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JavaScript is Everywhere? Cool, let's try to le...

October 19, 2013

JavaScript is Everywhere? Cool, let's try to level up programming.

Dear jQuery plugin writer, say hello to three of my friends: abstraction, actors and functional programming.

Talk given at http://jsconf.co. Notes and more details about the talk can be found here: http://mheroin.com/jsconf/. Typography and colors were borrowed from Zach Holman's "If I Only Knew This Shit in College" (http://zachholman.com/talk/if-only-i-knew-this-shit-in-college/)


October 19, 2013

More Decks by febuiles

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  1. JavaScript is a mainstream language and it’ll affect the future

    of programming Let’s try to improve a bit.
  2. [1] We Really Don’t Know How to Compute http://www.infoq.com/presentations/We-Really-Dont-Know-How-To-Compute [2]

    Up and Down the Ladder of Abstraction http://worrydream.com/LadderOfAbstraction/
  3. “According to Carl Hewitt, unlike previous models of computation, the

    Actor model was inspired by physics including general relativity and quantum mechanics.” Wikipedia
  4. “This will take a while. I better spawn 10k agents

    and let the others know about them”
  5. “This will take a while. I better spawn 10k agents

    and let the others know about them” SEND MESSAGES CREATE ACTORS PREPARE FOR NEXT MESSAGE
  6. “This will take a while. I better spawn 10k agents

    and let the others know about them” SEND MESSAGES CREATE ACTORS PREPARE FOR NEXT MESSAGE
  7. “This will take a while. I better spawn 10k agents

    and let the others know about them” SEND MESSAGES CREATE ACTORS PREPARE FOR NEXT MESSAGE
  8. [1] A Universal Modular ACTOR Formalism for Artificial Intelligence http://worrydream.com/refs/Hewitt-ActorModel.pdf

    [2] The Future of Programming http://worrydream.com/dbx/ [3] Erlang & Scala
  9. ; ;

  10. "Google uses Bayesian filtering the way Microsoft uses the if

    statement." Ex-Microsoft Employee ca. 2005