Uh, says in the manual if the fire is left unattended a... (reads manual) “giant toxic cloud monster might form.” MMP EP040 KC VS SZ Page 123/975 Fernando Puig
Uh, says in the manual if the fire is left unattended a... (reads manual) “giant toxic cloud monster might form.” MMP EP040 KC VS SZ Page 124/975 Fernando Puig
Uh, says in the manual if the fire is left unattended a... (reads manual) “giant toxic cloud monster might form.” MMP EP040 KC VS SZ Page 125/975 Fernando Puig
Uh, says in the manual if the fire is left unattended a... (reads manual) “giant toxic cloud monster might form.” MMP EP040 KC VS SZ Page 126/975 Fernando Puig
Uh, says in the manual if the fire is left unattended a... (reads manual) “giant toxic cloud monster might form.” MMP EP040 KC VS SZ Page 127/975 Fernando Puig
(CONT'D) nor a weird smoke cloud that wasn’t here yesterday but is now, will stop us from delivering the mail. MMP EP040 KC VS SZ Page 175/975 Fernando Puig
(CONT'D) nor a weird smoke cloud that wasn’t here yesterday but is now, will stop us from delivering the mail. MMP EP040 KC VS SZ Page 176/975 Fernando Puig
WALLA: What’s gonna happen to us? / Do we know what it wants? / I’m starting to feel sick already! / I’m anti- toxic! MMP EP040 KC VS SZ Page 219/975 Fernando Puig
Yes, but we’ll always have the memory of that warm, beautiful night we shared in front of the Fireplace 3000. MMP EP040 KC VS SZ Page 969/975 Fernando Puig