Laboratories, ▪ Underwriters Laboratories is a nonprofit organization dedicated to public safety. ▪ Underwriters Laboratories (UL) performs product testing for evaluation of safety risk and performance values on a vast variety of products. ▪ Additionally, UL offers third-party certification when certain standards are met. ▪ A UL listing on a product means that the product has been tested and determined that it meets UL’s requirements which are based on nationally recognized safety standards.
The ratings are described using numbers preceding the class (Class of fire) letter. ▪ Fire extinguishers are labeled to identify the classes/types of fire (Class A, B, C, D, or K) on which the extinguisher will be effective and the relative fire extinguishing effectiveness or capacity. ▪ The UL rating is commonly broken down into Class A and Class B:C ratings. For example, if an extinguisher’s label has the following rating 6A:30B:C. it provides the following information:
Fuel source for the Fire Class A: Wood, paper, cloth, plastics, trash Class B: Flammable liquids – gasoline, grease, oil, acetone, and flammable gases Class C: Electrical fires, energized electrical equipment fires Class D: Metal fires involving magnesium, sodium, potassium and sodium-potassium alloys Class K: Cooking oil fires
following rating 6A:30B:C. it provides the following information: ▪ A = Class A fire and the amount of chemicals/agent in the extinguisher equivalent to the amount of water the extinguisher holds equal to 1.25 gallons of water. The number 4 that precedes the class fire letter A is the number of equivalents. Therefore, the 6A equates to 7.5 gallons of water extinguishing capability (6 x 1.25 = 7.5). ▪ B = the amount of square footage that the extinguisher can cover or able to extinguish. The number 30 that precedes the letters B:C is the number of equivalents. Therefore, a 30B equates to being able to extinguish 30 square feet of a Class B fire. ▪ C = means agent is non-conductive and could also be used on a Class C fire.
Need? ▪ The Importance of Fire Extinguisher Tamper Seals ▪ Understanding Portable Fire Extinguishers- Use and Limitations ▪ Specifications For Wheeled Fire Extinguishers ▪ Fire Extinguisher UL Ratings: What It Means ▪ Fire Safety – Prevention, Early Warning & Emergency Plan Execution ▪ How To Operate A Fire Extinguisher ▪ Offshore Fire Extinguisher Placement & Protection