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Tabs.to presentation

Tabs.to presentation

Talk I gave at Hacker News (Aug 2011) about my startup. (Lost the original Css styles while converting)

Federico Marani

August 25, 2011

More Decks by Federico Marani

Other Decks in Technology


  1. A multiple url shortener, with a tabs interface Federico Marani

    ­ [email protected] ­ @flagZ ­ @tabsto Why? I would like to group and send urls in an intuitive way It is a simple idea that everybody understands A similar service does not exist
  2. How is it done? Service Oriented Architecture Several components: REST

    api (json based protocol) Tabs displayer Web site Offline processing Mission­critical components REST API (Scala ­ Akka) Tabs Displayer (Scala ­ Scalatra) Why: Very fast and type­safe Let it crash philosophy (akka) Micro­framework Normal components Website (Python ­ Django) Offline processing (Python ­ RabbitMQ) Why: Rapid development Good framework Realtime offline processing Distribute load and bandwidth
  3. Architecture Schema MongoDB Schema­less Fast { " _ i d

    " : O b j e c t I d ( " 1 2 3 4 5 " ) , " h a s h " : " 6 h r G L N " , " t a b s " : [ " h t t p : / / a . c o . u k / b " , " h t t p : / / b . c o m / c " ] , " t i t l e s " : [ " W e l c o m e t o s i t e A ! " , " T h e B s i t e " ] } What will come? name/tags for short url Registration system Open REST to the world Statistics Questions?