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Please download the postdoc who wrote this code.

Vince Knight
January 27, 2016

Please download the postdoc who wrote this code.

A lightning talk given at PyCon Namibia (http://na.pycon.org/) about the Sustainable Software Institute (http://www.software.ac.uk/).

Vince Knight

January 27, 2016

More Decks by Vince Knight

Other Decks in Research


  1. Dan Katz, Inside HPC “About half the papers in recent

    issues of Science discuss findings that were made using software-intensive projects. . . ” S.J. Hettrick et al, UK Research Software Survey 2014 “7 out of 10 researchers say that research would not be possible without software.”
  2. ▶ Getting software on the research agenda ▶ Supporting communities

    that want change ▶ Increasing skills ▶ Improving software