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Redshift with Django

Redshift with Django

A simplified introduction to Redshift and how can Django fit in. Talk given at DJUGL June 2017.

Federico Marani

June 13, 2017

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  1. Redshift with Django What it is and how to use

    it from our favourite web framework
  2. Redshift is an “OLAP” version of Postgresql Have to average

    1 billion values? In under 1 min? Mostly append to tables? No transactio ns or referential integrity? Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No I don’t know
  3. Performance comparison Column-oriented Row-oriented Aggregate on a single column Fast

    Slow SELECT on many columns table Fast Slow INSERT/UPDATE on single rows Slow Fast SELECT single row Slow Fast
  4. Do not try this at home - Build a CRUD

    app on Redshift (low performance) - Use Django ORM on Redshift (common ops have low performance) - Use Django migrations on Redshift (types are slightly different) - Columns are NULLable by default - Optimize it (or change tables) like you would on Postgresql