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GURU SP - Design de aplicações orientadas a objeto

Elaine Naomi
October 27, 2018

GURU SP - Design de aplicações orientadas a objeto

Talk apresentada no Guru dia 27/10/2018

Elaine Naomi

October 27, 2018


  1. DEPRECATED PHOTO Elaine Naomi Watanabe Desenvolvedora de Software (Plataformatec) Mestre

    em Ciência da Computação (USP) github.com/elainenaomi twitter.com/elaine_nw
  2. quais são os conceitos básicos de orientação a objeto como

    identificar problemas na nossa base de código como melhorar o design do nosso código o que vamos ver?
  3. Ctrl + F / ⌘ + F para qualquer alteração

    Arquivos constantemente alterados
  4. Uso de Plain Old Ruby Object (PORO) Casos de uso

    Regras de negócio explícitas
  5. class ReserveBookService attr_reader :user, :book, :notification_service def initialize(user, book, notification_service)

    @user = user @book = book @notification_service = notification_service end def confirm! user.books << book notification_service.reservation_completed(user, book) end end
  6. Mais padrões Value Objects Form Objects Query Objects View Objects

    Policy Objects http://bit.ly/object_patterns
  7. class BooksUser < ApplicationRecord belongs_to: :book belongs_to: :user after_commit :send_notification_reservation_completed

    def send_notification_reservation_completed NotificationService.reservation_completed(user, book) end end
  8. class BooksUser < ApplicationRecord belongs_to: :book belongs_to: :user after_commit :send_notification_reservation_completed

    def send_notification_reservation_completed NotificationService.reservation_completed(user, book) end end
  9. Uma classe de persistência não deveria saber sobre notificações a

    um usuário, por ex. Que tal um Service Object para isso?
  10. class ReserveBookService attr_reader :user, :book, :notification_service def initialize(user, book, notification_service)

    @user = user @book = book @notification_service = notification_service end def confirm! user.books << book notification_service.reservation_completed(user, book) end end
  11. class FinancialReport def generate(account, file_format) case file_format when :csv file

    = FormatCSV.generate_file(account.transactions) when :xml file = XML.parse_list(account.transactions) end Mailer.send(account.email, file) end end
  12. class FinancialReport def generate(account, file_format) case file_format when :csv file

    = FormatCSV.generate_file(account.transactions) when :xml file = XML.parse_list(account.transactions) when :pdf file = PDFGenerator.create(account.transactions) end Mailer.send(account.email, file) end end edição
  13. class FinancialReport def generate(account, file_format) case file_format when :csv file

    = FormatCSV.generate_file(account.transactions) when :xml file = XML.parse_list(account.transactions) when :pdf file = PDFGenerator.create(account.transactions) end Mailer.send(account.email, file) end end
  14. class FileCreatorXML < FileCreator def create(items) XML.parse(items) end end class

    FileCreatorCSV < FileCreator def create(items) FormatCSV.generate_file(items) end end
  15. Liskov Substitution Principle (1987) Let φ(x) be a property provable

    about objects x of type T. Then φ(y) should be true for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T.
  16. Pré-condições: dados de entrada classes derivadas só podem ser mais

    permissivas Pós-condições: dados de saída classes derivadas só podem ser mais restritivas Não podemos criar comportamentos inesperados ou incorretos! O comportamento da super classe precisa ser mantido
  17. class CheckingAccount # ... def deposit(value) raise InvalidValueError if value

    <= 0 self.balance = self.balance + value end def compute_bonus self.balance = self.balance * 1.01 end end
  18. class PayrollAccount < CheckingAccount class OperationNotAllowed < StandardError; end #

    ... def compute_bonus raise OperationNotAllowed end end
  19. class PayrollAccount < CheckingAccount # ... def deposit(value) raise InvalidValueError

    if value <= 100 self.balance = self.balance + value end def compute_bonus self.balance = self.balance * 1.01 end end
  20. class PayrollAccount < CheckingAccount # ... def deposit(value) raise InvalidValueError

    if value <= 100 self.balance = self.balance + value end def compute_bonus self.balance = self.balance * 1.01 end end contrato quebrado
  21. class Rectangle attr_reader :width, :height def initialize(width, height) @width =

    width @height = height end def area width * height end end
  22. class CoffeeMachine def brew_coffee # brew coffee logic end def

    fill_coffee_beans # fill coffee beans end end
  23. class Staff attr_reader :coffee_machine def initialize @coffee_machine = CoffeeMachine.new end

    def fill_coffee_beans coffee_machine.fill_coffee_beans end end
  24. class CoffeeMachineUserInterface def brew_coffee # brew coffee logic end end

    class CoffeeMachineServiceInterface def fill_coffee_beans # fill coffee beans end end
  25. class CoffeeMachineUserInterface def brew_coffee # brew coffee logic end end

    class CoffeeMachineServiceInterface def fill_coffee_beans # fill coffee beans end end
  26. class FinancialReport def generate(account, file_format) case file_format when :csv file

    = FormatCSV.generate_file(account.transactions) when :xml file = XML.parse_list(account.transactions) when :pdf file = PDFGenerator.create(account.transactions) end Mailer.send(account.email, file) end end