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Electron & The Windows Runtime

Electron & The Windows Runtime

Most developers are intimately familiar with macOS - many of us use Macs as our daily drivers. That said, there is a sizable number of users who might still need a USB port and are likely to run Windows.

This presentation is a primer on how your Electron app can interact with Windows to deliver a user experience that feels truly native and integrates with the operating system.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MWZw0OBNOc&t=2509s

Felix Rieseberg

January 09, 2017

More Decks by Felix Rieseberg

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Windows Runtime Facial Recognition OCR USB Devices Payment Notifications SMS

    Bluetooth 3D Printing NFC Sensors Networking Geofencing Finger Biometrics Smart Cards Crypto Flashlight Contacts Cortana Speech
  2. using Windows.Storage; using Windows.System.UserProfile; var file = await KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary.GetFileAsync(path); if

    (file != null) { await LockScreen.SetImageFileAsync(file); } Setting the Lock Screen (C#)
  3. const {LockScreen} = require('windows.system.userprofile') const {KnownFolders} = require('windows.storage') const {picturesLibrary}

    = KnownFolders picturesLibrary.getFileAsync('hello.jpg', (err, file) => { LockScreen.setImageFileAsync(file, (err) => { if (!err) { LockScreen Set! } }); Setting the Lock Screen (Node.js)