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Andres Almiray on Ascii Doctor

Andres Almiray on Ascii Doctor

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  1. Java developer since the beginning True believer in Open Source

    Groovy committer since 2007 Project lead of the Griffon framework Currently working for About the Speaker
  2. = Hello, Gr8conf! Doc Writer <doc@example.com> An introduction to http://asciidoc.org[AsciiDoc].

    == First Section * item 1 * item 2 [source,groovy] ---- println "Hello, World!" ----
  3. http://asciidoctor.org •  Gradle! •  Maven! •  Plain Java! •  Javascript

    (asciidoctor.js)! •  Chrome extension! •  Firefox addon! •  http://github.com/asciidoctor!
  4. build.gradle buildscript {! repositories {! maven {! url 'http://dl.bintray.com/content/aalmiray/asciidoctor’! }!

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  5. Configuration asciidoctor {! backends = [‘html5’, ‘docbook’] // more to

    come!! options = [! toc: ‘left’,! ‘toc-title’: ‘Table of Contents’,! ‘projectVersion’: project.version! ]! }! !
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    include +source code+.! *! * [source,java]! * --! * public class Main{! * public static void main(String[] args) {! * Foo.doAwesomeStuff();! * }! * }! * --! *! * @author https://github.com/asciidoctor[asciidoctor]! */! public class Foo {! public static void doAwesomeStuff() { … }! }!
  7. Want more examples? Groovy, Golo and Ceylon languages use Asciidoc

    for their documentation The Spring framework manual Asciidoctor website itself Arquillian, Weld and other JBoss sites The animals-on-covers book publisher accepts Asciidoc as a format J