At the same time, the main factors of information security threats associated with network software may be shortcomings in the quality and reliability of the software and hardware. Today, there are many commercial software products that provide a broad functionality for testing of the network infrastructure for vulnerability, the disadvantage of which is their high cost, increased resource requirements and excessive functionality. Therefore, most companies producing network equipment form their own automated testing system, focusing on the features of their model range. The goal of the work is to develop a methodology of an automated testing of the network software to determine sensitivity to malicious impact scenarios. To determine the optimal set of tests that correspond to new attack techniques, it is necessary to analyze the most reliable vulnerability databases, for example, MITRE ATT&CK database [1], National Vulnerability Database (NVD) [2] and FSTEC. Next, we should highlight attack techniques from the database of threats and vulnerabilities that are most dangerous for the network software. To do this, it is necessary to develop a threat model. ASEDU-IV 2024
  143. Identifying and searching for new attack techniques is a complex

    process that involves analyzing of many sources, such as: • analytical reports and reviews of cyber threat trends from leading experts and companies in the field of the information security; • researches on vulnerabilities and attacks on network protocols, which contain information about new attack techniques and vulnerabilities; • public databases (for example, NVD contains the information on more than 100,000 vulnerabilities); • various communities in the field of the information security and network protocols (blogs, chats, etc.); • reviews and descriptions of penetration testing tools (Nmap, Nessus, Metasploit, etc.); • code analysis of the system network software. During the analysis process, it is necessary to be able to evaluate the attack technique in terms of its danger class for a specific infrastructure. An assessment of information security threats is also necessary for the further development of an appropriate threat model. The results of the threat assessment are used to select and justify a set of security tests for the developed network software. It is proposed to use CVSS as the main system of vulnerability metrics. The system is one of the most popular metric systems used to identify software security vulnerabilities. It is a computational method that helps to analyze the threat level of weaknesses in a software system. We study the main metrics of CVSS system. In general, they are divided into three groups. ASEDU-IV 2024
  144. The proposed generalized technique can be applied to any network

    device, it contains a finite number of stages and leads to an optimal set of tests, paying attention to the most critical ones. It includes such elements as a test database, as well as a database for storing test results, which can become the basis for building an internal system for assessing the quality of the developed network software. Using a vulnerability model built on the basis of FSTEC methodology, as well as MITRE ATT&CK matrix, allows to set specific characteristics of automated testing of system network software for compliance with the criteria for developing secure software, namely test coverage. In addition, the use of this model allows to identify the most dangerous errors and prevent them. This approach reduces the likelihood of new attacks being implemented, since new attack tracks are most often new combinations of existing techniques or attacks that exploit software errors. The considered example of constructing a vulnerability model and test coverage based on it shows the possibility of its use in industrial internal testing of developed network software. Thank you for your attention! ASEDU-IV 2024
  145. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Restoration Passport

    of a Metal Object in the Context of Professional Ethics» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Juliana Emanova and Lubov Yao
  146. Problem statement • Compared to other metals, iron has low

    corrosion resistance, and archaeological ferrous metal is often found in its most degraded state. Restoration of metal objects requires a correct assessment of the state of preservation and diagnosis. An error in assessing the safety of an object leads to the choice of an inadequate restoration method, which may result in partial or complete loss of the monument. The object of restoration was a forged iron knife, transferred for restoration from a private collection. Different methods of iron processing appeared at different times in different territories. The original processing method - cold forging - was replaced by hot forging. They learned how to saturate metal with carbon and produce steel, a more durable material. Information about the expedition and the place where the knife was found has not been preserved. Similar household items were produced in large quantities and everywhere, so they are often found in excavations in Russia. 02
  147. Solution methods All methods of restoration and conservation of archaeological

    and ethnographic metal can be divided into three groups: methods of removing surface layers; stabilization methods; conservation methods. Each group of methods, in turn, can be divided into several types of restoration processing, depending on the goals and objectives of the restoration, as well as on the basis of the materials, tools and equipment used. Building a restoration strategy and choosing one or another method of restoration processing should only be done after a comprehensive study of the state of preservation of the monument. To assess the safety of archaeological metal objects, archaeological corrosion is distinguished as a separate type. Archaeological corrosion can be diagnosed based on two main signs: 1) the development of the process of mineralization of a metal object; 2) the presence of active corrosion. Both of these signs can be present either together or separately, depending on the degree of corrosion of the monument. The following studies were carried out aimed at identifying the degree of corrosion damage to an object: a) examination with a magnet to determine the presence of a metal core; b) examination under a Stemi 305 MAT microscope at 20x magnification to examine the surface of an object - filling in areas of active corrosion; c) microsection of corrosion products under a Stemi 305 MAT microscope at 20x magnification to determine the thickness of the metal core. 03
  148. FIGURE 1. Item after restoration. General view: side 1, side

    2. Conclusions 04 • Compliance with the restoration program and maintaining a restoration passport is a significant aspect of restoration ethics. Photographic recording of each stage of restoration work, such documentation of the restoration process is a responsible attitude towards the monument, and an ethical attitude towards subsequent generations of restorers.
  149. Contacts Juliana Emanova Kazan Federal University E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV

    2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  150. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Vertical greenery

    in civil engineering: global and regional experience» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Lubov Yao, Juliana Emanova, Mikhail Yao and Klara Karamova
  151. Problem statement Today, large cities and settlements are major centers

    of environmental problems, and at the same time, by the beginning of the twenty-first century, about half of the world's inhabitants had migrated to cities, which are designed to meet their needs and provide a sufficiently high quality of life. The higher the level of economic development of the country, the higher the requirements of citizens to the quality of the environment, which is specified in the level of soil, air and water pollution, in urban development plans, condition of public spaces, greening of city streets. For example, the model of a comfortable living environment includes social and environmental indicators. In order to achieve sustainable development in cities, not only horizontal greening - to equip old parks and squares and build new ones - but also vertical - to build structures wrapped with greenery, to cover the walls of houses with vines-like plants, to create vertical flowerbeds and small architectural forms, combined with annuals. A new trend in landscape design has emerged - vertical, and in interior design there is phyto-design - "green walls" made of moss and climbing plants. According to the administration, Kazan has the possibility of creating about 150 new public gardens and parks with a total area of more than 1,000 hectares by improving the so-called "ownerless" territories located in different parts of a city. According to paragraph 4 of SNiP (Building Codes and Regulations) 2.07.01-89 "Urban Planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements" the level of landscaping of the territory of a settlement must be at least 40%, and within the boundaries of the territory of a residential area - at least 25%. The territory of landscaping in all cities of Tatarstan, and especially in Kazan, does not meet the requirements of SNiP. 02
  152. Solution methods A Situation Analysis, or SNW analysis, has been

    used to analyze the strengths, neutrals and weaknesses of the incorporation of vertical greenery into the architectural design of the urban landscape, which involves a detailed description of the Strength, Neutral sides, and Weaknesses in the design of greening. Contrary to the SWOT analysis, which only describes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the design of an activity, the SNW analysis also describes the neutral aspects of the vertical greenery planting, which neither improves nor harms the appearance of the building and its surroundings. In addition, we used a substantive analysis of the regulations governing the architects, designers and builders: GOST R 55935; GOST R 55528; GOST 28329 " Greening of cities. Terms and definitions", SP 82.13330.2016; GOST R 58875-2020 "Green" standards. Greened and Maintained Roofs of Buildings and Structures. Technical and ecological requirements". The term 'vertical greening' is used quite explicitly in these documents: "vertical greening - landscaping spaces near vertical planes of buildings and structures, fences, arches, pergolas, columns, obelisks, flowerpots and similar elements with climbing, scandent, falling plants, capable of taking a variety of forms in accordance with the surface of the object, the structure of supporting structures for decorative purposes and to protect against overheating, noise and wind"; for roof greening, another definition is used: "roof greening is the use of the roofs of buildings and structures to create architectural and landscape objects on them (lawns, flower beds, gardens, areas with trees and bushes, etc.)". However, in recent years, in scientific articles, vertical gardening is increasingly understood as any type of gardening that does not involve the use of natural soil cover. For example, in the paper by K.O. Mkhitaryan "Typology of forms of vertical greenery in urban environment" (2017), the main types of vertical greening include: "green walls/vertical facades, independent green walls, eco-graffiti, vertical flowerbeds, green roofs and terraces, and components of the near future, or kinetic elements of urban development, vertical green infrastructure, vertical farms". Such classification does not correspond to the normative documents, so professional builders and designers separate vertical and roof gardening, for them make special normative documents, issue Regulations by the authorities in certain cities, for example, Moscow Government Regulation MGSN 1.02-02. 03
  153. Conclusions TABLE 1. Financing of Improvement of Public Spaces in

    Kazan 04 Historically, cities arose by destroying the natural environment. Environmental problems are most acutely felt in them: high population density leads to excessive pollution of air, soil, and water, which is why the incidence of urban population is increasing. Vertical landscaping can mitigate these problems – it is able to replace destroyed green spaces, create elements of the ecological framework of the city in a small area, which has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical health of people. Green roofs, green walls, and vertical flower beds create an attractive image of cities and neighborhoods, which is why designers are increasingly planning vertical landscaping in new housing complexes. And indoors, vertical landscaping is increasingly used in public and residential interiors, offices, and educational institutions. This trend is reflected in legislative and regulatory documents: urban planning norms and rules are complemented by rules for creating green roofs, green walls on city streets, and green corridors made of suitable plants. There was even such a direction in the planning as "urban gardens", "urban farms", which serve as a further development of the trend of vertical gardening. Years Amount of financing (billion roubles) Greening (trees, thousand pcs.) Vertical flowerbeds (thousand pcs.) Volumetric floral arrangements (pcs.) 2017 0.763 15 10.5 0 2018 1.258 12.6 12.0 13 2019 1.079 12.1 15.5 25 2020 1.296 43.2 5 17 2021 0.672 26.5 13.2 24
  154. Contacts Lubov Yao Kazan Federal University E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV

    2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  155. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Game Equipment

    Theory for Solving Inventive Problems for Solving Organizational and Business Problems. Methodological Support» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Stanislav Gorobchenko, Artur Khabibullin, Aidar Nurullin, Olga Polyanskaya, Sergey Meshkov and Maryam Mirzoeva
  156. Problem statement • Currently, the use of game forms of

    training in the system of analysis of organizational, business, educational activities and advanced training of specialists has become widespread. First of all, game forms are convenient for practical training, where the need to understand the multi-role situation of activity and adequate implementation of role responsibilities is obvious. At the same time, game forms begin to develop in relation to meetings, seminars, colloquiums, conferences, etc. Business games often become the main content of work in organizations and companies when planning the next year or when solving general problems of the organization. Some idea of the methodological support for gaming techniques can be obtained from works. • In many ways, the formation of mental skills and abilities involves mastering typical mental actions and operations, and then their operational structures. Typing the thought process, its design into an operation with a defined functional or communicative position allows us to directly consider communication of a complex type (discussion) as a special model of thinking, easily typologized, depending on the predominance of a particular operation in a single structure of activity. 02
  157. Solution methods • The article examines the methodological support of

    TSIP gaming technology for solving organizational and business problems. • Gaming techniques for solving complex and uncertain problems require a thorough approach to the search for mental tools and the methodology for their use by large communities of players. • For these purposes, it is proposed to use the apparatus of dialectical categories, management methods of analysis and TSIP tools. • The general task of using generalized thinking tools is to further define the problem so that it can be solved using TSIP algorithmic tools. • The main tools of each of the methods used are discussed in detail. 03
  158. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • Thus, the addition of the

    basic TSIP approach in the field of preliminary analysis of the system opens up new opportunities for specialists who apply a systems approach to solve organizational and management problems. The addition of system synthesis using known business process diagrams also increases the efficiency of using all tools and is a promising approach for solving organizational and business problems.
  159. Contacts Stanislav Gorobchenko, Artur Khabibullin, Aidar Nurullin, Olga Polyanskaya, Sergey

    Meshkov, Maryam Mirzoeva Higher School of Technology and Energy, Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design Kazan Federal University Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University Baltic State Technical University "Voenmeh" named after. D.F. Ustinov E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  160. III INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 8-10 December 2022 «The impact

    of the milling process as a key factor in pulp and paper manufacturing» «ASEDU-III 2022: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Dmitry Bolgov, Marina Savelyeva, Roman Marchenko, and Margarita Litvinova
  161. Problem statement • In the pulp and paper industry, the

    selection of the milling process has a significant influence on the quality, efficiency, and environmental sustainability of the manufacturing process. Under current circumstances, knife grinders, particularly conical and disc grinders, predominate. However, intensive fiber grinding in these machines results in a reduction in the strength characteristics of the final product, complicating the use of short fiber hardwoods and recycled waste materials. Continuous improvement of grinding processes and equipment is primarily due to the need to meet the required quality standards for the final product. This is driven by a decrease in the quality of fibrous raw materials and intermediate products, combined with ongoing efforts to reduce excessive energy consumption associated with grinding operations. 02
  162. Solution methods • In modern industrial processes, hydraulic pulpers are

    primarily used to separate cellulose fibers from waste paper. Subsequently, the grinding of agglomerates and fiber clusters is typically facilitated by the use of disc and cone mills, which employ mechanical cutting mechanisms. Although these mechanical processing techniques are effective in separating fibers, they often lead to a disruption of the fiber's structural integrity, thereby reducing the tensile strength of the final paper products. Additionally, the use of mechanical cutting methods may reduce the proportion of recyclable fiber material that constitutes the final paper product.In order to minimize the negative impact of mechanical cutting on materials, non-mechanical processing techniques have been developed. These methods ensure a more gentle treatment of secondary materials, which is essential for maintaining their integrity. It is hypothesized that an optimal enhancement in the quality of material processing can be achieved by implementing a hybrid grinding system. This system would allow for precise control of both mechanical and non-mechanical processes, depending on the specific requirements of the end product.In this study, our aim is to assess the impact of different grinding techniques on the efficiency of fiber processing. We have used a non- mechanical "Jet-barrier" system and a lab-scale hydraulic mixer to develop fibrous materials, as well as a semi-industrial disk mill for mechanical processing. We conducted a comparative analysis of these techniques to determine their effectiveness for fiber processing. Our findings are presented in Figures 2 and 3, which show the results of processing fibers using the "Jet-barrier" system, the disk mill, and the hydraulic mixer under controlled conditions. 03
  163. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • 1) Grinding Time: It has

    been determined that the time required for grinding fibrous raw materials using a knife-less system is comparable to that required for traditional methods using a knife under equivalent conditions. This similarity in grinding time is explained by careful optimization of operational parameters in the knife-free setup, such as jet flow rate and spatial arrangement between the nozzle and barrier. These configurations allow the knifeless installations to achieve levels of productivity and efficiency similar to those of their knife-based counterparts. • 2) Grinding Quality: The qualitative aspects of the grinding process, such as the adhesion strength between fibers, fiber length after breaking, and resistance to crushing, are enhanced when grinding without the use of a knife, compared to conventional knife grinding. This enhancement is due to the fact that knife grinding typically involves intense cutting actions that shorten the fiber length and can disrupt fibrillation, reducing the overall strength characteristics of the final product. Conversely, grinding without a knife promotes a gentler fiber grinding process that preserves fiber length and promotes fibrillation, leading to improved physical properties in the final product. • 3) Energy Consumption: Under specific operating conditions, such as the jet flow rate, distance from the nozzle to the barrier, nozzle diameter, and geometric characteristics of the barrier used in a knife-free grinding system, specific energy consumption can be optimized to levels comparable to those achieved in knife grinding. This optimization indicates that, with proper tuning, non-knife-based grinding technologies can achieve energy efficiency comparable to traditional methods and, at the same time, potentially provide improved fiber quality.
  164. Contacts Dmitry Bolgov, Marina Savelyeva, Roman Marchenko, and Margarita Litvinova*

    Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology *E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-III 2022: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  165. • Собиров Холхужа , • Хакимов Миролимджон, • Иминов Бахрамали,

    • Бобоев нодирбек, • Рахманкулов Турсунбой, • Андижанский машиностроительный институт, • Андижан , Узбекистан • E-mail: xа[email protected] , тел: +99(891) 614 9591 ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ И ИЗУЧЕНИЯ ПОРТАТИВНОЙ БАРАБАННОЙ ЗЕРНОСУШИЛКИ
  166. Аннотация. В статье усовершенствован способ повышения энергоэффективности и конструкция сушильного

    барабана за счет ускорения процесса сушки зерна зерносушилки и сокращения времени, затрачиваемого на сушку продукта. Представлены результаты исследований, проведенных авторами по изучению механических повреждений риса, проходящего через шнековый конвейер передвижного рисосушильного устройства. Изучение механических повреждений риса позволяет дать рекомендации по увеличению количества риса, являющегося полезным продуктом, получаемого в результате механической обработки.
  167. Заключение 1. Разработано новое устройство портативной сушилки для фермеров и

    предложен новый сушильный барабан. 2. Использование в сушилке рабочего барабана новой конструкции сокращает время и энергозатраты, необходимые для сушки риса , обеспечивает одинаковое качество сушки зерна по объему и одновременно повышает эффективность предлагаемой аграриям сушилки . 3. Получена система уравнений, учитывающая практически все величины, влияющие на движение механической системы, то есть математическая модель первого приближения механической системы. 4. С помощью математической модели можно построить необходимые диаграммы не только угловых ускорений Ɛ1 и Ɛ2 сушильных барабанов и чехлов, но и их угловых скоростей ω1 , ω2. и угловые смещения 1 , 2 . Можно провести синтез параметров, исходя из заданных значений коэффициента упругости пружины крышки (С2 ) и площади окна для выгрузки сушеного риса (S), что необходимо для предлагаемое сушильное устройство.
  168. • Собиров Холхужа , • Хакимов Миролимджон, • Иминов Бахрамали,

    • Бобоев нодирбек, • Рахманкулов Турсунбой, • Андижанский машиностроительный институт, • Андижан , Узбекистан • E-mail: xа[email protected] , тел: +99(891) 614 9591 ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ И ИЗУЧЕНИЯ ПОРТАТИВНОЙ БАРАБАННОЙ ЗЕРНОСУШИЛКИ
  169. Аннотация. В статье усовершенствован способ повышения энергоэффективности и конструкция сушильного

    барабана за счет ускорения процесса сушки зерна зерносушилки и сокращения времени, затрачиваемого на сушку продукта. Представлены результаты исследований, проведенных авторами по изучению механических повреждений риса, проходящего через шнековый конвейер передвижного рисосушильного устройства. Изучение механических повреждений риса позволяет дать рекомендации по увеличению количества риса, являющегося полезным продуктом, получаемого в результате механической обработки.
  170. Заключение 1. Разработано новое устройство портативной сушилки для фермеров и

    предложен новый сушильный барабан. 2. Использование в сушилке рабочего барабана новой конструкции сокращает время и энергозатраты, необходимые для сушки риса , обеспечивает одинаковое качество сушки зерна по объему и одновременно повышает эффективность предлагаемой аграриям сушилки . 3. Получена система уравнений, учитывающая практически все величины, влияющие на движение механической системы, то есть математическая модель первого приближения механической системы. 4. С помощью математической модели можно построить необходимые диаграммы не только угловых ускорений Ɛ1 и Ɛ2 сушильных барабанов и чехлов, но и их угловых скоростей ω1 , ω2. и угловые смещения 1 , 2 . Можно провести синтез параметров, исходя из заданных значений коэффициента упругости пружины крышки (С2 ) и площади окна для выгрузки сушеного риса (S), что необходимо для предлагаемое сушильное устройство.

  172. Abstract. • Computer vision as a scientific discipline refers to

    the theories and technologies for creating medical database systems that receive information from an image. Despite the fact that this discipline is quite young, its results have penetrated almost all areas of life.
  173. Introduction. • For the first time, the G80 architecture was

    presented in November 2006 and became widespread in several versions of graphic processors, differing in the number of multiprocessors installed on them [1]. If we remove all the elements of the architecture associated with the processing of graphics, we get the following structural diagram.
  174. Objective Statement • Obviously, not all computer vision algorithms can

    be parallelized on GPUs. Any artificial computer vision system, regardless of its area of ​​application, should include the following typical stages of work: • 1) image acquisition (photo or video filming); • 2) preliminary processing; • 3) highlighting characteristic features; • 4) detection or segmentation; • 5) high-level processing.
  175. Materials nad Methods • Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP, Valiant, 1990)

    is an extension of the PRAM model [8]. Later it was transformed into a parallel computing standard [6]. In this model, the main attention is paid to communication and synchronization of processors
  176. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Navoi, Uzbekistan 29-31 May 2024 «VR Technology

    in Distance Student Science Olympiads in Geography» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Evgeniy A. Eremeev Olga N. Makarova Sofia. D Korpusova Pavel V. Zakharov
  177. Problem statement • The school needs teachers skilled in using

    VR technologies for organizing distance Olympiads, but lacks consistent training for future teachers in this area. This issue must be resolved. TASKS: • Distance science Olympiads role in geography education • Distance geography Olympiad necessary equipment • Distinctive features of distance geography Olympiads tasks • Grading objectivity problem fixing • distance student geography Olympiads impact on future teachers training 02
  178. Solution methods • VR hardware used: ClassVR, Oculus Rift •

    Our own content: photospheres and virtual tours with points of interest and sounds processed using web services (Google Tour Creator and Klapty) • Our format was tested on the future geography teachers • The subjects was asked to take a survey after participating in the olympiad 03
  179. Conclusions 04 • Grading objectivity problem is partly fixed: no

    ability to take any hints when using virtual reality headset • Wider possibilities of using visual material and increasing the participants’ interest • The majority of the respondents find tasks with VR content the most interesting • Most of the respondents highly appreciated the usefulness of using VR • The participants noted few difficulties FIGURE 1. Frequency of occurrence of opportunities provided by the use of VR in student answers, %.
  180. Conclusions • The use of VR in Olympiads in geography

    and in education allows you to increase motivation and interest in the studied discipline, visually present the material and better understand the essence of the task. All of the above effects taken together can improve student’s academic performance. • Among the advantages of this method, it can be noted that it is suitable for both individual and team competitions. The immersive atmosphere that is created when using VR in Olympiad tasks makes them as close to real conditions as possible. This circumstance is extremely important, since it allows students to develop a number of professional qualities, because geographers perform a significant part of their work in natural conditions. The perspectives of this method are also indicated by students who, after testing, had positive impressions and a desire to use VR technology in their future professional activities. 05 FIGURE 2. Distribution of students' opinions about which type of the tasks is the most interesting, %.
  181. Contacts Evgeniy A. Eremeev1, a), Olga N. Makarova1, b), Sofia

    D. Korpusova2, c), Pavel V. Zakharov2, d) 1 Shukshin Altai State Humanities Pedagogical University, Biysk, Russia 2Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia a) Corresponding author:[email protected] b) [email protected] c)[email protected] d)[email protected] 06 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» The research is funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Priority 2030 program (Agreement 075-15-2024-201 dated 06.02.2024).
  182. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Features of

    Reverse Engineering Technology» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Andrey Starkov, Natalya Tagieva, Aidar Nurullin, Ilgiz Razetdinov and Andrey Siluyanychev
  183. Problem statement • Manufacturing companies often face the problem of

    a lack of components for various types of equipment. This is due to the difficulties of supplying various types of components, high prices due to their absence and increased delivery times. Today in Russia, machine-building enterprises are faced with exactly this situation in the supply market. One solution to this problem is reverse engineering or reverse engineering. Reverse engineering (reverse engineering) is the process of analyzing and studying existing parts, assemblies, mechanisms and machines in general in order to generate knowledge about their operation, designs for further reproduction, with the possibility of subsequent improvement. At the moment, reverse engineering is very popular, as it allows industries to reduce financial and time costs for research and development of their own products. Reverse engineering using 3D technologies significantly reduces the time it takes to reproduce a part into a model, and then into design documentation. This paper discusses reverse engineering using 3D technologies provided by using a hand-held 3D laser scanner. 02
  184. Solution methods • The paper examines the features of reverse

    engineering and production technologies in mechanical engineering, using the example of a simple part to form a clear sequence of operations. • A detailed description of the process of reverse engineering or reverse engineering is presented, as well as the features of its implementation, starting from the stage of preparing the model for 3D scanning. • The types of 3D technologies and CAD programs used are considered, providing the ability to work with a scanned part before obtaining a high-quality 3D model and design documentation. • Particular attention is paid to the importance of reverse engineering for modern industry, including its impact on the areas of design, production, maintenance and repair of equipment. • The role of this technology in improving production processes, optimizing product design and reproducing obsolete components is described. 03
  185. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • Machine-building industries have to advance

    permanently and often face various challenges in hardware production. The involvement of reverse engineering or reverse engineering process will reduce labor inputs required to produce machine parts and mechanisms, financial and time costs related to research and development of company’s own products. Thus, reverse engineering will path the way towards upgraded design and improved production processes. As a methodology reverse engineering allows to perform efficient analysis and recreate parts and designs, considered as an important tool in current industry. The features of reverse engineering technology concerned herein contribute to deeper understanding of how this method can be put into practice and what benefits may be derived thereof. Apart from that, reverse engineering plays a key role in maintenance and repair. Given its outstanding potential of the latter to recreate parts and assemblies relying on the analysis of existing products, companies can improve complex maintenance processes and ensure faster replacement of parts in case of failures, as parts of varying complexity will be easily produced and their interchangeability is ensured. It is vital to note that this topic is relevant and shows a high demand in today's industry, where innovation and process optimization become crucial to ensure a company’s competitiveness.
  186. Contacts Andrey Starkov Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical

    University (MADI) E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  187. III МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ КРАСНОЯРСК, РОССИЯ 8-10 декабря 2022 «Исследования влияния

    вида почвы на обнаружение разливов нефтепродуктов в ближнем ИК диапазоне» «ASEDU-III 2022: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования» Нгуен Минь Бач, Ю.В. Федотов, Н.В. Барышников, М.Л. Белов
  188. Актуальность • В настоящее время нефть и нефтепродукты продолжают оставаться

    наиболее распространёнными загрязняющими веществами • Существующие системы мониторинга на трубопроводах имеют чувствительность от единиц до сотых долей процента от расхода нефтепровода и утечки меньшей интенсивности не регистрируют • Поэтому актуальной является задача контроля утечек нефти и нефтепродуктов малой интенсивности • На сегодняшний день наиболее эффективным оптическим дистанционным методом обнаружения нефтяных загрязнений на земной поверхности является лазерный флуоресцентный метод. Однако, этот метод имеет недостаток – флуоресцентные лидары имеют большие массо-габаритные характеристики (что может быть проблемой при установке флуоресцентного лидара на беспилотный летательный аппарат) • Работа посвящена экспериментальному исследованию возможностей пассивного оптического метода мониторинга разливов нефтепродуктов в ближнем инфракрасном спектральном диапазоне (с небольшими массо-габаритными характеристиками аппаратуры) 02 Рис. 1. Утечки нефтепроводов.
  189. Методы решения • В работе приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований влияния

    вида почвы на обнаружение разливов нефтепродуктов в ближнем ИК диапазоне. • В состав лабораторной установки входит охлаждаемый спектрометр OPTOSKY АТР8000 ближнего инфракрасного диапазона, обеспечивающий регистрацию сигнала с разрешением ~ 10 нм. 03 Рис. 2. Спектры отражения почвы из леса до и после разлива бензина Рис. 4. Спектры отражения асфальта до и после разлива дизельного топлива Рис. 3. Спектры отражения перегноя до и после разлива моторного масла На рис. 2-4 приведены примеры спектров отражения незагрязненной почвы до разлива нефтепродуктов (пунктирная кривая) и спектры отражения почвы сразу после разлива нефтепродуктов (сплошная линия).
  190. Выводы 04 • Проведены экспериментальные исследования влияния вида почвы на

    обнаружение разливов нефтепродуктов на земной поверхности в спектральном диапазоне 900-2500 нм. • На лабораторной установке измерены спектры отражения бензина, моторного масла, дизельного топлива на песке, почве из леса, торфе, перегное, почве для комнатных растений, асфальте. • Показано, что в спектральных диапазонах около 1,73 и 2,3 мкм в случае разлива различных нефтепродуктов на разного вида почвах в спектрах появляются провалы (в разной степени выраженные), вызванные поглощением излучения углеводородами на загрязненной поверхности. • В большинстве случаев эти провалы отсутствуют в спектрах отражения около 1,73 и 2,3 мкм для незагрязненных нефтепродуктами почв. • Однако, для чистого перегноя и для асфальта наблюдаются спектральные провалы около 2,3 мкм, а для чистой почвы для комнатных растений наблюдается спектральный провал около 1,73 мкм.
  191. Контакты Нгуен Минь Бач, Ю.В. Федотов, Н.В. Барышников, М.Л. Белов

    Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU), Moscow, Russia E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-III 2022: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования»

    на основе ИКТ в обучении говорению на иностранном языке» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования» Авторы: М.В. Архипова , Е.В.Жулина, В.А. Листвицына И.А. Пастухова, А.Ю. Розе
  193. Актуальность Занятия по иностранному языку, исходя из главной цели изучения

    и обучения, направлены на развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции. В связи с тем, что речь обеспечивает взаимодействие людей, ее становление эффективнее происходит в ситуации общения. Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции возможно организовать с помощью моделирования различных ситуаций общения. Речевая активность студентов изучающих иностранный язык нередко требует дополнительной мотивации. Подобный стимул может возникнуть при включении учащихся в игру, с использованием различных средств информационно-коммуникационных технологий, которые отвечают потребностям современного поколения обучающихся. 02
  194. Методы решения Целью исследования является выявление эффективности использования ролевых игр

    с использованием информационно-коммуникационных технологий для развития коммуникативных навыков студентов технических специальностей. Поставленная цель определяет необходимость решения следующих задач: • 1) обозначить сущность иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции; • 2) раскрыть содержание понятия ролевой игры; • 3) разработать и применить серию упражнений, направленную на формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся посредством ролевых игр и ИКТ; выявить эффективность по результатам исследования. Достижение обозначенной цели возможно при учете возрастных особенностей учащихся, уровня владения иностранным языком, методики проведения ролевых игр, а также систематическом использовании данного вида деятельности на уроках иностранного языка. Авторы статьи применили следующие методы исследования: - теоретические (изучение и анализ педагогической и методической литературы по проблеме исследования); - эмпирические (наблюдение, тестирование, педагогический эксперимент, сравнение, анализ и описание результатов опытно-практической деятельности). 03
  195. Выводы Результаты, внедрение 04 • С целью выявления эффективности совместного

    использования ролевой игры и ИКТ в обучении иностранному языку, авторами было организовано опытно-практическое исследования, в котором приняли участие 87 студентов технических специальностей Мининского университета (г. Нижний Новгород). • Внедрение сюжетно-ролевых игр с использованием ИКТ в процесс обучения привело к положительным показателям, а именно: снижение количества ошибок, допускаемых при использовании лексических единиц и грамматических конструкций (на 28%), отработка которых выполнялась в течение проведения ролевых игр. Количество реплик, соответствующие опорам, после проведения серии ролевых игр увеличилось на 34%. Также благодаря данной активности вновь был отработан лексический материал по пройденным темам, организовано активное использование изученного материала. В дополнение отмечено повышение коммуникативной активности учащихся на уроке. • Применение ИКТ в качестве дополнения к традиционному формату проведения ролевой игры, позволяет создавать исключительную образовательную среду, способствующую формированию межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции, которая является главной целью при обучении иностранным языкам.
  196. Контакты Авторы: М.В. Архипова , Е.В.Жулина, В.А. Листвицына И.А. Пастухова,

    А.Ю. Розе Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет им.К. Минина, Нижний Новгород, Россия [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования»
  197. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May2024 «ICT in Teaching

    Communication Skills to Engineering Specialists» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Authors: Maria V. Arkhipova, Elena V. Zhulina, Aleksandra G. Rogozhina, Natalia V. Tsvetkova, Ludmila M. Koltunova
  198. Problem statement Rapid globalization, taking place worldwide, leaves its imprint

    on all spheres of life. Being on the rise, owing to the constant development of the internet and communication technologies, it influences the societal and industriesꞌ needs. A global engineer faces a challenge in adapting to the changes to meet the needs of today’s global business environment and changing workplace. A professional engineer is expected to effectively cross national and cultural boundaries, being competent in both technical and non-technical skills. Relevant professional and communication skills are essential in building successful communication in their professional dialogue. Modern education, being responsive to the needs of today’s industry standards, is to provide solutions to the new challenges. Information and communication technology (ICT) in education extends educational opportunities, making it learner-centered. The goal of our study is to research the components of intercultural communicative competence of engineering specialists based on the EFL course. The design of the syllabus includes ICT as an effective tool to promote flexible learning environment. The present-day generation with the information-age mindset is immerged in digital technology; therefore students are engaged in classroom activities if they include the use of ICT. The following research tasks constitute the basis of the study: 1) identify the components of intercultural communicative competence; 2) introduce a course of EFL to students majoring in engineering; 3) analyze the results, leading to the subsequent conclusion and potential research. 02
  199. Solution methods The research was conducted on the basis of

    Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Russia, 65 students, majoring in engineering, taking part in the study. We used qualitative research and content analysis, questionnaires, observation, interview to collect data for the study. The experiment consisted of two series, the first aimed at defining intercultural communicative competence and its components, and the second – at studying the level of intercultural communicative competence of engineering students, based on the course of EFL with incorporation of ICT into traditional curriculum. The organization of ELF training is based on the following principles, contributing to developing intercultural competence skills: - introducing the content corresponding to the professional competencies of future specialists; - using a foreign language as a means of expanding professional competence in cross-cultural situations; - stimulating discussion which allows students to share multiple points of view; - developing improvisation and creativity by means of role-playing games, when students act out various scenarios. In our research the following key components are distinguished as constituting the structure of intercultural communicative competence: • linguistic (knowing language rules) was studied using the Method of measuring foreign language skills ; • cognitive (understanding cultural background and behavior) - Self Monitoring Scale; • motivational (being ready and stimulating others to effective communication) - Adaptability Scale ; • emotional (showing empathy and ensuring equal opportunities to participate and communicate ideas) - Communication Activity Test ; • cultural (being aware of cultural etiquette, cultural clashes and misunderstanding of cultural behavior) - Understanding Facial Expressions and Gestures Test . 03
  200. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • The results show the growth

    in the number of students who learnt how to be successful mediators, overcoming communication barriers and taking leading positions and stimulating communication. They are ready to adapt voice, body language and other non-verbal means of communication to the situation, making communication rewarding. • ICT offers wide-ranging opportunities that correspond to the psychological characteristics of the perception of information in the learning process. Students’ motivation is initiated and maintained by the means of gamification, entertaining tasks, active dialogues, situation of success for each student.
  201. Contacts Maria V. Arkhipova, Elena V. Zhulina, Aleksandra G. Rogozhina,

    Natalia V. Tsvetkova, Ludmila M. Koltunova Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  202. IV МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ НАВОИ, УЗБЕКИСТАН 29-31 мая 2024 «Формирование у

    обучающихся компетенций при изучении дисциплины «Начертательная геометрия и компьютерная графика» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования» В.М. Приходько, Н.М. Шумун Rostov State Transport University (RSTU)
  203. Актуальность • Становление компетенций обучающихся, связанных с использованием графической информации

    • Междисциплинарный подход к изучению графических дисциплин • Взаимодействие различных методов обучения • Практико-ориентированный подход • Применение полученных знаний в практической деятельности 02
  204. Методы решения • Применение метода проецирования при решении графических задач

    • Метод визуализации • Использование On-line лекций • Средства тестирования для закрепления полученных результатов 03
  205. Выводы Результаты, внедрение 04 • Решена задача «Построение точки пересечения

    отрезка прямой DE с плоскостью треугольника АВС» • Выполнено 3D-моделирование решения этой задачи • Рассмотрено применение технологии on-line лекций • Проанализировано применение тестирования остаточных знаний • Указаны возможности использования полученного результата «Формирование у обучающихся компетенций при изучении дисциплины «Начертательная геометрия и компьютерная графика»
  206. Контакты Victor Prikhodko, Natalya Shumun Rostov State Transport University (RSTU),

    Rostov-on-Don, Russia E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования»
  207. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Research of

    Ferromagnetic Inclusions in Biological Objects Using a Developed Superminiature Edge Current Converter» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Vladimir Malikov, Semen Kistaev, Vladlen Milkov, Evgeny Zhdanov, Irina Vornacheva, Rustem Sakhapov and Adel Yakushev
  208. Problem statement • Problem statement • Foreign bodies in soft

    tissue often pose a challenge to diagnosis and treatment. • Their clinical signs are unconvincing, anamnesis data are not always reliable, and the likelihood of their presence in the wound exists with any soft tissue damage. • Objects cannot always be detected intraoperatively, this is especially true for multiple ones, those embedded with minor damage to the skin, and those located away from the main wound channel. 02
  209. Solution methods • The eddy current method is based on

    the interaction of the electromagnetic field generated by the eddy current transducer with the test object. 03 General diagram of an absolute eddy current transducer
  210. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • As a result of the

    work done, the complex was modified for the task of searching, identifying and analyzing small metal objects located in biological tissues. • A number of experiments were carried out with various metal objects. The capabilities of the measuring system to search for these objects are demonstrated. • The presented research can be used in the field of medical physics; the developed complex, in the future, can be used in medical technology and used to search for metal objects in case of injuries to people at work. • In the future, it is planned to study steel objects subjected to hardening and tempering at different temperatures and to evaluate their effect on the signal of the eddy current transducer when they are located in biological objects.
  211. Contacts Vladimir Malikov Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia [email protected] 05

    «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  212. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Ethical Professional

    Values of Restorers - Conservators» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Juliana Emanova
  213. Problem statement Museum collections are repositories of communication and cultural

    memory, and so restoration-conservation is a practice that focuses on the preservation of cultural knowledge in objects, the authentication of which creates an inseparable bond between the conservator and the conserved object. In addition, the practice of preserving cultural heritage is a form of communication between researchers of preserved objects and the preserved objects themselves. This communication with cultural memory through the subject matter and the further dissemination of data through scientific publications and excursions affect the national identity. Consequently, cultural heritage restoration-conservation policies influence restoration-conservation as a professional practice. 02
  214. Solution methods Fifteen experts were selected for the empirical study

    of conservative ethical attitudes towards their historical and cultural heritage work, based on two significant criteria: place and experience. Among the selected group were conservators a long career in famous museums and restoration-conservation workshops of the country, and novice conservators who received professional education. Such a selection was aimed at comparing the ethical values of people in the same profession but from different generations. 03
  215. Conclusions A survey of experts showed that the ethical values

    of museum conservators include a careful attitude towards works of art, minimal interference in the form of objects. Their main task in the restoration-conservation process is not to damage, not to lose a unique object, to preserve its natural appearance. The primary is historical authenticity; the reconstruction of an artistic image is a secondary task that should not dominate however much one would like to recreate an object in its original beauty. Restorers-conservators use special tools, modern synthetic materials in the restoration-conservation process, but only within acceptable limits, neither distorting nor replacing the natural materials from which the arts are made. Restorers-conservators understand their role in the restoration-conservation services market, they do not consider themselves to be able to replace experts, to identify and declare a work of art in their work to be genuine or not, but a forged thing is their duty to indicate. 04 The restoration-conservation process, according to the experts, should be carefully documented, and conservators with long work experience do this all the time. Restorers-conservators have an ambivalent attitude towards the reconstruction of art objects. On the one hand, reconstruction is useful for greater understanding and knowledge of the subject’s history, and on the other hand it is not the concern of restorers-conservators. They bring back to life objects that, without their participation, can disappear completely from the cultural field, and reconstruction only replaces old things with new ones made on the model of old. The museum has a gap between the expectations of the public, who are not always ready to interpret part of the object, and the scientific approach adopted in the museum community. The dilemma between the museum’s exposition activities (including the design approach to the exhibition) and the preservation of the museum’s object creates a problem for conservators to choose between meeting the expectations of the audience or looking for additional visualizations. Digital volumetric reconstructions may be able to represent a holistic model of an object, allowing conservators to avoid adding surviving fragments to a hypothetical whole. Another aspect of the ethics of conservatives is that they understand their limitations and believe that it is only as a last resort to conserve objects for which they do not have the appropriate category, knowledge, or skills when the work of art is threatened with actual destruction.
  216. Contacts Juliana Emanova Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

    05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  217. IV Международная конференция ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного,

    технического и цифрового образования 29-31 мая 2024 «СКВОЗНЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ КУЛЬТУРЕ И СПОРТЕ» Marina Katrenko, Yulia Zhuravleva, Olga Desenko, Oksana Tarasova, Elena Evmenenko, Igor Kabaev
  218. Актуальность Проблема: изменение мировых реалий связано с повсеместным распространением цифровизации.

    Вытесняются, обновляются технологии, методы, средства, утратившие свою эффективность и целесообразность. Особые возможности и перспективы открываются при использовании сквозных технологий, в том числе в физической культуре и спорте. Задачи исследования: •ознакомиться с литературными источниками по заявленной тематике; •определить сквозные технологии, наиболее применимые в сфере физической культуры и спорта.
  219. В исследовании использовались: •Метод анализа научной и научно- методической литературы

    •Онлайн-опрос •Метод классификации •Метод обобщения полученных результатов
  220. ВЫВОДЫ Сквозные технологии наиболее применимые в сфере физической культуры и

    спорта: • Самое популярное мобильное приложение «Pacer Health» (шагомер) – 76.9 %; • Мобильное приложение «Sporty» ✓как мотивирующие к двигательной активности – 63.5 % ✓как источник информации об элементах техники движений занимающихся – 64.7 %; • Платная версия «Adidas Running» ✓удобный доступ к программам тренировок – 70.3 % ✓оптимальный беговой функционал приложения – 75.1 % ✓наличие функций «Музыка» и «Голос тренера» – 59.8 %. Раскрытие функциональных возможностей использования сквозных технологий, показало их существенное влияние на развитие физической культуры и спорта
  221. Контакты Контакты Марина Катренко1, а) Юлия Журавлева2, б) Ольга Десенко3,

    с) Оксана Тарасова4, г) Елена Евмененко 5, д) Игорь Кабаев 6, е) 1 ФГАОУ ВО Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет, Ставрополь, Россия 2 Северо-Кавказский институт – филиал РАНХиГС, Пятигорск, Россия 3 ФГБОУ ВО Кубанский государственный медицинский университет Минздрава России, Краснодар, Россия 4 ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет Минздрава России, Ставрополь, Россия 5 ГБУДПО Ставропольский краевой институт развития образования, повышения квалификации и переподготовки работников образования, Ставрополь, Россия 6 ФГБОУ ВО Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет связи а)[email protected] b)[email protected] c)[email protected] d)[email protected] e)[email protected] f)[email protected]
  222. МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯКОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ КРАСНОЯРСК IV Международная конференция «ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки,

    инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования» «Разработка Методики Построения Иерархии Компетенций Инженера-Технолога на Базе Метода Анализа Иерархий» Ковалева Анастасия Михайловна, Хаймович Александр Исаакович
  223. 02 Аннотация Исследование посвящено созданию и апробации методов квалиметрической оценки

    компетенций персонала предприятия. В статье строится иерархия компетенций инженера-технолога на основе оценки руководителя подразделения. В данной работе был разработан и адаптирован к принципам компетентностного подхода, а также апробирован на производственной площадке такой метод системного анализа, как метод анализа иерархий. Разработанная методика исследует распределение компетенций в рамках текущих производственных задач сотрудников технологического бюро предприятия двигателестроительной отрасли и ранжирует их по критериям важности и частоты использования на рабочем месте со стороны руководителя. В качестве набора компетенций, необходимых инженеру-технологу для успешного выполнения производственных задач, рассмотрены его трудовые функции, регламентированные профессиональными стандартами. Анализ полученных в результате исследования данных позволяет сделать выводы о эффективности существующих на предприятии бизнес процессов и организации процессов управления жизненным циклом изделия.
  224. Методы решения 03 • В данном исследовании предлагается проанализировать компетенции

    инженера-технолога, как инструмент развития потенциала сотрудника и предприятия в целом, через адаптацию метода анализа иерархий для квалиметрической оценки компетенций. В качестве компетенций предлагается рассмотреть должностные обязанности, представленные в стандарте, которые мы будем рассматривать, как основные умения и навыки, требуемые для эффективного выполнения работы и достижения наилучших результатов на занимаемой должности. Построение иерархии компетенций инженера-технолога Важность компетенции на рабочем месте Частота использования компетенции на рабочем месте Компетенция 1 Компетенция 2 Компетенция 16 … Цель: Критерии: Альтернативы: • Схема построения иерархии компетенций инженера- технолога:
  225. 04 Итоги иерархизации должностных обязанностей инженера-технолога на основании анкетирования руководителя

    отдела Ранг Должностные обязанности НВП по критерию важности компетенции НВП по критерию частоты использования Глобальный приоритет 1 6) Согласовывать разработанную документацию с подразделениями предприятия 0.065 0.182 0.123 2 5) Вносить изменения в техническую документацию в связи с корректировкой технологических процессов и режимов производства 0.075 0.158 0.116 3 8) Принимать участие в разработке управляющих программ (для оборудования с ЧПУ), в отладке разработанных программ, корректировке их в процессе доработки, составлении инструкций по работе с программами 0.104 0.112 0.108 4 13) Анализировать причины брака и выпуска продукции низкого качества и пониженных сортов, принимать участие в разработке мероприятий по их предупреждению и устранению, а также в рассмотрении поступающих рекламаций на выпускаемую предприятием продукцию. 0.132 0.081 0.106 5 4) Разрабатывать технологические нормативы, инструкции, схемы сборки, маршрутные карты, карты технического уровня и качества продукции и другую технологическую документацию 0.082 0.098 0.090 6 1) Устанавливать порядок выполнения работ и пооперационный маршрут обработки деталей и сборки изделий 0.103 0.068 0.086 7 7) Разрабатывать технические задания на проектирование специальной оснастки, инструмента и приспособлений, предусмотренных технологией, технические задания на производство нестандартного оборудования, средств автоматизации и механизации 0.082 0.047 0.065 8 3) Участвовать в разработке технически обоснованных норм времени (выработки), линейных и сетевых графиков, в отработке конструкций изделий на технологичность, рассчитывать нормативы материальных затрат, экономическую эффективность проектируемых технологических процессов 0.054 0.074 0.064 9 14) Разрабатывать методы технического контроля и испытания продукции. 0.081 0.042 0.061 10 10) Участвовать в проведении экспериментальных работ по освоению новых технологических процессов и внедрению их в производство, в составлении заявок на изобретения и промышленные образцы, а также в разработке программ совершенствования организации труда, внедрения новой техники, организационно-технических мероприятий по своевременному освоению производственных мощностей, совершенствованию технологии и контролировать их выполнение 0.061 0.030 0.045 11 2) Составлять планы размещения оборудования, технического оснащения и организации рабочих мест, рассчитывает производственные мощности и загрузку оборудования 0.054 0.035 0.045 12 11) Осуществлять контроль над соблюдением технологической дисциплины в цехах и правильной эксплуатацией технологического оборудования. 0.029 0.023 0.026 13 12) Изучать передовой отечественный и зарубежный опыт в области технологии производства, разрабатывать и принимать участие в реализации мероприятий по повышению эффективности производства. 0.024 0.015 0.019 14 16) Рассматривать рационализаторские предложения по совершенствованию технологии производства и давать заключения о целесообразности их использования 0.019 0.013 0.016 15 15) Участвовать в составлении патентных и лицензионных паспортов, заявок на изобретения и промышленные образцы. 0.019 0.012 0.016 16 9) Проводить патентные исследования и определяет показатели технического уровня проектируемых объектов техники и технологии 0.016 0.011 0.014
  226. 05 Результаты исследования 10.3% 5.4% 5.4% 8.2% 7.5% 6.5% 8.2%

    10.4% 1.6% 6.1% 2.9% 2.4% 13.2% 8.1% 1.9% 1.9% 6.8% 3.5% 7.4% 9.8% 15.8% 18.2% 4.7% 11.2% 1.1% 3.0% 2.3% 1.5% 8.1% 4.2% 1.2% 1.3% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Важность компетенции Частота использования компетенции на рабочем месте 6) Согласовывать разработанную документацию с подразделениями предприятия 5) Вносить изменения в техническую документацию в связи с корректировкой технологических процессов и режимов производства 1) Устанавливать порядок выполнения работ и пооперационный маршрут обработки деталей и сборки изделий 8) Принимать участие в разработке управляющих программ (для оборудования с ЧПУ), в отладке разработанных программ, корректировке их в процессе доработки, составлении инструкций по работе с программами 13) Анализировать причины брака и выпуска продукции низкого качества и пониженных сортов, принимать участие в разработке мероприятий по их предупреждению и устранению, а также в рассмотрении поступающих рекламаций на выпускаемую предприятием продукцию;
  227. Выводы 06 • В работе представлена адаптация метода системного анализа,

    а именно метода анализа иерархий, под задачи квалиметрической оценки уровня компетенций персонала, требуемых занимаемой должностью. • В результате, разработана методика построения иерархии компетенций инженера-технолога на основе оценки руководителей. • На основании проведенного анкетирования была построена иерархия компетенций инженера-технолога, выявлены ключевые компетенций в контексте выполняемых производственных заданий. • Анализ компетенций позволяет выявить ключевые компетенции, которые наиболее задействованы в работе сотрудников в рассматриваемый период времени, а их квалиметрическая оценка позволит дать объективную оценку выполнения текущих производственных заданий. • Разработанная методика создана для анализа компетенций по критериям важности и частоты использования на рабочем месте со стороны руководства. Методика может быть легко модернизирована под актуальные критерии анализа компетентности, а также под задачи анализа компетенций для других профессий и областей деятельности. • Анализ полученных результатов позволяет прийти к выводу, что существующие бизнес процессы предприятия нуждаются в реорганизации, а исследование компетенций сотрудников помогает оценить эффективность организации процессов управления жизненным циклом изделия. Важно отметить, что компетентностный подход предоставляет возможность теоретико- методологического обоснования результатов деятельности персонала и предприятия в целом.
  228. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Modeling Of

    Deforming Treatment of Wood Composites at Their Gluing» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Alexander Lukash, Oleg Chernyshev, Albina Gaiduk and Leisan Sibgatullina
  229. Problem statement Wood is the most environmentally friendly building material

    and a renewable raw material resource. Its use in housing construction will provide Russian citizens with affordable and comfortable housing. The rapid growth of soft hardwood even on regenerated soils makes its cultivation and subsequent use promising. However, disadvantages of wood structure, such as warping and low decorative properties prevent its wider application. The use of soft hardwoods is limited by their tendency to rot and the presence of rot. The possibility of improving the performance properties of underutilized wood is substantiated in studies. In studies it was established that wood under the influence of pressure and temperature can change its dimensions and physical and mechanical parameters. The possibility of improving the decorative properties of wood by pressing is confirmed in studies. 02
  230. Solution methods The object of the research is wood finishing

    materials with embossed surface pattern made of soft hardwoods. The subject of the study is the processes of deforming treatment of wood to improve the appearance by forming an embossed pattern on the front surface. The study is based on empirical approaches and numerical methods of deformable solid mechanics. 03
  231. Conclusions 1. Decorative pattern on the face surface is created

    by deforming processing of veneer simultaneously with gluing. The physical essence of deforming processing of veneer with a matrix of complex profile has been theoretically established and experimentally confirmed. The mechanism and character of interrelated phenomena accompanying the process of relief formation on the face surface of plywood are established. Modeling of deforming processing was carried out by the finite element method using a plane model. 2. Based on the results of experimental and theoretical studies, the geometric dimensions of the matrix of complex profile, the use of which excludes the appearance of surface breaks and cracks, have been established. 04 3. It is proved that to provide an integral relief pattern on the plywood surface it is necessary to increase the radius of edge rounding of the mold: at a pressure of 2MPa the mold should have a radius of edge rounding of 2 mm. And for a mold with a distance between the protrusions of 40 mm mold the radius of edge rounding at pressure of 1.5 and 2 MPa - 2 mm. The proposed model also allows to determine the rational mode parameters of the gluing mode - the temperature of the press plates, pressure and duration of holding under pressure, at which the high quality of the face surface of the products is provided.
  232. Contacts Alexander Lukash Bryansk State University of Engineering and Technology,

    Bryansk, Russia E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  233. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «The Efficiency

    of Using a Gas-Diesel Power Plant in Vehicles» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Grigory Nesterenko, Irina Nesterenko, Andrey Karnaukhov, Aleksandr Ivanov, Stanislav Akhmetshin and Andrey Siluyanychev
  234. Problem statement • Freight transportation by road is the most

    common and most frequently used not only in Russia, but also abroad. The average mileage of a mainline tractor is 300 thousand kilometers per year. When analyzing diesel fuel costs, it was found that they account for more than 20% of overhead costs. Such costs can be reduced by using alternative fuels and hybrid power plants. • Today, as one of the solutions to the problem of reducing fuel costs, a gas-diesel power plant is most often used. This installation is an energy unit that runs on a mixture of diesel (diesel) and gas engine fuel. This technology combines high efficiency in reducing emissions of harmful gases and more economical fuel consumption. The advantages of gas-diesel power plants are low operating costs, fewer harmful emissions, increased durability of equipment and the ability to operate on two types of fuel. 02
  235. Solution methods 03 FIGURE 1. Dynamics of changes in the

    torque of the internal combustion engine and its effective efficiency depending on the speed of rotation of the crankshaft in diesel and gas-diesel mode
  236. Conclusions 04 • By reducing fuel costs due to the

    integration of an electric motor with a gas-diesel power plant, the possibility of saving fuel costs becomes available. During operation, the gas diesel power plant acts as a generator for an electric motor, which is used to ensure the movement of the tractor along the highways. When installing this system, the power, traction-speed, external- speed parameters of the car change for the better, such a change is 10-15%. FIGURE 2. The results of calculating the power balance
  237. Contacts Grigory Nesterenko Omsk State Technical University (OMSTU), Omsk, Russia

    E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  238. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Efficiency of

    Processing Soft Hardwood for Housing Construction» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Alexander Lukash, Oleg Chernyshev, Adelya Sayfutdinova, Klara Karamova and Andrey Rzhavtsev
  239. Problem statement About half of all wood reserves in the

    European part of Russia are soft hardwood. However, such disadvantages of its structure as an increased tendency to rot, desiccation and warping restrain wider involvement in housing construction. The efficiency of its use is low: the volume of its harvesting is 15% of the estimated cutting area. For this reason, forests with soft-leaved wood are not cut down and become overstuffed, which prevents the cultivation of coniferous or hard-leaved wood in these territories, and this reduces the reserves of technically valuable wood. In the countries of Western Europe, the prospects for growing and using soft hardwood are increasing, since its maturation period is two times less than the maturation period of coniferous species. The presence of certain strength indicators, good thermal insulation and environmental properties, provides the possibility of wider use of this wood in civil construction in the production of glued wooden structures. The cultivation of soft deciduous wood is of particular interest for forestry, due to the fastest formation of aboveground phytomass on post-agrogenic lands in comparison with other species. 02
  240. Solution methods The studied material was the wood of soft

    hardwoods. The method of research is the analysis of physical-mechanical and indicators of this wood. 03
  241. Conclusions TABLE 1. Technical characteristics of waste composites 04 1.

    The efficiency of soft hardwood timber utilization is low and amounts to 15% of the annual estimated cutting area, because of which hardwood forests are not cut down and become overmature, which in turn prevents further cultivation of technically valuable coniferous and hardwood timber on these territories. 2. The presence of certain strength indicators, good thermal insulation and environmental properties, provides the possibility of wider use of this wood in civil construction in the production of glued wooden structures. Cultivation of soft hardwoods is of certain interest for forestry due to the fastest, compared to other species, formation of above-ground phytomass on post-agricultural lands. 3. To increase the efficiency of soft hardwood utilization it is necessary to create new types of products with better performance properties than the existing materials and products for construction purposes. 4. economic efficiency of complex processing of soft hardwood, defined as the average annual economic effect from the production of new types of materials and products with improved performance indicators, depends on the volume of realized products, costs of changing the operational characteristics of products in connection with the application of new production technology, etc., and depends on the volume of realized products. 5. The use of the generalized model of complex processing of soft hardwoods, including timber with core rot and mechanical processing waste into materials and products with improved performance properties allows us to justify the economic efficiency to expand the raw material base of the woodworking industry and the range of products. Мaterial Densi ty, kg / m3 Strength, MPa Coefficient of thermal conductivity, W/(mК) at compress ion at ben d Laminated- bonded composite 500 1.0 – 0.095 Gypsum wood composite 920 3.5 1.87 0.38 Cardboard and chipboard plate 350 550 750 – – – 1.2 11.2 18.2 0.09 0.10 0.11
  242. Contacts Alexander Lukash Bryansk State University of Engineering and Technology,

    Bryansk, Russia E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  243. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Increasing The

    Durability of Combine Harvester Knives Using Hardening Boride Coatings» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Semen Kistaev, Vladimir Malikov, Danil Shmykov, Vladimir Vanzha, Leisan Akhtyamova, Sergey Meshkov
  244. Problem statement • When restoring the cutting parts of machines,

    various types of wear-resistant surfacing are used with T-590 electrodes, flux-cored wires such as PP-AN125, PP-AN170, methods of electric contact welding of powder materials, wires or tapes, spraying methods with subsequent melting of coatings with a gas flame, plasma surfacing with powder alloys, electric pulse growth and electric spark alloying. At the level of experimental research, the processes of soldering and gluing of hard alloys and metal-ceramics are used. • The most universal technology for applying wear-resistant coatings is arc surfacing with hard alloys, the feasibility of which depends on the degree of heating of the parts being hardened and the cost of hard alloys. • To increase the wear resistance of plowshares, a technology has been developed for intermittent surfacing with individual straight or arcuate rollers, the width of which is less than the distance between them. 02
  245. Solution methods • The work discusses the processes of wear

    of blades of combine harvester knives and ways to reduce this wear. • Studies have been carried out on the effectiveness of various methods of hardening the cutting elements of machines, such as hardening with high frequency currents (HFC), induction surfacing with hard alloys and boriding with HFC heating. • The advantages of the boriding process have been established, which allows changing the properties of the surface layer and creating an optimal combination of product surface characteristics. • Disadvantages of the boriding process have also been identified, such as the formation of low-melting boride eutectics and the fragility of the borated layer. 03
  246. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • In conclusion, it can be

    noted that the study revealed that, regardless of the hardening method, the blade wears most intensively at the end distant from the hinge axis. It has been established that the hardening coating helps maintain blade thickness and reduce wear, and reducing the coating thickness leads to increased blade wear. Meanwhile, to effectively increase the wear resistance of an IRS knife, increase its service life and ensure a self-sharpening effect, the thickness and width of the hardened layer must exceed the wear limit. This requires an accurate understanding of all wear characteristics of the part. Therefore, to justify the geometric parameters of the hardened zone and develop the appropriate technology, it is necessary to take into account not only the linear wear of the blade along the width and the wear of the hardened layer along the thickness, but also to correctly assess the shape of the wear.
  247. Contacts Semen Kistaev, Vladimir Malikov, Danil Shmykov, Vladimir Vanzha, Leisan

    Akhtyamova, Sergey Meshkov Altai State University Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin Kazan Federal University Baltic State Technical University "Voenmeh" named after.D.F. Ustinov E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  248. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Simulation of

    a High-Pressure Heat Accumulator Housing Made of Dispersed Reinforced Concrete by Means of Computer Engineering» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Alexander Chugunov, Oleg Zhadan, Galina Radchikova, Vera Khudiakova, Sergey Voinash, Ramil Zagidullin and Linar Sabitov
  249. Problem statement • With the development of numerical calculation methods

    based on finite element and finite difference methods and implemented on computers, it became possible to comprehensively assess the stress-strain state of hull structures, including reinforced concrete. • Representing, as a rule, axisymmetric bodies of rotation and experiencing axisymmetric loads and impacts, they have been the subject of research since the early 60s of the last century. In the early 70s of the last century, the tasks of calculating hull structures were set by specialists of our country. In the works of A.A. Khrapkov, A.V. Vovkushevsky, B.A. Shoikhet, etc., the problems of static calculation by the finite element method of hull structures were solved and application software packages were developed. Extensive research in this area was carried out at NIS "Gidroproekt" under the leadership of A.P. Kirillov. • The continuation of the computational and theoretical studies conducted in recent years under the guidance of Professor G.N. Shorshnev within the framework of the concept of creating high-pressure reinforced concrete buildings without prestressing (i.e. high–pressure buildings with a power part made of dispersed reinforced concrete - from heavy reinforced cement) was the research conducted under the guidance of Professor V.I. Morozov. These are two works that are currently under development: the features of the stress- strain state of the high-pressure housing made of heavy reinforced cement with various solutions for the end part, performed by S.V. Manin and the actual work provided to your attention. 02
  250. Solution methods • The calculation of high-pressure heat accumulator housings

    made of heavy reinforced cement is possible thanks to a package of modern universal complexes of applied calculation programs. Their application gives results that are qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with the experimental data. According to Prof. V.I. The use of universal programs (software complexes) provides undoubted benefits in terms of conducting numerical computer experiments only at the stage when adequate modeling algorithms have been developed, and when they are not available, special adaptation of programs is required, which is caused by difficult consideration of the specifics of the behavior of structural material (for example, heavy reinforced cement) and individual structural elements. On this issue, when writing a doctoral dissertation, V.I. Morozov expressed the idea of the need to modernize the software package, which was modern at that time, and noted the relevance of developing new original methods for calculating high-pressure housings. The improvement of computer programs that has taken place will allow us to solve the tasks set with less adaptation than previously expected. • The second possible option, according to not only the authors, the solution to the voiced problem is the creation of programs designed to calculate high-pressure housings with a specific design solution. In this case, there is no need for repeated modeling of the housing with each new calculation, but rather the introduction of system variation parameters: overall dimensions of the high-pressure housing and its individual elements, force and thermal effects. Such programs should be created for each new design solution of the high–pressure housing and will not allow an assessment of the stress-strain state of the high-pressure housing at the stage of development of a new design - this fact will be a disadvantage of such programs. Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself that this type of software is possible for the implementation of engineering calculations only of standard design solutions. The flowchart for calculating the high-pressure housing, taking into account the physical nonlinearity and implemented in the ARBIT MKR program, serves as a typical representative of non-universal programs. 03
  251. FIGURE 1. The results of the linear calculation of the

    high- pressure housing made of heavy reinforced cement Conclusions 04 • The obtained results of computer modeling of the high-pressure housing of a heat accumulator made of heavy reinforced cement made it possible to assess the stress-strain state of the high- pressure housing during operation of heavy reinforced cement in elastic and elastoplastic (with microcracks) stages. The proposed modeling technique can be used in modeling other high-pressure enclosures made of dispersed reinforced concrete, for example, an autoclave.
  252. Contacts Alexander Chugunov Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher

    Education «Saint- Petersburg State Agrarian University» E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  253. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Physico-Mathematical Model

    for Water Desalination in a Combined Water Treatment System» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Renat Sadykov, Leisan Kiiamova, Edvard Abdullazyanov, Aliya Yelemanova and Lyazzat Junussova
  254. Problem statement • Border Conditions (BC) must be considered in

    many trending applied boundary problems (BP) of molecular transfer (diffusion, conductivity, filtration) in piecewise homogenous media (PHM), where the transfer potential of matter (concentration, moisture content, temperature, pressure) on the contact surface between different layers is a given time function. In this case the BC for the next level is neither stationary nor homogenous. Due to the adjacency condition of PHM it is a BC for the conductive potential of the next segment (different from the previous) homogenous layer. Analytical solutions of such non-stationary BP are used to formalize mathematical models (MM) of potable water distillation processes on an ultrafiltration nanomembrane combined water treatment installment in water and heat supply systems of settlements and industrial facilities. 02
  255. Solution methods The mathematically set short circuit can be formalized

    in the form: 03 The concentration value, due to the condition of "gluing", serves as the BC for C2 (x,τ) on the interval x >l. Omitting intermediate calculations, the final solution of the stated BVP (for i=2) will be where
  256. • The physical and mathematical model of the water desalination

    process in the combined water treatment system has been formalized. • Analytically closed solutions of the boundary value problem of nonstationary diffusion transfer for piecewise homogenous media are obtained under various initial conditions of uniqueness and nonstationary nonsymmetrical boundary conditions on the contact surfaces of different homogenous environments. Cases of solving the general boundary value problem for various initial and boundary conditions have been shown. Conclusions 04 • The developed mathematical model of the water desalination process in combined water treatment system will be used to find out the best parameters, operating mode and conditions, under which it is possible to reduce energy consumption and the manufacturing costs of water desalination while using it in water and heat supply systems in heat power plants. • Obtained analytical solution of the boundary problem could be used not only to optimize the desalination process in combined water treatment systems, but as a test scenario for computational solution of more complex nonlinear boundary problems of independent and co- dependent mass and heat transfer.
  257. Contacts Renat Sadykov Kazan State Power University, Kazan, Russia E-mail:

    [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  258. Digital Technologies in the Formation of Correct Articulation Apparatus of

    Foreign Language Learners Irina Kuklina, Oksana Zhernovaya and Alla Kuklina Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

    linguistics" has long ago and firmly entered the production and educational process of modern mankind. Translators of texts, voice assistants and electronic search engines have occupied a quite definite and important place in the world of human interpersonal and industrial relations. Computer modelling of natural language reproduction and perception is necessary for automatic text processing, fast translation and construction of artificial intelligence programs of natural language understanding. Often, in order to find information of the necessary narrow subject matter it is necessary to process and consider a lot of information sources. But, modern electronic assistants allow, after listening to the speaker, to perform the necessary search and to offer alternative solutions by means of speech.
  260. Human articulation apparatus in pronouncing the "L" sound in Spanish

    and Russian languages • Thus, the importance of teaching the correct pronunciation of foreign word sounds [1], mastering the accuracy of the human articulatory apparatus when speaking a foreign language is an almost strategic task. Interference of the native language, its dominance, when learning a foreign language is especially felt by Russian-speaking students. English vocalisation of vowel sounds is quite peculiar to the phonetic system of the Russian language and its uniqueness. But not explicitly reproducing the sound of English, Spanish and any other speech is unlikely to be adequately perceived by artificial intelligence and can literally apply it for its intended purpose... • The methods of checking the student's work on auditory-pronunciation skills are sufficiently developed and widely applicable in modern teaching. They include: analysing errors in reading, difficulties in accent placement, intonation disorders in spontaneous speech [2]. But, the question arises how to teach artificial intelligence to recognise these errors, specify them and provide assistance in their correction [3]. • Fig. 1 shows the position of the tongue when pronouncing the "L" sound by a Spanish-speaker and a Russian- speaker. As practice shows, native speakers of Spanish and Russian will understand each other when communicating in Spanish. However, a machine-oriented translator will not be able to correctly translate Spanish pronounced with a pronounced accent.

    result of the speech simulation performed and the arrangement of the articulation apparatus elements on the graphical editor, the learner can accurately reproduce the sounds of a foreign word. Artificial intelligence uses tools to add audio to files. Reproducing e-book text, adding audio to e-textbooks modern developers are already trying to perform these operations in different languages. LOVO voice generator creates natural individual and even emotional sound, just by sending a voice sample you can record a speech with the necessary timbre. High quality sound of human natural voice can be recreated by Resemble software. • The proposed research suggests that users should still use information portals to learn competent foreign speech pronounced without an accent. By repeating known words and sounds with a graphic simulator and looking at how the articulatory apparatus should work when pronouncing these sounds, the learner at the early stages of language learning learns to classically accurately reproduce foreign sounds. It is important to work on pronunciation meticulously and for a long time, because in the past in language universities students used to practise pronunciation sitting with a mirror. • Modern information technology and artificial intelligence have almost completely replaced the interpreter and made it possible to communicate simply by using gadgets. Nevertheless, nothing can replace competent private human communication, which takes place without the use of electronic devices. And, sometimes, such communication is a strategically important element of a dialogue, and inaccurate pronunciation of words is unacceptable.
  262. «Morphological characteristics of the bladder and kidneys of rabbits at

    different time periods after cystostomy using a new modification of the veterinary catheter (experimental study)» «IV International Conference ASEDU-IV2024: Prospects for the development of science, engineering, natural science, technical and digital education» Roman F. Kapustin and Fаina V. Shakirova and Dmitriy E. Tsyplakov and Nadir Khaoun
  263. Problem statement • Urinary tract obstruction is an actual problem

    of veterinary urology • Task 1 It can be caused by bladder dysfunction, urinary tract rupture, neoplasia, urogenital surgeries, urolithiasis disease, and lower urinary tract disease . At the same time, urolithiasis disease occupies a leading place among diseases of the lower urinary tract in animals or, according to other data , takes at least the second place among all clinical cases. Over the past decade, there has been a trend towards a significant increase in individuals of various breeds suffering from this pathology, the frequency of which is variable in different animals . • Task 2 The most common cause of the obstruction of urine outflow is urethral obstruction by matrix crystal plugs or uroliths, which can subsequently lead to accumulation of metabolic waste products and postrenal uremia . This dictates the search for effective methods of treatment, including both pharmacotherapy and surgery, which is the most effective for urinary tract obstruction. Thus, temporary cystostomy is a widely used technique for solving the problem of urinary tract obstruction, when it is impossible to create a natural outflow of urine through the urethra .Various types of catheters are being developed to improve this technique. 02
  264. Solution methods 03 20 male rabbits of the Soviet Chinchilla

    breed, 6 months old with an average body weight of 3.5 kg were the object of the study . Cystostomy was performed in the animals using the developed by us ]veterinary catheter (Fig. 1). • For surgical intervention, general potentiated anesthesia was used (Xylazine 2% 0.1 ml/kg, Zoletil 100 5-10 mg/kg, Sevoflurane 100% by inhalation of 0.5-1.5% sevoflurane in oxygen). Access was made by median laparotomy in the lower third of the abdominal wall, and the bladder was isolated. Then, its incision was made within 3 mm, and the catheter was immersed into it with the proximal part with perforation. The bladder was sutured with a purse-string suture, after which it was fixed with sutures-holders to the abdominal wall through the muscular and serous layers. Cefotaxime was injected intramuscularly at a dose of 0.2 g once intraoperatively. • After suturing the abdominal wall and skin, the free end of the catheter was blocked with a clamp. Urine thus flowed out through the urethral canal. To prevent pulling out of the catheter, a postoperative blanket and a protective collar were used. On Days 8-12, the catheter fell out in all animals, and the surgical opening was closed within 5-7 hours. Animals were taken out of the experiment on Days 3, 7, 14, and 30 after cystostomy (5 rabbits for each period). The animals were first anesthetized with 100 mg/kg of Ketamine and 8 mg/kg of Xylazine intramuscularly, and then, an intracardiac injection of 10 ml of a 19.1% potassium chloride solution was performed. • Bladder and kidney tissue samples were fixed in 10% neutral formalin. The resulting preparations were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, as well as according to van Gieson. Microscopic examination was carried out using Carl Zeiss Axioscope microscope. FIGURE 1. Veterinary catheter: 1 – drainage tube; 2 – clamp; 3 – drainage holes arranged in a staggered manner; 4 – the proximal end of the tube, equipped with a connector
  265. Solution methods Day 30 of the Experiment Its mucous membrane

    was moderately folded, pale pink in color, without focal changes. Histologically (Fig. 5A), it was represented by specialized transitional epithelium – the urothelium. • Three layers were clearly defined in it: apical, intermediate and basal. In general, the urothelium had a thickness of five to seven layers, which was normal. The lamina propria was separated from the epithelium by a basal membrane and consisted of loose connective tissue with blood and lymphatic capillaries. As for the cellular elements, there were individual lymphocytes, histiocytes, fibroblasts and fat cells. The muscular membrane consisted of three layers: inner longitudinal, middle circular and outer longitudinal ones. Interstitial edema, discomplexation of muscle fibers and inflammatory cell infiltration were not observed. The serous membrane was represented by a thin layer of connective tissue with blood vessels of various sizes. In those areas of the bladder where there was no serous membrane, there was a loose layer of connective tissue – the adventitial membrane. • The macro- and microscopic structure of the kidneys corresponded to the norm. Moderate stromal sclerosis and perivascular proliferation of connective tissue occurred only in some cases (Fig. 5B). 03 FIGURE 5 А. Day 30 of the experiment: A is the normal histological structure of the bladder. Stained with hematoxylin and eosin. x 200 FIGURE 5 B. Day 30 of the experiment: B - sclerosis of the stroma of the kidney. Stained according to van Gieson. x 400.
  266. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 We have proposed new modification of

    the catheter for small pets . Clinical studies have shown that its use not only successfully eliminates urinary tract obstruction and normalizes hematobiochemical parameters, but also eliminates postoperative complications, which, accordingly, leads to full survival of animals. For more objective assessment in the present study, we supplemented the clinical data with microscopic examination of the bladder and kidneys . Thus, on Day 3 of the experiment, changes typical for traumatic injury took place – vascular plethora, diffuse inflammatory cell infiltration, desquamation and necrosis of the transitional epithelium, submucosal edema. On Day 7, inflammatory cell infiltration was less pronounced and changed from neutrophilic to lymphocytic- macrophage. The intensity of interstitial edema and vascular plethora decreased. The beginning of regeneration of the transitional epithelium was observed. This picture indicates positive dynamics and early healing of the bladder wound after cystostomy . On Day 7, complete regeneration of the bladder wall was histologically determined with the preservation of inflammatory cell infiltration only in certain areas of the mucous membrane, which indicates the absence of the most frequent complications during cystostomy in small animals. On Day 30 of the experiment, the histoarchitecture of the bladder did not differ from the norm. If catheterization is accompanied by even minor damage to the kidneys, this can lead to an aggravation of previous changes caused, for example, by urolithiasis. In this case, the function of the kidneys can be significantly impaired. In our study, on Day 3 of the experiment, no changes in the structure of the kidneys were observed, since they did not have time to develop at this time. On Day 7, venous hyperemia, moderate perivascular and interstitial edema were noted. It should be noted that these changes in the organs are considered reversible if the cause that caused them is eliminated . On Day 14, the kidneys retained their normal structure with a decrease in the severity or absence of venous hyperemia, perivascular and interstitial edema, as well as lymphohistiocytic infiltration of the stroma. This indicates that the processes of reparative regeneration of the bladder at this time no longer had an adverse effect on the kidneys. On Day 30, the microscopic structure of the kidneys fully corresponded to the norm. As our studies have shown, the proposed modification of the veterinary catheter accelerates the reparative regeneration of the bladder with complete restoration of its histological structure
  267. Contacts Authors names: Roman F. Kapustin and Fаina V. Shakirova

    and Dmitriy E. Tsyplakov and Nadir Khaoun University / organization: 1. Agricultural University named after V.J.Gorin, Maiskii, Russia 2. Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E.Bauman, Kazan, Russia 3. Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia 4. Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E.Bauman, Kazan, Russia E-mail: [email protected] 05
  268. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Design Thinking:

    A New Model of Artistic Design of a Modern Costume Based on the Principles of Architectural Bionics» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Yulia Firsova, Elena Gilmutdinova, Vladimir Krasnoshchyokov, Klara Karamova, Lubov Yao and Juliana Emanova
  269. Problem statement • Addressing the topic of shaping in clothing

    based on the laws of architectural bionics is not a new topic in design. However, the changes taking place in the modern world give reason to return to this topic and consider it in a different context: not only in terms of rational functionality, but also from the point of view of a new holistic understanding of biodesign, and its potential impact on the creative practices of architects, designers, designers, planners, etc. The authors of this article also refer to the concept of "Design thinking" as a new conceptual paradigm of modern design. Tim Brown, executive Chairman of IDEO, an award-winning designer, in his book "Change through Design," defined "design thinking" as "a human-centered approach to innovation that relies on the designer's toolkit to integrate people's needs, technology capabilities, and business success requirements." Thus, desirability, feasibility and viability are balanced to solve the most important design tasks. • The article also examines the issue of an integrative approach to projects as a unique activity of professionals in various fields. The research by Ruth Morrow, Ben Bridgens, and Louise Mackenzie "Bioprotopia" focuses on collaboration between architects, biologists, engineers, and designers. By bringing together experts from various fields, the research contributes to a holistic understanding of biodesign and its potential impact on architectural practice. Using the example of modern research, the intersections of biology, architecture and design are obvious • As a practical application of the research, the authors present the stages of artistic design of a modern costume based on the principles of architectural bionics. The proposed method of clothing design is based on the algorithm of design processes of Don Norman, an American psychologist, specialist in cognitive science, design and user engineering, teacher, co-founder, and consultant of the Nielsen Norman Group, described in his book "Design of Familiar Things" 02

    • Design thinking is an opportunity to keep up with the inevitable changes in the modern world, it's more than a processor a style, it's real innovation. • Design is usually associated with how to make things more accessible and attractive to use. However, design thinking is much more than that, and it should be present not only at the end, but also at the beginning of any innovation process. • There are many aspects of a quality product: • - Improves the quality of life today; • - improves the quality of life for years to come; • - it is simple and pleasant to master; • - reliable and does not lose value over time; • - Easy to maintain, repair and upgrade; • - safe for humans and the environment. 03

    DON NORMAN FIGURE 1. "Design thinking": the stages of the design process [10]. 03 FIGURE 2. Generated models of women's dresses with the transformation of architectural bionics forms.
  272. Conclusions Today, a new thesis from Don Norman can be

    added to Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky famous expression "Beauty will save the world": "Good design can change life for the better!" 04 • Changing the world with the help of "new" design thinking involves a holistic interdisciplinary approach to solving innovative problems. It is important that the principles of design thinking are applicable not only to physical products. These are principles that can be applied to any type and scale of problems, ranging from the order acceptance process to global global challenges. Design thinking is designed to improve the solutions that arise when designers really understand the people they are designing for. It involves taking a sensitive point of view to put yourself in the user's shoes. And understand their experience and perspectives, consider their needs in the design process. Design thinking encourages an open and exploratory approach to problem solving. This includes generating a wide range of creative and innovative ideas, exploring new perspectives, and expanding the boundaries of traditional thinking. The principle of design thinking is to adopt an empathetic, collaborative, creative and iterative approach. Solving problems effectively and innovatively by putting user needs first and encouraging an open and exploratory approach to problem solving design thinking can lead to more relevant, effective and innovative solutions.
  273. Contacts Yulia Firsova Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin

    (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  274. МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯКОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ КРАСНОЯРСК «Палеопочвенные горизонты лессовых отложений Узбекистана как отражение изменений

    климата в четвертичное время» ASEDU-IV 2024: IV Международная конференция ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования Уктам Абдуназаров, Наиля Сабитова, Анна Стельмах
  275. Актуальность Актуальность исследования: • Палеопочвы являются основным палеоклиматическим индикатором, фиксирующим

    изменения окружающей среды в лёссово-почвенных отложениях. Изучение особенностей строения палеопочв и природных процессов, вызвавших их формирование, имеет большое значение для реконструкции ландшафтно-климатических условий прошлых эпох на территории Узбекистана. Данные о длительных колебаниях климатических условий, выявляемых по лёссово-почвенным разрезам, могут способствовать более глубокому пониманию эволюции природной среды региона в плейстоцене и голоцене, в том числе позволяя оценить масштабы современных климатических изменений. 02
  276. Постановка задач 1. Охарактеризовать особенности строения палеопочвенных горизонтов в лёссовых

    отложениях Узбекистана. 2. Реконструировать изменения палеопочв эоплейстоцена, плейстоцена и голоцена, происходившие во время их формирования. 3. Определить характер и длительность колебаний климатических условий (чередование сухих и влажных периодов) на территории Узбекистана на протяжении плейстоцена и голоцена. 4. Сопоставить масштабы современных климатических изменений с долговременными колебаниями природной среды, зафиксированными в лёссово-почвенных отложениях. Решение поставленных задач на основе комплексного изучения палеопочв позволит расширить научные представления об эволюции природной среды Средней Азии и на территории Узбекистана в четвертичном периоде. 02
  277. Методы палеопедологических исследований 1. Установление последовательности почвенных горизонтов: - Изучение

    вертикального распределения почвенных горизонтов в разрезе позволяет определить хронологическую последовательность формирования почв. - Это важно для реконструкции палеоэкологических условий и палеогеографических изменений. 2. Диагностика почвообразовательных процессов: - Анализ морфологических, физико-химических и биологических свойств палеопочв позволяет выявить доминирующие почвообразовательные процессы. - Это дает информацию об условиях палеосреды (климат, растительность, гидрология и т.д.). 3. Определение возраста палеопочв: - Радиоуглеродный анализ, OSL-датирование, палинологические данные и другие методы используются для установления абсолютного возраста палеопочв. - Это важно для построения хронологической шкалы четвертичных отложений. 4. Палеогеографические реконструкции: - Комплексный анализ палеопочв позволяет реконструировать условия палеосреды (климат, растительность, рельеф, гидрологический режим и т.д.) в прошлые геологические эпохи. - Это дает основу для понимания эволюции природной среды в четвертичном периоде. 5. Корреляция отложений: - Сопоставление последовательностей палеопочв в различных разрезах помогает установить корреляцию четвертичных отложений. - Это важно для региональных и глобальных палеогеографических реконструкций. 03
  278. Выводы 04 • 1. Результаты литолого-генетического анализа плейстоценовых отложений на

    территории Узбекистана подтверждают неоднократное изменение климатических условий в четвертичное время. На Туранской равнине зафиксирована смена влажных (плювиальных) и жарких сухих (ксеротермальных) периодов, что отразилось в особенностях осадконакопления. • 2. В предгорных и горных районах Узбекистана накапливались мощные толщи лёссовидных пород, содержащие чётко выраженные горизонты палеопочв, сформировавшихся в период от эоплейстоцена до голоцена. Эти палеопочвы характеризуются коричневыми и буроватыми оттенками, прочной структурой и резким контактом с подстилающими лёссовидными суглинками. • 3. Анализ состава почв и литологического состава отложений показал, что на протяжении плейстоцена на территории Узбекистана наблюдались колебания климатических условий, сочетающие сухие и более влажные периоды. При этом данные климатические изменения имели длительный характер, продолжаясь тысячелетиями. • 4. Возраст голоценовых палеопочв составляет 1-2 тыс. лет, а плейстоценовых - 20-30 тыс. лет, что свидетельствует о относительной стабильности климатических условий в регионе в прошлом по сравнению с современными быстрыми климатическими изменениями, вероятно связанными с антропогенным воздействием. • 5. Комплексный анализ геологических, палеопедологических и палеоклиматических данных позволил проследить эволюцию климата в Узбекистане на протяжении тысячелетий и сопоставить современные климатические тренды с более длительными климатическими колебаниями прошлого.
  279. МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯКОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ КРАСНОЯРСК «Исследование мелиоративного состояния и экологического управления в городах

    и районах Самаркандской области » ASEDU-IV 2024: IV Международная конференция ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования Надира Таджибаева, Анна Стельмах, Тулкун Мирахмедов, Зилола Фатхуллаева, Мохигуль Курбанова Национальный университет Узбекистана имени Мирзо Улугбека, факультете геологии и инженерной геологии
  280. Актуальность Актуальность исследования: • Процесс урбанизации активно протекает во многих

    регионах мира, в том числе и в Узбекистане, неся с собой сложный комплекс проблем, среди которых особую значимость приобретает экологическая проблематика городской среды. Быстрое развитие и расширение городских территорий неизбежно оказывают негативное влияние на состояние окружающей среды, в том числе водных объектов, расположенных в границах городских зон. • На территории Самаркандской области, как и в других регионах Узбекистана, в результате интенсивной техногенной нагрузки наблюдается изменение гидродинамического и гидрохимического режима грунтовых вод. Это приводит к развитию процессов подтопления городских и застроенных территорий, что оказывает негативное воздействие на жилую и социальную инфраструктуру, экологическое состояние городской среды. • Разработка и внедрение эффективных технических решений по инженерной защите территорий от подтопления является важной и актуальной задачей. Такие решения должны быть направлены на уменьшение отрицательного воздействия техногенеза на окружающую среду и улучшение экологической ситуации в городах Самаркандской области. Комплексное изучение причин и механизмов развития процессов подтопления, а также применение современных методов прогнозирования и предотвращения этих явлений, имеет большое практическое значение для устойчивого развития городских территорий региона. 02
  281. Постановка задач 1. Комплексная оценка современного гидрогеологического и мелиоративного состояния

    городских и застроенных территорий Самаркандской области. - Проведение полевых и лабораторных исследований для изучения гидрогеологических условий, химического состава и динамики грунтовых вод. - Выявление ключевых факторов, определяющих развитие процессов подтопления и засоления земель. 2. Анализ существующих систем мелиоративного и экологического управления в городах и районах региона. - Оценка эффективности работы действующих ирригационных, дренажных и других инженерных систем. 3. Разработка комплекса инженерно-мелиоративных и природоохранных мероприятий для улучшения экологической ситуации в городских районах. - Совершенствование технологий и инженерных решений для предотвращения и осушения подтопленных территорий. - Разработка предложений по модернизации ирригационных и дренажных систем, повышению их эффективности. - Формирование рекомендаций по экологическому управлению и мониторингу городских территорий. 4. Выполнение прогнозных оценок развития мелиоративной и экологической ситуации в регионе с учетом перспектив урбанизации и техногенной нагрузки. - Моделирование процессов формирования гидрогеологического режима и загрязнения подземных вод. - Разработка сценариев и рекомендаций по устойчивому развитию городских территорий. Решение данных задач позволит комплексно исследовать проблемы мелиорации и экологического управления в городах и районах Самаркандской области, а также научно обосновать пути их решения. 02
  282. Методы исследований При выполнении данного исследования были использованы традиционные и

    современные методы, обеспечивающие комплексный подход к изучению проблемы подтопления: - Полевые и лабораторные методы гидрогеологических и инженерно-геологических изысканий для детального изучения гидрогеологической обстановки на застроенных территориях. - Методы теоретического обобщения и системный анализ накопленных материалов по проблеме подтопления в Узбекистане и других странах. - Современные методы математического моделирования процессов подтопления с применением геоинформационных систем (ГИС-технологий). Использование этого комплекса методов позволил всесторонне исследовать причины, механизмы и пространственно-временные закономерности развития процесса подтопления, а также прогнозировать его последствия.. 03
  283. Выводы 04 • 1. Густая оросительная сеть и значительные фильтрационные

    потери воды при орошении являются основными источниками питания грунтовых вод на исследуемых городских территориях. Это является ключевым фактором, определяющим изменение гидродинамического и гидрохимического режимов подземных вод в данных районах. • 2. Низкий коэффициент полезного действия (<0,8) ирригационных систем выступает как ключевой ресурсообразующий фактор, влияние которого на режим подземных вод определяется величиной и режимом забора воды в каналы, техническим состоянием оросительной сети, а также характером гидравлической взаимосвязи ирригационных сооружений с подземными водами. Поступление избыточных объемов воды из каналов и повышение уровня грунтовых вод приводит к развитию процессов подтопления прилегающих застроенных территорий. • 3. Применение вертикальных дренажных систем может быть эффективным только для локальных объектов, поскольку территория в основном сложена мощной толщей высокопроницаемых галечниковых отложений, что затрудняет перехват и отвод восходящих потоков грунтовых вод. Наибольший понижающий эффект на уровень грунтовых вод могут оказать горизонтальные дренажные системы, позволяющие организовать перехват и отвод избыточных объемов подземных вод. • 4. Особенности гидрогеологического строения территорий, характер и режим работы ирригационных сооружений являются ключевыми факторами, определяющими процессы подтопления городских и застроенных районов. Учет этих факторов необходим для разработки комплексных инженерно-мелиоративных мероприятий, включающих модернизацию ирригационных систем, организацию эффективного горизонтального дренажа, а также другие превентивные меры по предотвращению и осушению подтопленных территорий.
  284. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May2024 «Digital education: Augmented

    Reality in EFL Classroom» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Authors: Olga V. Telegina, Olga A. Orlova, Alexey S. Shimichev, Oksana R. Zhernovaya, Yulia N.Zintsova
  285. Problem statement Motivation composes the backbone of the learning process,

    being one of the key obstacles for teachers to overcome. Teachers seek to engage students in learning by applying various methods, using different forms of work and interaction patterns. Turning for help to information and communication technology (ICT) seems to be a potential solution of the motivation problem. The use of ICT facilitates the educational process and brings changes in both teaching and learning environment. The present research focuses on assessing the role of augmented reality (AR) technology in teaching English as a foreign language to school students with no prior knowledge of it. 02
  286. Solution methods AR technology is being practiced in many branches

    of education, the most popular including mathematics, informatics, physics, chemistry, history, geography, social and medical sciences. Current literature proves that it has been found its application in foreign language teaching, though the number of publication concerning both theoretical and practical basis is few. The researches reveal a significant improvement in language skills [16], long-term memory [17], cognitive activity . This research aims at assessing the impact of augmented reality technology on motivation in language learning. The present research describes the experience of introducing AR technology into teaching English as a foreign language to school students of the second grade, having no prior knowledge of English. The choice of the participants is explained by the fact that students beginning to learn the first foreign language are eager to start studying and willing to speak a foreign language, but, on the other hand, this is the time when they face their first difficulties in learning English, and their inability to overcome them may result in motivation decline. The empirical base of the experiment is represented by 30 secondary school students, with the experimental group including 15 students and the equal number in the control group. The non-variable characteristics of the groups are the following: 1. homogeneous representation by age (7-8 years old); 2. equal level of language training. The main tool to assess the level of motivation is the ARCS model (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) by J.Keller. 03
  287. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 Today’s generation of digital-natives is technologically

    advanced, as they have been using mobile phones, computers and the internet since their early childhood. Modern students require modern learning tools, expecting the learning process to be equipped with devices and technologies they have got used to: smart phones, tablets, laptops, online quizzes, interactive presentations, quests, the latest news and trends from the Internet and social networks. Printed books, outdated methods of presenting new material, traditional forms of knowledge assessment seem unappealing. Students armed with the technology and motivated by the engaging and challenging task struggle to construct their own understanding of the content. The concept of “learning a foreign language” has shifted from learning grammar, lexis and other aspects of the language to acquiring a foreign language as a means of communication in different real-life situations and for the purpose of integration into modern multicultural society. All these factors have had enormous implications on teachers and students assuming new roles in the English language classroom and playing according to the scenario where new technologies are gradually taking over. Information and communication technology serves as an effective teaching tool. The research of incorporating AR in teaching English as a foreign language to primary school students proves evidence of its effectiveness on increasing motivation. Further research can focus on other age groups, as well as investigating its impact on academic achievement.
  288. Contacts Olga V. Telegina, Olga A. Orlova, Alexey S. Shimichev,

    Oksana R. Zhernovaya, Yulia N. Zintsova Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia St Petersburg University, Saint Petersburg, Russia Lobachevsky National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  289. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Modern Digital

    Principles of Life Safety» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Irina Kuznetsova, Grigory Nesterenko, Irina Nesterenko, Polina Litvina, Rustem Sakhapov, Sergey Meshkov
  290. Problem statement • Throughout its existence, humanity has faced many

    situations in which it was exposed to dangers of various kinds. Gradually, the world transformed into an industrial society, in which the main problem should be considered the ability to exist safely. A large number of dangerous situations occur to people every day, most often they are associated with solving specific problems facing people. • The modern world order is much different from the foundations of past centuries. The dangers that beset humanity these days are much more diverse. Urbanization of all life processes leads people to the need not only to observe and study generally accepted principles of life safety, but also to encounter completely new, previously unknown ones. • Ensuring safety in any area of ​​life is a natural human necessity. The desire to ensure a safe existence for oneself has always taken place. • In modern living conditions, when a huge number of natural disasters, man-made disasters, and military conflicts are rapidly growing, the desire of humanity to ensure a safe existence is absolutely natural. But we should not forget about new factors and security threats. With the process of general digitalization and the involvement of information and communication technologies in almost all spheres of human life, new threats and dangers have appeared. 02
  291. Solution methods • The paper describes the problem of saving

    personal data in the case of using digital document management. • A definition of personal data and documents in which this data can be reflected is provided. • An analysis of the dangers arising from the use of electronic documents transmitted via communication systems has been carried out. • In addition, it is shown how leaks of personal data of clients of various institutions can occur. • The work describes how an electronic signature is used and its areas of application. • The basic principles of ensuring information security using an electronic signature are given. • Based on the research, surveys and statistical data, an algorithm for the information protection process was developed. 03
  292. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • Modern life is not significantly

    different from the way of life thirty years ago. Today, to protect your life, it is not enough to follow the usual rules of life safety. It is necessary to learn and follow additional security laws - informational or they can be called digital. • The essence of these laws is to comply with certain rules and laws. It is necessary to carefully monitor what information resources we leave our personal data on. In addition, it should be remembered that the digital field is a new area of activity for fraudsters. It is necessary to use licensed software; due to the international situation, preference should be given to domestic software. You should also use anti- virus programs and avoid visiting dubious sites in order to avoid the introduction of malicious enemy programs.
  293. Contacts Irina Kuznetsova, Grigory Nesterenko, Irina Nesterenko, Polina Litvina, Rustem

    Sakhapov, Sergey Meshkov Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies (SIBIT) Institute of Water Transport – branch Siberian State University of Water Transport Omsk State Technical University Kazan Federal University Baltic State Technical University "Voenmeh" named after. D.F. Ustinov E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  294. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «The Typology

    of Kazan Estates: from Origins to Modernity» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Victoria Ageeva, Stepan Novikov, Angelina Bibikina and Lubov Yao
  295. Problem statement Estates are an integral part of the cultural

    and historical heritage of the city of Kazan. The study of estate architectural complexes provides insights into construction traditions that may be relevant to modern practices. Today, nearly all modern urban single-family homes reflect the features of estate architecture. An owner of building plot faces such questions as appearance and characteristic before starting construction. To properly define this, a house should meet the definition of an «estate», including not only the main residential building but also other household outbuildings. The study's timeframe begins in the 1850s and extends to 1917. The commencing date was chosen based on two key events: the introduction of the «Regulations for the Organization of the Provincial City of Kazan» in 1841 and the significant fire of 1842, which led to the destruction of a large part of the city. The endpoint of the study is 1917, when social changes impacted the architectural history. Understanding the functional typology of estates can serve as a source of inspiration for modern architects when reconstructing and restoring historic buildings or creating new urban architectural projects. Researching the features of estates in the past will help preserve their historical value while adapting them to modern needs. 02
  296. Solution methods Historical sources on the development of the city

    of Kazan, archival materials on estates construction were used as resources for analysis. Maps from different years, boundary plans for cultural heritage sites, and aerial photographs were also analyzed. An architectural analysis was conducted to study the architectural features of estate complexes, their stylistic characteristics, and functional purposes. The research was based on data provided by the State Budgetary Institution «The Center of Cultural Heritage of Tatarstan». This information formed the foundation for studying estates that are considered cultural heritage sites. Extensive literature covering the topics of estate construction was used in this research. 03
  297. Conclusions In the 19th and 20th centuries, estates formed a

    significant part of Russia's cultural framework. The results of research help identify the unique features of estate complexes and conduct an analysis to determine the possibilities for their preservation and future use, as well as to apply this knowledge to modern construction. This is important because estates play a key role not only in preserving historical memory but also in shaping space; they are a symbol of the cultural wealth and diversity of the city of Kazan. 04 • FIGURE 1. Location of estates relative to the districts of Kazan (illustration by the authors)
  298. Contacts Victoria Ageeva Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University E-mail: [email protected]

    05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  299. МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯКОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ КРАСНОЯРСК IV Международная конференция «ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки,

    инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования» «Разработка Методики Построения Иерархии Компетенций Инженера-Технолога на Базе Метода Анализа Иерархий» Ковалева Анастасия Михайловна, Хаймович Александр Исаакович
  300. 02 Аннотация Исследование посвящено созданию и апробации методов квалиметрической оценки

    компетенций персонала предприятия. В статье строится иерархия компетенций инженера-технолога на основе оценки руководителя подразделения. В данной работе был разработан и адаптирован к принципам компетентностного подхода, а также апробирован на производственной площадке такой метод системного анализа, как метод анализа иерархий. Разработанная методика исследует распределение компетенций в рамках текущих производственных задач сотрудников технологического бюро предприятия двигателестроительной отрасли и ранжирует их по критериям важности и частоты использования на рабочем месте со стороны руководителя. В качестве набора компетенций, необходимых инженеру-технологу для успешного выполнения производственных задач, рассмотрены его трудовые функции, регламентированные профессиональными стандартами. Анализ полученных в результате исследования данных позволяет сделать выводы о эффективности существующих на предприятии бизнес процессов и организации процессов управления жизненным циклом изделия.
  301. Методы решения 03 • В данном исследовании предлагается проанализировать компетенции

    инженера-технолога, как инструмент развития потенциала сотрудника и предприятия в целом, через адаптацию метода анализа иерархий для квалиметрической оценки компетенций. В качестве компетенций предлагается рассмотреть должностные обязанности, представленные в стандарте, которые мы будем рассматривать, как основные умения и навыки, требуемые для эффективного выполнения работы и достижения наилучших результатов на занимаемой должности. Построение иерархии компетенций инженера-технолога Важность компетенции на рабочем месте Частота использования компетенции на рабочем месте Компетенция 1 Компетенция 2 Компетенция 16 … Цель: Критерии: Альтернативы: • Схема построения иерархии компетенций инженера- технолога:
  302. 04 Итоги иерархизации должностных обязанностей инженера-технолога на основании анкетирования руководителя

    отдела Ранг Должностные обязанности НВП по критерию важности компетенции НВП по критерию частоты использования Глобальный приоритет 1 6) Согласовывать разработанную документацию с подразделениями предприятия 0.065 0.182 0.123 2 5) Вносить изменения в техническую документацию в связи с корректировкой технологических процессов и режимов производства 0.075 0.158 0.116 3 8) Принимать участие в разработке управляющих программ (для оборудования с ЧПУ), в отладке разработанных программ, корректировке их в процессе доработки, составлении инструкций по работе с программами 0.104 0.112 0.108 4 13) Анализировать причины брака и выпуска продукции низкого качества и пониженных сортов, принимать участие в разработке мероприятий по их предупреждению и устранению, а также в рассмотрении поступающих рекламаций на выпускаемую предприятием продукцию. 0.132 0.081 0.106 5 4) Разрабатывать технологические нормативы, инструкции, схемы сборки, маршрутные карты, карты технического уровня и качества продукции и другую технологическую документацию 0.082 0.098 0.090 6 1) Устанавливать порядок выполнения работ и пооперационный маршрут обработки деталей и сборки изделий 0.103 0.068 0.086 7 7) Разрабатывать технические задания на проектирование специальной оснастки, инструмента и приспособлений, предусмотренных технологией, технические задания на производство нестандартного оборудования, средств автоматизации и механизации 0.082 0.047 0.065 8 3) Участвовать в разработке технически обоснованных норм времени (выработки), линейных и сетевых графиков, в отработке конструкций изделий на технологичность, рассчитывать нормативы материальных затрат, экономическую эффективность проектируемых технологических процессов 0.054 0.074 0.064 9 14) Разрабатывать методы технического контроля и испытания продукции. 0.081 0.042 0.061 10 10) Участвовать в проведении экспериментальных работ по освоению новых технологических процессов и внедрению их в производство, в составлении заявок на изобретения и промышленные образцы, а также в разработке программ совершенствования организации труда, внедрения новой техники, организационно-технических мероприятий по своевременному освоению производственных мощностей, совершенствованию технологии и контролировать их выполнение 0.061 0.030 0.045 11 2) Составлять планы размещения оборудования, технического оснащения и организации рабочих мест, рассчитывает производственные мощности и загрузку оборудования 0.054 0.035 0.045 12 11) Осуществлять контроль над соблюдением технологической дисциплины в цехах и правильной эксплуатацией технологического оборудования. 0.029 0.023 0.026 13 12) Изучать передовой отечественный и зарубежный опыт в области технологии производства, разрабатывать и принимать участие в реализации мероприятий по повышению эффективности производства. 0.024 0.015 0.019 14 16) Рассматривать рационализаторские предложения по совершенствованию технологии производства и давать заключения о целесообразности их использования 0.019 0.013 0.016 15 15) Участвовать в составлении патентных и лицензионных паспортов, заявок на изобретения и промышленные образцы. 0.019 0.012 0.016 16 9) Проводить патентные исследования и определяет показатели технического уровня проектируемых объектов техники и технологии 0.016 0.011 0.014
  303. 05 Результаты исследования 10.3% 5.4% 5.4% 8.2% 7.5% 6.5% 8.2%

    10.4% 1.6% 6.1% 2.9% 2.4% 13.2% 8.1% 1.9% 1.9% 6.8% 3.5% 7.4% 9.8% 15.8% 18.2% 4.7% 11.2% 1.1% 3.0% 2.3% 1.5% 8.1% 4.2% 1.2% 1.3% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Важность компетенции Частота использования компетенции на рабочем месте 6) Согласовывать разработанную документацию с подразделениями предприятия 5) Вносить изменения в техническую документацию в связи с корректировкой технологических процессов и режимов производства 1) Устанавливать порядок выполнения работ и пооперационный маршрут обработки деталей и сборки изделий 8) Принимать участие в разработке управляющих программ (для оборудования с ЧПУ), в отладке разработанных программ, корректировке их в процессе доработки, составлении инструкций по работе с программами 13) Анализировать причины брака и выпуска продукции низкого качества и пониженных сортов, принимать участие в разработке мероприятий по их предупреждению и устранению, а также в рассмотрении поступающих рекламаций на выпускаемую предприятием продукцию;
  304. Выводы 06 • В работе представлена адаптация метода системного анализа,

    а именно метода анализа иерархий, под задачи квалиметрической оценки уровня компетенций персонала, требуемых занимаемой должностью. • В результате, разработана методика построения иерархии компетенций инженера-технолога на основе оценки руководителей. • На основании проведенного анкетирования была построена иерархия компетенций инженера-технолога, выявлены ключевые компетенций в контексте выполняемых производственных заданий. • Анализ компетенций позволяет выявить ключевые компетенции, которые наиболее задействованы в работе сотрудников в рассматриваемый период времени, а их квалиметрическая оценка позволит дать объективную оценку выполнения текущих производственных заданий. • Разработанная методика создана для анализа компетенций по критериям важности и частоты использования на рабочем месте со стороны руководства. Методика может быть легко модернизирована под актуальные критерии анализа компетентности, а также под задачи анализа компетенций для других профессий и областей деятельности. • Анализ полученных результатов позволяет прийти к выводу, что существующие бизнес процессы предприятия нуждаются в реорганизации, а исследование компетенций сотрудников помогает оценить эффективность организации процессов управления жизненным циклом изделия. Важно отметить, что компетентностный подход предоставляет возможность теоретико- методологического обоснования результатов деятельности персонала и предприятия в целом.
  305. МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯКОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ КРАСНОЯРСК «Компьютерные Игры и Новые Виды Спорта в Преподавании

    Физической Культуры и Начальной Военной Подготовки» IV Международная конференция ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования Миронова Юлия Николаевна
  306. Актуальность • В настоящее время необходимость внедрения информационных технологий в

    процесс образования и физического воспитания обусловлена двумя факторами: • во-первых, всестороннее использование возможностей физической культуры и спорта для решения задач укрепления здоровья как одного из важных факторов гармоничного и всестороннего развития личности , • во-вторых, внедрение новых технологий в образовательный процесс для решения задач формирования у учащихся навыков обеспечения личной безопасности, то есть не только подготовка к экстремальным ситуациям, а общая культура, которая должна быть сформирована у каждого человека. 02
  307. Методы решения • Целью данной статьи является изучение особенностей использования

    компьютерных игр на занятиях по физической культуре и начальной военной подготовке. • Объектом исследования являются понятие компьютерной игры, киберспорта, а также возможность их применения в обучении, особенно особенностям поведения в экстремальных условиях. 03
  308. Методы решения • Боевая арена (MOBA, Multiplayer Online Battle Arena)

    • • Тактический трехмерный бой - 3D Shooter 03
  309. Методы решения • Спортивный симулятор (Sports simulators) - Sport •

    Технический симулятор (Technical simulators) 03
  310. Методы решения • На основании компьютерных игр возникла такая дисциплина,

    как киберспорт. • Киберспорт (англ. esports) — командное или индивидуальное соревнование на основе компьютерных видеоигр 03
  311. Методы решения • Стали проводиться различные соревнования по киберспортивных дисциплинам.

    На этих соревнованиях появилась возможность соединить киберспорт с обычным спортом. • Так, на Играх Будущего («Фиджитал Игры» по киберспортивным дисциплинам - 2024) в Казани соединили киберспорт и лазертаг. 03
  312. Выводы Результаты, внедрение 04 • Описанные выше информационные технологии можно

    использовать на занятиях по физической культуре, начальной военной подготовке и родственным предметам. • Такие соревнования можно совместить с военными сборами, которые предписано проводить среди старших классов общеобразовательных школ.
  313. IV МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ КРАСНОЯРСК, РОССИЯ 29-31 мая 2024 «Разработка прототипа

    игрового приложения с дополненной реальностью для логопедической работы с детьми дошкольного возраста с нарушениями звукопроизношения» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования» Пивоварова Анастасия Алексеевна Ромакина Оксана Михайловна Арсеньева Анна Закировна
  314. Актуальность • Современные технологии в логопедии часто внедряются без сотрудничества

    логопедов и разработчиков • Детям-логопатам трудно фокусироваться на бумажных материалах 02
  315. Решение • Вместе с логопедами разработать мобильную AR игру •

    Протестировать игру вместе с клиентами лого-центра 03
  316. Методы решения • Разработка приложения ведётся на Unity + Vuforia

    • Целевая аудитория – дети 4-5 лет • В игру добавлены весёлые анимированные персонажи • Сделана озвучка, нарисованы иллюстрации 04
  317. Методы решения 05 Выбор звука С Ш Главное меню 1.

    Вступление 2. Изолированный звук Ш 3. Прямые слоги (ША, ШО…) 4. Слова с прямыми слогами 5. Обратные слоги (АШ, ОШ…) 6. Слова с обратными слогами 11. Текст (Стишок) 9. Словосочетания 7. Слоги с интервокальной позицией (АША, АШУ…) 8. Слова с интервокальной позицией 10. Чистоговорки 1. Вступление 2. Изолированный звук С 3. Прямые слоги (СА, СО…) 4. Слова с прямыми слогами 5. Обратные слоги (АС, ОС…) 6. Слова с обратными слогами 10. Чистоговорки 9. Словосочетания 7. Слоги с интервокальной позицией (АСА, АСУ…) 8. Слова с интервокальной позицией 10. Чистоговорки Р Л План занятия
  318. • Проведено на базе ОЦ «Кидсландия» • Получена и обработана

    обратная связь 08 Методы решения Первичное тестирование
  319. Выводы Результаты, внедрение 09 • Пользователям неудобно работать с картинкой-

    мишенью • Пользователям нравились персонажи • Необходимо разработать больше звуков • Необходимо провести повторное тестирование
  320. Контакты Пивоварова Анастасия Алексеевна, Ромакина Оксана Михайловна, Арсеньева Анна Закировна

    Университет ИТМО E-mail: [email protected] 10 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования»
  321. «Features of the Computer Algebra System Maple for Studying Boolean

    Algebra» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Authors: Aleksandr Olenev, Ksenia Kirichek, Ekaterina Potekhina, Olga Pelikh, Elena Petlina1, e)
  322. Problem statement The current views on sustainable development are based

    on the ecological concept and education model, which considers the principles and goals of the current model of sustainable development. However, it is not enough and requires the search and implementation of new approaches to understanding the future development of civilization subject to global control. In this regard, we can highlight the following areas of development of education: • Future orientation; • Identification of interconnections in globalization; • Focus on education and the problems of sustainable development; • Search for relationships with security problems in a broad sense (not only with environmental security). In this regard, the research aims to develop and describe an application for studying Boolean algebra sections. Namely, to research and demonstrate the execution of Boolean functions using the Maplet library of the computer algebra system (CAS) Maple. Research objectives are the following: • Analyzing and presenting the possibilities of using the CAS Maple in the study of the fundamental laws of Boolean algebra; • Writing the program code for implementing the Maplet information panel, obtaining canonical forms of a Boolean function; • Creating panels for performing logical operations; • Creating a panel for checking the correctness of the initial input of a logical operation and analyzing the result; • Making external view Maplet for visualizing and analyzing Boolean functions. 02
  323. Solution methods The application for researching and demonstrating the execution

    of Boolean functions was developed using this tool. The advantage of using interactive tools in the Maplet form is that there is no need to work with complex Maple code when conducting research. Other similar applications also allow the user to enter a minimum of information. The main purpose of user-created applications is to experiment and discover mathematical concepts, develop perception, and make assumptions (hypotheses). 03 Basic Maplet form “Maplet for Visualizing and Analyzing Boolean Functions.”
  324. The research results of the study include the following: •

    The following program codes written in the Maple computer algebra system, tested, and debugged for implementation: • Maplet dashboard; • Representations of canonical forms of a Boolean function; • Panels for performing logical operations; • Panels for checking the correctness of the initial input of a logical operation and analyzing the obtained results; • Representation of the external (main) Maplet representation for visualizing and analyzing Boolean functions, containing the following elements: • Dialog boxes for entering initial values; • Buttons for performing certain steps of the solution and getting the result; • Other reference information; • Possibility of using the developed Maplet in the study of Boolean algebra to provide high-quality learning in the interests of sustainable development of society; • Prospects for implementing activity and research approaches in the teaching of discrete mathematics and Boolean algebra, in particular, using the developed Maplet and promoting the understanding and deep assimilation of theoretical material, increasing motivation to study this section of discrete mathematics Case of a truth table constructing for a Boolean function a∧b ∨¬ b in the usual form and the mod2 form Checking the correctness of the function input Conclusions 04 Our results correlate with the results obtained by colleagues from different countries, which stated the following: • Scientists from Mexico believed that the study of Boolean algebra should be supported through software; • Scientists from Turkey agreed that CASs, which are more often used in science and engineering, can be used in teaching mathematics; • Scientists from Bulgaria and Russia agreed that the computational capabilities of Maple can be used to formulate, prove or refute statements, to solve various applied problems in the logic of statements; • Scientists from the USA supported us on the effectiveness of using Maplet to simplify logical expressions.
  325. «Interactive Application for Demonstrating the Fairness of the Laws of

    Set Theory and Equality of Sets» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Authors: Aleksandr Olenev, Ksenia Kirichek, Elena Petlina, Ekaterina Potekhina, Olga Pelikh 1, e)
  326. Problem statement • The purpose of this article is to

    offer an interactive Maplet application designed and developed using CAS Maple, which allows the process of demonstrating the proof of equality of sets in which elements have a different nature (numeric, alphabetic), and also without taking into account the nature of the elements of these sets. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were sequentially solved: • Analysis of pedagogical tools for demonstrating the laws of set theory; • Development of a program to demonstrate the validity of the laws of set theory and test the hypotheses put forward about the equality of sets; • Development of an interface for an interactive application. 02
  327. Solution methods To implement mathematical support, the following basic algorithms

    for symbolic calculations were used: • When using a table of occurrences of elements in sets - the capabilities of the CAS Maple core; • When using as a universal set of letters of the Latin or Cyrillic alphabet - the capabilities of the CAS Maple core, libraries: combinat, randcomb, powerset; • When using any number of sets without taking into account the properties of the sets themselves - the capabilities of the CAS Maple core, the cartprod library, two procedures have been created. 03 General view of the application Maplet for sets tabulated occurrences
  328. The created interactive Maplets application for demonstrating the validity of

    the laws of set theory and the equality of sets when conducting classes in discrete mathematics, namely on the topic of set theory, contributes to a deeper understanding of educational material due to the visualization and interactivity of the application, practice-oriented use of information technology tools. This allows you to increase the cognitive interest of students in the study of other mathematical disciplines, raise the level of assimilation of the studied educational material, saturate the learning process with research tasks, and also form stable ICT competencies of students. Maplet for sets whose elements are letters of the Cyrillic alphabet Conclusions 04 Our results correlate with the results obtained earlier. Thus, the results obtained in the present study confirm that: • The use of information technologies in teaching discrete mathematics ensures the achievement of the set educational goals of the lesson and logically fits into the educational process; • The use of interactive applications provides intensification of learning and a differentiated approach; • Digital technologies used in teaching meet the information security requirements of the university. Maplet for sets whose elements are letters of the Latin alphabet
  329. ASEDU-IV 2024 29-31 мая 2024 года, г. Бухара, Узбекистан «ASEDU-IV

    2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Yu.A.Tempel, O.A. Tempel and E.M. Sharipova «Automation of Managerial Decision-Making in Innovative Activity of Industrial Enterprises on the Basis of Complex Assessment»
  330. Purpose of the study The aim of the work is

    to increase the efficiency and validity of management decisions made in the innovative activities of industrial enterprises through the development of an algorithmic and mathematical apparatus for an information system for automated management decision-making based on a comprehensive assessment. The object of the study is the process of innovation activity of industrial enterprises. The subject of the study is the indicators of the innovation process of industrial enterprises and the means of its automation. 03
  331. Field of study 04 The average level of production capacity

    utilization according to statistics from the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) was in February 2023: – in the extraction of mineral resources – 57%; – in manufacturing industries – 61%. 80% of managers of organizations involved in the extraction of mineral resources and 85% in manufacturing industries are confident that production facilities will satisfy the demand for products [7]. To maintain these indicators, development and investment capital in innovation are directly necessary. FIGURE 2. Level of innovation activity of organizations in the Russian Federation by types of economic activity of manufacturing production
  332. Schematic diagram of an automated information system for making management

    decisions 05 FIGURE 3. Schematic diagram of an automated information system for making management decisions based on a comprehensive assessment of innovative activities
  333. Mathematical apparatus of an automated information system 06 The assessment

    of competitiveness of innovations assumes as input parameters a set of qualitative and (or) quantitative parameters for the evaluated object, the object-analog and the (standard object) object-example (1): FО,А,E = ,        n n K K K П П П ..., , ..., , 2 1 2 1 where – the set of qualitative characteristics for the evaluated object (Fo), the object-analog (FA), the (standard object) object-example (FE); – the set of quantitative parameters for the evaluated object (FO), object-analog (FA), object-example (FE).   n П П П ..., , 2 1   n K K K ..., , 2 1 The response, that is, the output parameter of this assessment is the quality level of the assessed object (OFo) and analogue (OFA) relative to the standard. Then the competitive position field will look as shown in Fig. 4. FIGURE 4. Graphical representation of determining competitive position after assessment
  334. 07 Mathematical apparatus of an automated information system Integral assessment

    of innovation activity (calculation block - CB3) can be calculated in parallel with the assessment of competitiveness and shows the useful effect per unit of costs (2): , C C E o N(B) + =  I where IN(B) – integral indicator of the new (basic) object; ∑E – the total useful effect from product consumption, in the case of technical (product) innovation and from the process, in the case of organizational and managerial (process) innovation; C - costs of innovation creation; Co - operating costs. After the assessment of competitiveness and integral assessment of innovation activity, using the relative indicators of the base (analog) (Xob) and new (evaluated) (Xon) objects calculated in the calculation block CB1, the proposed assessment involves the calculation of the quality level (L) of the process, products, production, depending on the selected object of assessment (calculation block – (CB2). The weighting coefficients of each of the evaluated parameters in this method are determined by expert judgment. In this case, the quality level is defined as the sum of the product of weighting coefficients by the corresponding relative indicator.
  335. Parametric model of an automated information system for making management

    decisions 08 FIGURE 5. Parametric model of an automated information system for making management decisions Fig. 5 shows the following areas: CC – consumer characteristics of the object; IP – interested party; MP – manufacturer parameters. In connection with the above presented, a comprehensive assessment allows us to broadly divide management decisions into three groups. Management decisions of the first group are formed when F(x)≥1, which indicates the stable development of innovative activity of enterprises. The second group of management decisions with calculated indicators of 0,7<F(x)<1 characterizes the boundary between competitive development and the predicted decline in innovation activity. With a comprehensive indicator of innovation activity F(x)<1, a decline in development or stagnation is observed.
  336. Conclusions 09 1 According to the results of the analysis

    of the innovative activity of industrial enterprises, the most developing areas of activity can be identified - manufacturing (metalworking, production of machinery and equipment) and the oil and gas industry (mining). Therefore, the study is aimed at these industries. In turn, a review of scientific literature sources shows that there is a need to develop automated means for managing innovation activities, since there is an insufficiency of the methodological apparatus and software for its implementation to comprehensively solve problems in the field of innovation. 2 A schematic diagram and a parametric model of an automated information system for making management decisions based on a comprehensive assessment of innovation activity have been developed. The system will allow for the calculation of a comprehensive innovation indicator and graphical presentation of the results for the formation of rational management decisions. 3 A mathematical and algorithmic apparatus for assessing innovation activity has been developed based on a complex indicator, which will allow the formation of a management mechanism capable of fully using the innovative potential of industrial enterprises. 4 The predicted reduction in the complexity of calculations using the proposed apparatus will decrease by 30% due to the systematization of evaluation methods and automation of calculations. The cycle of making optimal management decisions based on the results of calculations and forming a strategy for the development of innovations at the enterprise will also probably decrease by 15-18%, since the system will offer a set of necessary measures based on the results of a comprehensive assessment and the work manager will simply need to adapt the proposed solution for a specific production.
  337. «Dynamic Characteristics of Radial Actively Lubricated Bearings with Semi-Active Control»

    IV International Conference ASEDU-IV 2024 Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education Denis Shutin and Yuri Kazakov 2024
  338. Problem statement 02 Fluid film bearings of a turbine Effects

    of active lubrication in fluid-film bearings • Reducing vibrations • Reducing friction • Improving temperature behavior • Increasing service life Semi-active control technique is more simple and less expensive than active tracking control, but its impact on dynamic behavior of the rotor system is no studied. Problems solved: • Synthesis of an semi-active controller based on ANN • Calculating bearing dynamical parameters, stiffness and damping • Analysis of how semi-active control influences rotor vibrations
  339. Solution methods 03 Actively lubricated hybrid fluid-film bearings (ALHB) Lubricant

    supply to feeding channels with independent pressure and flow control in each of them Reynolds equation Pressure distribution Flow balance equation Pressure distribution Lagrange equations Rotor dynamics Symmetrical rotor-bearing system without significant misalignments with two ALHBs, single-mass rigid rotor model Modeling equations Bearing forces and Rotor motion Stiffness and Damping Synthesis and application of an open-loop semi-active controller for ALHB
  340. Results 03 Dynamic coefficients Minimum friction Friction in ALHB depending

    on setpoint of shaft equilibrium locus Stiffness and damping coefficients vary nonlinearly depending on the shaft equilibrium setpoint, that requires detailed linear analysis, as well as studying nonlinear rotor dynamics in case of using semi-active control depending on setpoint of shaft equilibrium locus Stiffness Damping Kxx Kxy Kyx Kyy Сxx Сxy Сyx Сyy
  341. Results 03 Vibration amplitudes More centered setpoints (SP2) provide reduction

    in vibration amplitudes up to 30% compared to passive bearings (EQP). However, is also reduces benefits in friction reduction, that are maximal in the position (SP1) more distant from the bearing center. depending on setpoint of shaft equilibrium loci
  342. Results 03 Dynamic coefficients Holding minimum friction position in ALHB

    at increasing Rotation speed Stiffness and damping coefficients differ between the passive and the semi-controller bearings at lower rotation speed, but most of them tend to become equal with increasing the speed for the minimum friction setpoint at increasing the rotation speed Stiffness Damping Kxx Kxy Kyx Kyy Сxx Сxy Сyx Сyy
  343. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • Results show some positive impact

    of semi-active control in ALHBs on ensuring the stability and safety of rotor system operation by reducing vibrations • The observed reduction in vibration amplitudes is up to 30% relative to conventional passive bearings • Friction reduction contradicts to a certain extent with reduction in vibration amplitudes at lower rotations speeds, however this contradiction is resolved when the rotation speed increases. • Further nonlinear analysis of rotor dynamics on AHLBs with semi-active control is required due to significant changes in some of dynamic coefficients when changing the shaft equilibrium locus
  344. 05 Contacts Denis SHUTIN Orel State University E-mail: [email protected] The

    study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 22-79-00289 “Mechanisms of Formation and Methods for Implementing Static and Dynamic Reduction of Viscous Friction in Active Fluid Film Bearings”, https://rscf.ru/en/project/22-79-00289/
  345. «Discrete Random Variables and Their Numerical Characteristics in the Problem

    of Mastering Information Theory and Reliability» «ASEDU-IV 2024» Aleksandr Dulesov, Andrey Konovalov, Dolaan Bayyr, Roman Andreev and Natalia Dulesova
  346. Abstract The paper outlines the issues of analyzing the reliability

    of complex technical systems. At the same time, in addition to the presented probabilistic characteristics, information entropy was calculated using the K. Shannon formula. Taking into account the theory of probability and information theory, the classical theorems of addition and multiplication of probabilities are considered. Their relationships with the measure of information uncertainty (entropy) are highlighted. A set- theoretic interpretation of the basic concepts of entropy is given: consideration of compatible, incompatible, intersecting events and calculation of their corresponding entropy values. A distinctive feature of this model is the division of entropy into components related to two incompatible events with the probability of failure-free operation and the probability of failure. This allows us to avoid mixing entropies in the additive process of accounting for events. From the perspective of considering the characteristics of discrete random variables, mathematical expressions for the entropy of mathematical expectation, the distance of its total variation and the Kullback-Leibler divergence are proposed. As examples, the conditions for the applicability of entropy in the problem of reliability analysis for the subsequent comparison of states and selection of the structure of a technical system are given. 02
  347. Solution methods • Presented relation between probability of events and

    information entropy. To justify the relation it is used: - classical formula of K. Shannon; - properties entropy - one of them is that entropy is additive. • A set-theoretic treatment of the basic concepts of entropy is given: Let us propose to familiarize ourselves with operations on two events, which are equivalent to operations on their corresponding sets (The mathematical expressions presented below in a generalized form are consistent with the probability theorems and mathematical calculations of A.Y. Khinchin, as well as with the geometric interpretation of the basic operations on events using Venn diagrams). • Characteristics of discrete random variables are considered: Among the main numerical characteristics of discrete random variables, let us emphasize: - mathematical expectation; - the distance of total variation; - Kullback-Leibler divergence. 03
  348. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • Considering the role of probability

    and entropy measures, the possibilities of their application in the task of reliability monitoring and analysis are indicated by the needs in the application of digital technologies for the development of technical systems; • The calculation of not only probability according to statistical data, but also entropy is the result of the choice of network structures that meet high reliability requirements; • The presented theoretical calculations and mathematical expressions refer not only to the fulfillment of the initial stage of solution search, but also to the reference point in the application of statistical evaluations.
  349. Contacts Aleksandr Dulesov, Andrey Konovalov, Dolaan Bayyr, Roman Andreev and

    Natalia Dulesova Katanov Khakass State University, 92, Lenina ave., Abakan, 655017, Russia Khakas Technical Institute of Siberian Federal University, 27, Shchetinkina ave., Abakan, 655017, Russia E-mail: [email protected] 05
  350. «The Results of Experimental Studies on Noise Protection of Vibration

    Damping Thin- Walled Metal Structures with Discrete Rubber Inserts» «IV International Conference ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Victor Asminin, Svetlana Sazonova, Alevtina Samofalova, Anna Meshcheryakova and Roman Borovikov 29-31 May 2024 | Navoi, Uzbekistan
  351. Contacts Victor Asminin1, a), Svetlana Sazonova2, 3, b), Alevtina Samofalova1,

    c), Anna Meshcheryakova4, d) and Roman Borovikov5, e) 1Department of Life Safety and Legal Relations, Voronezh State Forestry University named after G F Morozov, 8 Timiryazev Street, Voronezh, 394087, Russia 2Department of Technosphere and Fire Safety, Voronezh State Technical University, 84 October 20th Anniversary Street, Voronezh, 394006, Russia 3Department of Life Safety, Voronezh State Pedagogical University, 86 Lenin Street, Voronezh, 394043, Russia 4Department of Automation of Production Processes, Voronezh State Forestry University named after G F Morozov, 8 Timiryazev Street, Voronezh, 394087, Russia 5Department of Forestry Mechanization and Machine Design, Voronezh State Forestry University named after G F Morozov, 8 Timiryazev Street, Voronezh, 394087, Russia a)[email protected] b)Corresponding author: [email protected] c)[email protected] d)[email protected] e)[email protected] 05
  352. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Methodology for

    Asking Control Questions and Its Application for Developing a Questionnaire for Marketing Audit of an Educational Institution» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Stanislav Gorobchenko, Sergey Meshkov, Klara Karamova, Venera Yumagulova, Natalia Melamed, Maria Taraban
  353. Problem statement • Historically, the theme of questioning originated with

    the work of Aristotle, continued in the work of Descartes, and has occupied a significant place in the work of modern thinkers, especially in work on question-and-answer logical structures. Almost every textbook on logic touches on the topic of asking questions. • The topic of the issue is considered not only from the logical side, but also from the philosophical and psychological sides, which include the works of Husserl, Heidegger, etc. Thanks to their works, it was possible to understand the diversity of aspects of the issue, but it also became clear that modern approaches do not give an exact answer to what a “question” is, all the more difficult are attempts to instrumentalize questions in creative search. • The practical result of our approach will be an analysis of how questions can be “packaged” into the form of a specific marketing analysis of a complex system. The University of Pedagogical Excellence (St. Petersburg) was chosen as a complex system, for which a range of questionnaires was developed that could provide new meaningful factual and problematic material. Thanks to him, specialist solvers were able to take a targeted and systematic look at the university’s marketing problems. 02
  354. Solution methods • The methodology for asking questions and its

    application to develop a questionnaire for a marketing audit of an educational institution is discussed. • The task is to overcome the simple formulations characteristic of the test question method and propose a question as an algorithm for studying the problem. • For these purposes, a TSIP arsenal is proposed, based on an algorithmic approach to the logic of asking a question, identifying categories of questions, including questions for complex systems, a hierarchy of questions rising from simple questions to further define the problem to thought forms that generalize and synthesize new knowledge. • It is shown that when asking questions one should proceed from a systematic approach and use the proposed question operators. • An example of the development of a marketing audit questionnaire for a teacher training university (UPE) is given. 03
  355. Conclusions Results, implementation 04 • Isolating the necessary knowledge from

    the “problem mash” that is usually faced by directors of promising development, marketing consultants, and other specialists working in the field of significant uncertainty of the future and whose main focus is on forecasting is largely determined by the quality of the questionnaires they create and the ability to highlight they contain program questions. Simple questions based on simple known checklists are not suitable in such cases, as they only increase the uncertainty in the answers. • Greater structuring of questions, from simple definitions to integral semantic thought forms, reliance on hierarchies of questions highlighting the main question operators, reliance on a systemic vision of the problem and the logic of asking program questions makes it possible to a greater extent to create effective questionnaires that fully reveal the vital functions of complex systems and to find blind spots, going beyond the “natural settings” of management when predicting the future of organizations. • Raising questions and questioning makes it possible to illuminate significant aspects of the life of organizations and gain a holistic understanding of it, as was shown in the example of UPE.
  356. Contacts Stanislav Gorobchenko, Sergey Meshkov, Klara Karamova, Venera Yumagulova, Natalia

    Melamed, Maria Taraban Higher School of Technology and Energy, Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design Baltic State Technical University "Voenmeh" named after. D.F. Ustinov Kazan Federal University Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University Saint- Petersburg University of Architecture and Civil Engineering E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  357. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «The Approaches

    in the Design of Youth Centers in the Republic of Tatarstan» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Stepan Novikov, Milyausha Tukmakova, Dinara Khusainova , Alice Napolskikh and Alexandra Orekhovskaya
  358. Problem statement In recent years, new youth centers (hereinafter YC)

    have been created in the Republic of Tatarstan to provide comfortable conditions for the development and communication of young people. YC are becoming important elements of the social infrastructure of the region, which provide various services such as consultations, trainings, sports and cultural events, etc. This helps young people develop their potential and find their place in society, create new cultural values. The state supports the design of youth centers in the Republic of Tatarstan through various programs and initiatives. For example, the program «Development of youth policy in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2024-2026». The main problem of the region is the outflow of young people to larger cities and foreign countries, this is confirmed by the reasons indicated in the article by A.R. Nagimov, such as: economic, social, educational. The purpose of the research is to identify approaches used in the design of youth centers that will increase the interest of young people. 02
  359. Solution methods The research used such theoretical methods as analysis,

    comparison, generalization, which allowed us to present and analyze approaches in the design of youth centers. The study also used the archival materials of Novikov S.V. and Tokmakova M.I. in the form of concepts and draft projects for the renovation of youth centers. The authors identified the design approaches according to which the following youth centers in the Republic of Tatarstan were analyzed: YC «Vertolet» in Kazan, YC «Yashlek» in the village of Aktanysh, YC «VYSOTA» in Leninogorsk, YC «SinEnergia» in the village of Alekseevskoye, YC «Miras» in Buinsk, YC «Mizgel» in the village of Muslyumovo. 03
  360. Conclusions Youth centers are an integral part of the infrastructure

    of a city, district or village, thanks to their renovation and rethinking of spaces, it is possible to create a «point of attraction» for modern youth and promote interest in the area where they can stay and realize their potential. The use of the identified approaches (systemic, functional, socio- cultural, environmental and scenario) in the development of renovation projects is an important aspect of creating a comfortable and attractive environment for young people. They influence the compositional solutions of the exterior and interior, the functional, spatial planning structure, the emotional perception of the place and the design object by a person, and only when all factors are taken into account, the best result is obtained by solving important design issues at its early stages. Based on the experience of designing centers in the Republic of Tatarstan, it can be concluded that the application of the identified approaches positively affects the interest of young people in the cultural life of the region and their native land, by creating a comfortable environment for them. 04 FIGURE 1. Multifunctional halls in the YC «Vertolet», Kazan: a – hall 2 fl.; b – hall 2 fl.; c – art-sport hall 1 fl.; d – headquarters of the «Movement of the First» (illustration by the authors: Khusainova D.A., Tukmakova M.I.) a) b) c) d)
  361. Contacts Stepan Novikov Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russian

    Federation E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»
  362. IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA 29-31 May 2024 «Design Thinking:

    A New Model of Artistic Design of a Modern Costume Based on the Principles of Architectural Bionics» «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education» Yulia Firsova, Elena Gilmutdinova, Vladimir Krasnoshchyokov, Klara Karamova, Lubov Yao and Aisylu Kalimullina
  363. Problem statement • Addressing the topic of shaping in clothing

    based on the laws of architectural bionics is not a new topic in design. However, the changes taking place in the modern world give reason to return to this topic and consider it in a different context: not only in terms of rational functionality, but also from the point of view of a new holistic understanding of biodesign, and its potential impact on the creative practices of architects, designers, designers, planners, etc. The authors of this article also refer to the concept of "Design thinking" as a new conceptual paradigm of modern design. Tim Brown, executive Chairman of IDEO, an award-winning designer, in his book "Change through Design," defined "design thinking" as "a human-centered approach to innovation that relies on the designer's toolkit to integrate people's needs, technology capabilities, and business success requirements." Thus, desirability, feasibility and viability are balanced to solve the most important design tasks. • The article also examines the issue of an integrative approach to projects as a unique activity of professionals in various fields. The research by Ruth Morrow, Ben Bridgens, and Louise Mackenzie "Bioprotopia" focuses on collaboration between architects, biologists, engineers, and designers. By bringing together experts from various fields, the research contributes to a holistic understanding of biodesign and its potential impact on architectural practice. Using the example of modern research, the intersections of biology, architecture and design are obvious • As a practical application of the research, the authors present the stages of artistic design of a modern costume based on the principles of architectural bionics. The proposed method of clothing design is based on the algorithm of design processes of Don Norman, an American psychologist, specialist in cognitive science, design and user engineering, teacher, co-founder, and consultant of the Nielsen Norman Group, described in his book "Design of Familiar Things" 02

    • Design thinking is an opportunity to keep up with the inevitable changes in the modern world, it's more than a processor a style, it's real innovation. • Design is usually associated with how to make things more accessible and attractive to use. However, design thinking is much more than that, and it should be present not only at the end, but also at the beginning of any innovation process. • There are many aspects of a quality product: • - Improves the quality of life today; • - improves the quality of life for years to come; • - it is simple and pleasant to master; • - reliable and does not lose value over time; • - Easy to maintain, repair and upgrade; • - safe for humans and the environment. 03

    DON NORMAN FIGURE 1. "Design thinking": the stages of the design process [10]. 03 FIGURE 2. Generated models of women's dresses with the transformation of architectural bionics forms.
  366. Conclusions Today, a new thesis from Don Norman can be

    added to Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky famous expression "Beauty will save the world": "Good design can change life for the better!" 04 • Changing the world with the help of "new" design thinking involves a holistic interdisciplinary approach to solving innovative problems. It is important that the principles of design thinking are applicable not only to physical products. These are principles that can be applied to any type and scale of problems, ranging from the order acceptance process to global global challenges. Design thinking is designed to improve the solutions that arise when designers really understand the people they are designing for. It involves taking a sensitive point of view to put yourself in the user's shoes. And understand their experience and perspectives, consider their needs in the design process. Design thinking encourages an open and exploratory approach to problem solving. This includes generating a wide range of creative and innovative ideas, exploring new perspectives, and expanding the boundaries of traditional thinking. The principle of design thinking is to adopt an empathetic, collaborative, creative and iterative approach. Solving problems effectively and innovatively by putting user needs first and encouraging an open and exploratory approach to problem solving design thinking can lead to more relevant, effective and innovative solutions.
  367. Contacts Yulia Firsova Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin

    (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia E-mail: [email protected] 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Advances in Science, Engineering and Digital Education»

    Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования» Igor Skripnik, Dmitry Savelyev, Alexey Kondrashin, Vladimir Podmarkov, Vladimir Sidorov, Tatyana Kaverzneva, Nina Rumyantseva Развитие Личности Обучающегося в Вузе и Вариант ее Оценки
  369. Актуальность 02 Рассматривается процесс развития личности обучающегося за время обучения

    в образовательной организации высшего образования (ООВО) силового министерства. Формулируется структура личности обучающегося, которая включает в себя социальные, нравственные качества, психические состояния, образования и процессы, биопсихические свойства.
  370. На основе структуры личности строится модель личности, включающая в себя

    качества, образования, состояния, свойства и процессы. Формирование личности обучающегося в учебном процессе ООВО сложный, многообразный процесс. Пути ее становления могут характеризоваться следующими формами развития: - линейной (поступательной, направленной); - выпукло-криволинейной; - вогнуто-криволинейной, которые могут видоизменяться от курса к курсу
  371. Методы решения 03 в ООВО на протяжении 5 лет обучения,

    который проводится по 4-ех балльной (2, 3, 4, 5) системе оценивания в группе и выполняется начальником курса (НК), НПС, одногруппниками по следующим показателям: профессиональная заинтересованность (пригодность) − ƒ𝟏 (НК); развитость в других сферах деятельности − ƒÐ (НК); трудолюбие − ƒÑ (НК); коллективизм − ƒÒ ; (одногруппники); работоспособность − ƒÓ (НК); средний балл успеваемости − ƒÔ ; (ставится по окончанию изучения дисциплины в учебной ведомости, НПС); тактическое мышление − ƒÕ (НПС, НК); эмоционально- волевая собранность − ƒÖ (НК, одногруппники, НПС); биопсихическая уравновешенность − ƒ× (НК, одногруппники, НПС). Значения оценок заносятся в матрицу M: 𝑀 = 𝑏11 ⋯ 𝑏1𝑘 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 𝑏Y1 ⋯ 𝑏Y𝑘 , (1) где ƒ𝟏𝒌 − значение «k» - ого показателя 1 - ого обучающегося; ƒ𝟏 − значение 1 – ого показателя у «» обучающегося;  − количество обучающихся в группе; 𝒌 − количество показателей. Обобщенную оценку эффективности деятельности обучающегося Эоб можно найти как (изменяется в диапазоне 𝟏Ö ÷ ÒÓ): Эоб = σк=𝟏 × 𝒂𝒌 ∙ ƒ𝒌 , (2) где 𝒂𝒌 − коэффициенты значимости 𝒌 − ого показателя (𝒌 = 𝟏, ×), были получены методом экспертных оценок (в совокупности равняются единице и имеют разные значения). Рассмотрен один из подходов к оценке личности обучающегося
  372. Выводы Результаты, внедрение 04 1. Соотношение личности обучающегося и его

    профессиональной подготовки может быть выполнено с использованием структуры (модели) личности специалиста. 2. Предложена одна из возможных структур личности обучающегося, а на ее основе модель личности специалиста. 3. Предложены три формы развития личности обучающихся: линейная, выпукло-криволинейная и вогнуто- криволинейная. 4. Рассмотрен один из подходов к оценке личности обучающегося в ООВО на протяжении 5 лет обучения. Подход к оценке обучающегося проводится по 4-ех балльной (2, 3, 4, 5) системе оценивания в группе и выполняется НК, НПС, одногруппниками по девяти показателям. 5. Методика быстрого чтения и развития памяти обучающихся является актуальной для увеличения качества образовательного процесса при изучении новых дисциплин и приобретения новых компетенций.
  373. Контакты Igor Skripnik Saint Petersburg University of the State Fire

    Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Saint Petersburg 05 «ASEDU-IV 2024: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования»