This was the second session of the first meeting presented by Girish Panchal.
It includes - How to do migrate Drupal from 7 to 8/9/10 and How to do upgrade from Drupal 8 to 9/10
releases in Agile • What is migration in Drupal? • Why Upgrade to Drupal 10? • Migrate from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10 • Upgrade from Drupal 8 to Drupal 10 2
where the content from the old site, converted into the desired format and is saved in the new site. • Drupal provides a powerful migration framework called "Migrate" that allows developers to define and execute data migrations. • This includes configuration (content types, vocabularies, user roles, file types, image styles, etc.) and contents (users, nodes, paragraphs, taxonomy terms etc.) 5
several security enhancements such as the removal of deprecated code and the introduction of new security features. • Long-term Support - It is planned to be a long-term support (LTS) release, which means it will be supported for an extended period. • Improved Performance – It has been shown to be up to 2x faster than Drupal 9 • New Features and Functionality - Multilingual support, Media Library, New Symfony 6 • Easier Future Upgrades - Upgrading to Drupal 10 from Drupal 9 is expected to be a straightforward process. • Improved SEO & Mobile friendly - Better URL handling, improved meta tags handling, and structured data. It is built with mobile-first approach. 6
to migrate incrementally. Let’s explore the steps to transforming your site to Drupal 10: • Audit your Drupal 7 site. ◦ Identify data and entities (content types, taxonomy, user etc.) to migrate to your new site. • Identify URL pattern, Metadata and other SEO aspects. ◦ Identify top-performing content and determine whether you’ll need to implement a redirect to maintain SEO performance. 11
full dump of your code repository, database, and file system • Migrate your site’s content. ◦ Identify content type, Taxonomy, Users etc, • Identify (List down) your themes and modules. ◦ Identify themes and module that are present in Drupal 10 and if require then prepare custom module to match Drupal 7 Requirement . 12
Migrate Drupal UI • Migrate Upgrade, Migrate Plus, and Migrate Tools (Optional) • Upgrade Status module. (Optional) • Navigate through the “Extend” tab of your site and check all these modules are available in the core. 14
your Drupal 10 website address and append /upgrade in the address bar ( grade) and follow the instructions. • Then click the ‘Continue’ button. 17
the source database credentials. • Verify the upgrade status summary of all the installed modules on your old site. • It is important to review the modules, which will not be upgraded. • Check if your Drupal 10 site will be able to work without the module. • Finally, click the ‘Perform Upgrade’ button. • Don’t proceed with the actual upgrade without installing the missing modules of Drupal 10. 19
on the size & types of content/configuration on your source site, the upgrade process may take a long time to complete. • Once it’s finished, you’re directed to the front page of the website with the message summarizing the result of your upgrade. • Now it’s done. 20
that help your website migrate effectively ◦ Upgrade Status - It gives you a list of modules and themes that need to be worked upon or are up-to-date. ◦ Drupal-Check & Upgrade Rector - it helps in fixing deprecation errors for the modules installed on your website. • Step 2 - Make sure the current version of the website is 8.8.x or 8.9.x ◦ Before upgrading the core to Drupal 9, you need to make sure that the current version of your website is 8.8.x or 8.9.x. ◦ If the current version is less than 8.8.x, the core should be first upgraded to the required minimum version. ◦ It is wiser to upgrade the core to the latest Drupal 8 version (v8.9.18) before you begin migrating the modules for Drupal 9 compatibility. 22
modules, libraries, and themes in your website ◦ Verify all the custom modules, libraries and themes, including contributed and custom that are installed on your website. ◦ Use Upgrade Status module module to about the modules/themes that are compatible with Drupal 9. ◦ Drupal-Check - It helps you to scan your website and list modules, themes as well as libraries that are using deprecated code. It also effectively suggests an alternative, if any of the functions used have been deprecated. ◦ You must upgrade them in order to functional proper. 23
themes are up-to-date ◦ If there are custom themes used in your website, you need to make sure that the themes are not using any deprecated code or errors which can cause hurdles when you are upgrading to Drupal 9. 24
your website from drupal 8.x to 9.x and then 9.x to 10.x • composer outdated "drupal/*" • composer show drupal/core-recommended • composer update "drupal/core-*" --with-all-dependencies • You may get dependency conflict while upgrading it. • To resolve that you must update the dependencies first in order to upgrade Drupal core. 25