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Cultural bias in design(ers) - UX Australia 2018

August 31, 2018

Cultural bias in design(ers) - UX Australia 2018


August 31, 2018


  1. Cultural bias in design(ers) Farai Madzima UX Lead at Shopify

    @farai_uxguy Can being African make me bad at design? UX Australia August 31, 2018
  2. Take your sh*t from home Put that with the sh*t

    you’ve learned here That’s gonna be a muthaf*cka
  3. Absence of trust Fear of conflict Lack of commitment Avoidance

    of accountability Inattention to results 5 dysfunctions of a team
  4. Power distance Individualism Feminine / Masculine Uncertainty avoidance Long-term orientation

    Restraint / Indulgence Hierarchical Egalitarian Individualist Collectivist Power seeking Nurturing Ambiguity creates anxiety Comfortable with ambiguity Long term first Short term first Happiness always good Happiness can be bad https://www.hofstede-insights.com/models/national-culture/
  5. Consensual Top-down Consensual Decisions are made in groups through unanimous

    agreement. Top-down Decisions are made by individuals, (usually the boss or hippo). Deciding Sweden US UK France Nigeria Kenya Zimbabwe Canada India Japan Brazil From The culture map by Erin Meyer
  6. Principles first Application first Principles first Start with the theory

    or concept. Then present the facts to back it up. Application first Start with the facts. Then share the theory that leads to the facts. Persuading Sweden US UK France Nigeria Kenya Zimbabwe Saudi Arabia Canada India From The culture map by Erin Meyer
  7. Low context High context Low context Good communication is precise,

    simple and clear. Repetition is used to clarify. High context Good communication is nuanced and layered. Speak and read between the lines. Communicating Sweden US UK France Nigeria Kenya Zimbabwe Saudi Arabia Canada India Japan Brazil From The culture map by Erin Meyer
  8. Scheduling Persuading Deciding Top-down Consensual Disagreeing Evaluating Trusting Communicating Leading

    Application first Principles first High context Low context Avoids confrontation Confrontational
  9. Confrontational Avoids confrontation Confrontational Disagreement and debates are positive for

    the team. Open confrontation is appropriate and will not negatively affect relationships. Avoids confrontation Disagreement and debates are negative for the team. Open confrontation will break group harmony and negatively affect the relationship. Disagreeing US UK France Nigeria Kenya Zimbabwe Saudi Arabia Canada India Japan Brazil From The culture map by Erin Meyer
  10. Scheduling Persuading Deciding Top-down Consensual Disagreeing Evaluating Trusting Communicating Leading

    Application first Principles first High context Low context Avoids confrontation Confrontational Indirect negative feedback Direct negative feedback
  11. Direct negative feedback Indirect negative feedback Direct negative feedback Feedback

    is frank, blunt, and honest at all times, even in front of the team. Indirect negative feedback Feedback is soft, subtle, and diplomatic and only given private. Evaluating Sweden US UK France Nigeria Kenya Zimbabwe Saudi Arabia Canada India Japan Brazil From The culture map by Erin Meyer
  12. Scheduling Persuading Deciding Top-down Consensual Disagreeing Evaluating Trusting Communicating Leading

    Application first Principles first High context Low context Avoids confrontation Confrontational Indirect negative feedback Direct negative feedback Hierarchical Egalitarian
  13. Egalitarian Hierarchical Egalitarian Low distance between boss and subordinates. Flat

    organisational structures. Hierarchical High distance between boss and subordinates. Layered and rigid organisational structures. Leading Sweden US UK France Nigeria Kenya Zimbabwe Saudi Arabia Canada India Japan Brazil From The culture map by Erin Meyer
  14. Scheduling Persuading Deciding Top-down Consensual Disagreeing Evaluating Trusting Communicating Leading

    Application first Principles first High context Low context Avoids confrontation Confrontational Indirect negative feedback Direct negative feedback Hierarchical Egalitarian Relationship-based Task-based
  15. Task-based Relationship-based Task-based Trust is built through business-related activities Relationship-based

    Trust is built through social activities. Trusting Netherlands US UK France Nigeria China Saudi Arabia Poland India Germany From The culture map by Erin Meyer Germany Finland Italy Russia Spain
  16. Scheduling Persuading Deciding Top-down Consensual Disagreeing Evaluating Trusting Communicating Leading

    Application first Principles first High context Low context Avoids confrontation Confrontational Indirect negative feedback Direct negative feedback Hierarchical Egalitarian Flexible-time Linear-time Relationship-based Task-based
  17. Linear-time Flexible-time Linear-time Plans are approached in a sequentially. One

    thing at a time. On time. Flexible-time Plans are approached in a fluid manner. Value is placed on adaptability and flexibility vs. organization. Scheduling Sweden US UK France Nigeria Kenya Zimbabwe Saudi Arabia Canada India Japan From The culture map by Erin Meyer
  18. Scheduling Persuading Deciding Top-down Consensual Disagreeing Evaluating Trusting Communicating Leading

    Application first Principles first High context Low context Avoids confrontation Confrontational Indirect negative feedback Direct negative feedback Hierarchical Egalitarian Flexible-time Linear-time Relationship-based Task-based
  19. “Culture hides more than it reveals and strangely enough, what

    it hides, it hides most effectively from its own participants.” —— Edward T. Hall
  20. Know our communicating sh*t Know our deciding sh*t Know our

    disagreeing sh*t Know our evaluating sh*t Know our leading sh*t Know our persuading sh*t Know our scheduling sh*t Know our trust sh*t Put that with the sh*t we learn wherever we go And that’s gonna be a muthaf*cka