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Testing 101: A night out with factory girl

Testing 101: A night out with factory girl

Going over factory girl basics and some of the more advanced features

Bradley Temple

July 15, 2013

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Basic Factories factory :user do username “Bob” age 30 end

    “Snapshot” of object data that’s reusable in tests
  2. Basic Factories Associations factory :post do title “Hi!” body “Hello!”

    user end Makes an object of the factory named the same thing
  3. Basic Factories Sequences factory :user do sequence(:username) { |n| “user#{n}”

    } age 30 end Automatically increments the attribute to take care of uniqueness constraints
  4. Basic Factories Attribute blocks factory :user do sequence(:username) { |n|

    “user#{n}” } age 30 password “secret” password_confirmation { |u| u.password } end
  5. Basic Factories Child Factories factory :user do sequence(:username) { |n|

    “user#{n}” } admin false factory :admin do admin true end end
  6. Stay outta the database! build_stubbed(:admin) Creates mock object based on

    attributes defined in the factory Will throw an exception if your test attempts to interact with the database at all
  7. Named Associations class Message < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :sender, class_name: “User”,

    foreign_key: “sender_id” belongs_to :recipient, class_name: “User”, foreign_key: “recipient_id” end
  8. Traits factory :user do username “Bob” age 30 trait :voting_age

    do age 18 end trait :drinking_age do age 21 end end
  9. Using Traits drinking_buddy = create(:user, :drinking_age) Method One: Called Directly

    Method Two: Child Factory factory :user do username “Bob” age 30 trait :drinking_age do age 21 end factory :drinking_buddy, :traits => [:drinking_age] end
  10. Combining Traits factory :user do username “Bob” age 30 trait

    :drinking_age do age 21 end trait :admin do admin true end factory :go_home_admin_your_drunk, :traits => [:drinking_age, :admin] end This is like factory multiple inheritance
  11. Ignored Attributes & Callbacks factory :user do sequence(:username) { |n|

    “user#{n}” } age 30 factory :user_with_posts do ignore do post_count 1 end after(:create) do |user, factory| create_list :post, factory.post_count, user: user end end end
  12. Plain old ruby objects factory :url, class: String do skip_create

    protocol “http://” host “www.google.com” port 80 trait :secure do protocol “https://” end initialize_with { new(“#{protocol} #{host}:#{port}”) } end