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Vaclav Pech on GPars

Vaclav Pech on GPars

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  1. About me  Passionate programmer  Concurrency enthusiast  GPars

    @ Codehaus lead  Technology evangelist @ JetBrains  JetBrains Academy member http://www.jroller.com/vaclav http://twitter.com/vaclav_pech
  2. Stone age of parallel SW  Dead-locks  Live-locks 

    Race conditions  Starvation  Shared Mutable State
  3. Call closures asynchronously def isSelfPortrait = {image -> image.contains me}

    SYNC: def flag = isSelfPortrait.call(img1) ASYNC: def future = isSelfPortrait.callAsync(img1) … def flag = future.get()
  4. Asynchronous closures def resize = {img -> img.resize(64, 64)} def

    fastResize = resize.async() def resized = images.collect fastResize … createAlbum resized*.get()
  5. Fork/Join  Solve hierarchical problems  Divide and conquer 

    Merge sort, Quick sort  Tree traversal  File scan / search  … [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h] [a, b, c, d] [e, f, g, h] [a, b] [c, d] [e, f] [g, h]
  6. Fork/Join (GPars) runForkJoin(new File(“./src”)) {currentDir -> long count = 0;

    currentDir.eachFile { if (it.isDirectory()) { println "Forking a thread for $it" forkOffChild it } else { count++ } } return count + childrenResults.sum(0) } Waits for children without blocking the thread!
  7. Functional flavor Map / Reduce map, reduce, filter, min, max,

    sum, … (1..n).parallel.filter {it%2==0} .map {it ** 2} .reduce {a, b -> a + b}
  8. Dataflow Concurrency  No race-conditions  No live-locks  Deterministic

    deadlocks Completely deterministic programs BEAUTIFUL code (Jonas Bonér)
  9. Dataflow Variables task { z << x.val + y.val }

    task { x << 40 } task { y << 2 } assert 42 == z.val  Single-assignment variables with blocking read
  10. DataFlows def df = new DataFlows() task { df.z =

    df.x + df.y } task { df.x = 10 } task { df.y = 5 } assert 15 == df.z
  11. Actors  Isolated  Communicating Immutable messages  Active Pooled

    shared threads  Activities Create a new actor Send a message Receive a message Actor Actor Actor Actor Actor Actor Actor TTT Thread pool
  12. Actors use Gate Keeper Form HTTP Finger Prints Address Check

    Email Check Process Fraud Detect Response SOAP SMTP
  13. Sending messages buddy.send 10.eur buddy << new Book(title:’Groovy Recipes’, author:’Scott

    Davis’) def canChat = buddy.sendAndWait ‘Got time?’ buddy.sendAndContinue ‘Need money!’, {cash-> pocket.add cash }
  14. Stateless Actors (pure Java) class MyActor extends DynamicDispatchActor { Account

    account = ... public void onMessage(String msg) { String encripted = encrypt(msg); reply(encripted); } public void onMessage(Integer number) { reply(2 * number); } public void onMessage(Money cash) { System.out.println("Received a donation " + cash); account.deposit(cash); } }
  15. Dynamic Dispatch Actor def actor = messageHandler { when {BigDecimal

    num -> println 'Received BigDecimal'} when {String code -> compileAndRun code } when {Book book -> read book } }
  16. Creating Actors class MyActor extends AbstractPooledActor { void act() {

    def buddy = new YourActor() buddy << ‘Hi man, how\’re things?’ def response = receive() } }
  17. Creating Actors def decryptor = actor { loop { react

    {msg -> reply msg.reverse() } } } decryptor << ‘noitcA nI yvoorG’
  18. Implicit State in Actors val me = actor { loop

    { react {msg1 -> switch (msg1) { case Work: reply “I don't work so early” ; break; case Breakfast: b.eat react {msg2 → switch (msg2) { case Work: reply “OK, time to work”; w.do case Lunch: ... } } } }
  19. Choosing the Reaction react / receive {gift -> switch (gift)

    { case Money:reply ‘Thanks’;pocket gift; break case [iPhone, iPod]:child << gift; break case (BigFlat..SmallHouse):moveIn(gift); break case Clothes: putOn(gift) fits(gift)?reply ‘Thanks’:reply gift break case EXIT:stop() } }
  20. Continuation Style loop { … react { … react {/*schedule

    the block; throw CONTINUE*/ … } //Never reached } //Never reached } //Never reached
  21. Dataflow Operators operator(inputs: [stocksStream], outputs: [pricedStocks]) {stock -> def price

    = getClosing(stock, 2008) bindOutput(0, [stock: stock, price: price]) } * + <>
  22. Agent List def jugMembers = new Agent(['Me']) //add Me task

    { jugMembers.send {it.add 'Joe'} //add Joe } task { jugMembers << {it.add 'Dave'} //add Dave jugMembers << {it.add 'Alice'} //add Alice } ... println jugMembers.val
  23. Integration  Bundled with Groovy dists  Maven  Gradle

     Grape (@Grab)  Griffon plugin  Grails plugin
  24. No more threads and locks images.parallel.map { //concurrency agnostic code

    here } def myActor = actor { //concurrency agnostic code here } Identically with agents, fork/join, dataflow, …